Categorical Eligibility

[Last update: 08/23/2024]

In addition to determining eligibility on the basis of income under the FPG or SMI guidelines as detailed above, states may define a household as "categorically" eligible, (Section 2605(b)(2)(A)) also referred to as "automatically" eligible, if at least one person in that household receives assistance under any of the following programs: TANF, SNAP, SSI or "certain means tested veteran's programs." As shown in this table, 23 states and two territories implemented the categorical eligibility option in 2024.






Other Qualifying Programs or Conditions

  Categorical eligibility is only used for the income verification portion of our calculation. All households must complete an application, provide copies of their heating and electric bills, and meet the other eligibility criteria. We use the same benefit determination calculation for all households.
  The benefit matrix is based on household monthly countable income and household size. All households must meet the eligibility requirements. 
California X   X    
A household in which one member is participating in one or more of the programs noted in Section 1.4 above will automatically be considered income eligible for CEAP at a benefit level not less than that provided for households with incomes between 0% to 126% of the FPG but must apply and submit a co
py of their bill in order to qualify for assistance. Under Assurance 8, (page 4 of the Model Plan) Connecticut makes payments to households where one m
ember is a recipient of TANF, State Supplemental to the Aged, Blind & Disabled, SNAP, SSI and Refugee Assistance. Please see attached the LIHEAP Allocation Plan that was approved by the committees of cognizance at the state legislature.
District of Columbia
A household where at least one member of the household receives a SNAP, TANF, or SSI benefit is categorically eligible for LIHEAP payment assistance. For the purposes of calculating the amount of the LIHEAP benefit, categorically eligible applicants must submit required LIHEAP application documentation to DOEE. DOEE calculates the LIHEAP benefit amount for a categorically eligible household according to the District of Columbia LIHEAP Benefit Matrix. Categorical eligibility for SNAP does not apply to the Emergency Mechanical System Program.
Other than the waiver of income verification for clients considered categorically eligible, the process is the same for all applicants as it relates to the intake and benefit amount. The Subrecipient ensures that applicant information is provided by the certifying agencies for TANF, SSI, and SNAP.
Georgia X X X    
Eligibility determination and benefit amounts are determined based on a point system that is used for all households. Basic eligibility requirements are the same for all households. There is no differentiation in point assignments among income-eligible households and categorically eligible households. No difference is made in payment amounts. In crisis assistance, payment is issued according to the alleviation amount as verified by the utility company to restore service, with the same maximum payment for income-eligible and categorical eligible households.
The regular heat benefit amount is determined using a heating matrix which shows an average heating cost by region in the State. The heating benefit is based on the household income, fuel type, and energy burden. Categorically eligible households must still provide verification for any additional household income and all non-financial eligibility requirements.
Income used for LIHEAP eligibility purposes is either actual household income vetted by Maine DHHS for TANF or SNAP eligibility if available fromLIHEAP applicants; documented income for households receiving TANF or SNAP if they dont have documentation of services from Maine DHHS or ifthey choose to provide income documentation; using an income banding method for households receiving TANF or SNAP that provide documentation of service receipt from Maine DHHS, but not actual vetted income; or income documentation from the established income verification period. The HEAP system of record calculates eligibility and benefit levels.
Maryland X X X X In compliance with state legislation enacted under Article II, Section 17(c) of the Maryland ConstitutionChapter 207 of the 2023 legislative session established Categorical Eligibility and automatic enrollment into Marylands Energy Assistance programs for households that have received benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Supplemental Security Income, or other means-tested veterans benefits starting in January 2024. Recipients of these benefits on an ongoing basis will be considered to be categorically income-eligible for LIHEAP and EUSP benefits. TANF and SNAP recipients who are categorically income eligible, meet all other eligibility criteria, and are in receipt of ongoing benefits will not be required to complete a separate application to receive OHEP benefits. OHEP will use the TANF, SNAP, and SSI eligibility information found in the Eligibility and Enrollment system (E&E) within the Maryland Total Human Services Integrated Network (MDTHINK) system to determine eligibility for MEAP and EUSP benefits as well as other eligibility criteria. If all energy assistance factors, including vendor information, can be collected from E&E, a regular eligibility determination is made and a payment amount is electronically issued as appropriate to either the vendor, landlord, or household. Applicants approved for a regular benefit via the Categorical Eligibility process receive an Eligibility Determination notice which confirms which OHEP benefits the applicant has been screened for, the amount of their benefit, and their right to a fair hearing. If required MEAP eligibility factors beyond income eligibility cannot be retrieved from E&E, the application will be reviewed by the Local Administering Agency. At that time, missing eligibility information will be requested from the applicant and an eligibility determination will be made.
Massachusetts     X  
Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) recipient households income and utility information are collected by the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) and data matched with LIHEAP households. DTA determines those SNAP households with limited energy burden eligible to receive an annual benefit of $21 based on their residential energy cost and affordability threshold as determined by DHCD, and issues notices accordingly. Income eligible households with no energy cost (i.e. excluding heat included in rent tenants) are not eligible to receive a H-EAT benefit.
DHCD is also exploring expanding categorical eligibility for those SNAP recipients that have the same number of household members as those on their LIHEAP application, which will include an analysis of the applicable policies and requirements.
Michigan X X X  
Michigan used CARES funding in FY20 for a LIHEAP Direct Support program in which a file share took place between MDHHS and participating energy providers, to identify categorically eligible households who were at at risk for disconnection. Michigan plans to use ARP funds to administer a similar program. Direct applications are required for all other LIHEAP program benefits.
Households determined eligible for the Subsidized Housing Energy Assistance modified LIEAP benefit whose economic and housing situation does not change would be determined LIEAP eligible for a period of five (5) years.
New York
  Other: Code A SSI defined as Code A for both federal and New York State SSI living arrangements. Code A SSI households are categorically eligible for the Heating and, Cooling, and Crisis components. Code A SSI households are not categorically eligible for Weatherization.
Northern Mariana Islands   X X X
Eligibility is based on submission of required documents to show proof of US Citizenship, proof of account holder from the utility company, proof of income, household size, and home address.
Oregon     X  
Puerto Rico
TANF households who have an active account with the PR Electric Power Authority are automatically enrolled in the Cooling Assistance. This is done considering that TANF households are among the most needed families in Puerto Rico. Participants for Crisis assistance have to submit an application requesting these benefits.
South Dakota    
Households receiving benefits through programs administered by the State of South Dakota, such as TANF, child support, shall not be required to verify the amount of those benefits because the information is accessible to LIHEAP staff. Households receiving benefits through programs administered by the State of South Dakota that have already verified household income received within the LIHEAP eligibility determination period, shall not be required to re-verify that income if the information is accessible to LIHEAP staff. Verification contained in other systems administered by the State of South Dakota is considered part of the client file. LIHEAP eligibility staff narrate how the information was verified using the worksheet and/or narrative on the LIHEAP eligibility system. LIHEAP staff request the household provide additional information regarding income or household composition if LIHEAP staff determine the request is necessary for accurately determining eligibility.
Texas X
Texas provides Categorical Eligibility for SSI and Means-Tested Veterans Programs into its program. State rules have a provision that there is to be no difference in the treatment of Categorically Eligible Households. The Department has a system for persons to submit complaints, and the monitoring reviews would also note any differences in treatment of persons that are or are not Categorically Eligible.
Vermont     X  
The use of categorical eligibility does not change LIHEAP program criteria, only certification periods.. All benefit amounts and program requirements are consistent between categorically eligible households and non-categorically eligible households. The only difference is the certification period.
Categorical eligibility is only used for the $20.01 benefits provided through the WA Basic Food Partnership (see SNAP Nominal Payments). For a standard LIHEAP benefit, eligibility is determined on a first come first serve basis.
West Virginia
A client that is not categorically eligible will receive the same application and time frame as a client that is categorically eligible. Benefit levels are programmed into our eligibility system and they are based on income, household size, cost of energy and fuel type. The distinction is made regarding applicant's categorical or non-categorical status. Receipt of other benefits are considered in determining eligibility for LIHEAP benefits. Benefits for crisis payments are based solely on the above listed criteria plus the presence of an immediate need for home heating and the lack of resources to meet the existing need. All applicants must submit a signed form for heating benefits and all crisis applicants must be interviewed.

Source: FY 2024 LIHEAP Model Plans.