Hot Weather Disconnect Policies

Click state names for more information on disconnect policies

State Has Temp-
based Protection?
Has Date-
based Protection?
Arizona Yes 95°F and above Yes June 1 - October 15 Arizona Residential Utility Consumer Office Disconnection Rules
Arkansas Yes 95°F and above No N/A

Arkansas Suspension of Service

Arkansas Law Help - Utility Suspensions

California Yes 100°F and above No N/A CPUC Decision 20-06-003
Colorado Yes 95°F and above No N/A

Code of Colorado Regulations

Code of Colorado Regulations (2)

Delaware Yes 105°F and above Yes June 30 - September 30 3002 Regulations of Termination of Service During Extreme Conditions
District of Columbia Yes 95°F and above No N/A

DOC Procedures

Utility Resources

Disconnection Regulations

Georgia Yes 98°F and above Yes "Summer months" (no specific dates given)

Electric Disconnections

State Rules and Regulations

Illinois Yes 95°F and above Yes Summer (no specific dates indicated)

Disconnection of Service Code

Illinois Public Utilities Act

Louisiana Yes When the national weather service issues a heat warning in the summer. No N/A

General Order (1)

General Order (2)

Maryland Yes 95°F and above No N/A

Restrictions on Terminations

Fact Sheet

Mississippi Yes No electric disconnects when there is an excessive heat warning. No N/A PSC Bill of Rights
Missouri Yes 105°F and above No N/A Hot Weather Law
Nevada Yes The temperatures at which service cannot be disconnected depend on the region within the state and if the customer is elderly disabled. No N/A

Consumer Bill of Rights

NAC 704.375

New Jersey Yes 90°F or above No N/A NJ Admin Code 14:3-3A.2 - Discontinuance for nonpayment
Oklahoma Yes No disconnects when forecast to be over 101°F No N/A Electric Utility Rules
Rhode Island Yes No disconnects for any customers during a heat advisory or excessive heat warning No N/A

Public Utilities Commission Consumer Protection

Shut Off Protections

Texas Yes No disconnects when a heat advisory is in effect or has been in effect within the last 2 days. No N/A Texas Public Utilities Commission
Washington Yes No disconnects when a heat advisory, heat warning, or heat emergency issued by the national weather service is in effect. No N/A RCW 54.16.285 - Limitations on termination of utility service for residential heating and of electric or water utility service during heat-related alerts. 
Wisconsin Yes No disconnects when a heat advisory, heat warning, or heat emergency issued by the national weather service is in effect. No N/A Service Rules for Electrical Utilities