Other LIHEAP Publications

Other agencies and organizations that publish LIHEAP or low-income energy related publications are listed below, along with their most recent publications, if available.

Division of Energy Assistance/ US Department of Health and Human Services

LIHEAP information for grantees and the general public, publishes annual Reports to Congress and annual Home Energy Notebook

Congressional Research Service

Department of Energy/ Weatherization Assistance Program

  • General information about the WAP, guidance for grantees

Weatherization Assistance Program Technical Assistance Center

  • Technical information about the program for practitioners and energy conservation professionals

American Gas Association

  • Periodic reports, testimony on the need for LIHEAP


Campaign for Home Energy Assistance

  • Information to inform policy makers on the need for LIHEAP

Economic Opportunity Studies

Energy Programs Consortium

Fisher Sheehan and Colton

National Community Action Foundation

  • Updates on LIHEAP, weatherization and CSBG funding, legislative changes

National Consumer Law Center

National Energy and Utility Affordability Coalition

  • Conference presentations focus on LIHEAP, weatherization, other low-income energy programs.
  • LIHEAP Advocacy Resources

National Energy Assistance Directors’ Association