Tribal Income Eligibility FY 2024

[Last updated: July 2024]

The Percent of Poverty Table below, compiled by the LIHEAP Clearinghouse, shows the percent of federal poverty guidelines (FPG) or state's median income (SMI) to be used by tribal grantees in determining eligibility for LIHEAP components in FY 2024. Although grantees can have a different poverty level for each component (crisis, cooling and weatherization), the majority use the same poverty level for all components.







Alabama Ma-Chris Lower Creek Indian Tribe 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG
Alabama Mowa Band of Choctaw Indians 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Alabama Poarch Band of Creek Indians 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Alabama United Cherokee Ani'Yun'Wiya Nation 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Alaska Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association 150 FPG   150 FPG  
Alaska Aniak Traditional Council 60 SMI   60 SMI  
Alaska Association of Village Council Presidents 150 FPG    150 FPG 150 FPG
Alaska Bristol Bay 150 FPG   150 FPG 150 FPG
Alaska Chuathbakuk Traditional Council 60 SMI   60 SMI  
Alaska Cook Inlet Tribal Council 150 FPG   150 FPG 150 FPG
Alaska Kenaitze Indian Tribe 150 FPG   150 FPG  
Alaska Orutsararmiut Native Council 150 FPG   150 FPG 150 FPG
Alaska Seldovia Village Tribe 150 FPG   150 FPG  
Alaska Sitka Tribe of Alaska 60 SMI   60 SMI 60 SMI
Alaska Tanana Dena'Nena'Henash 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Alaska Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority 150 FPG   150 FPG  
Alaska Yakutat Tlingit Tribe 60 SMI   60 SMI  
Arizona Cocopah Indian Tribe   150 FPG 150 FPG  
Arizona Colorado River Indian Tribes 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Arizona Gila River Indian Community 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Arizona Pasqua Yaqui Tribe 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Arizona Quechan Indian Tribe 150 FPG 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Arizona Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG  
Arizona San Carlos Apache Tribe 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG
Arizona The Navajo Nation 60 SMI   150 FPG  
Arizona White Mountain Apache Tribe 150 FPG  150 FPG 150 FPG  
California Karuk Tribe 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
California Berry Creek Rancheria - Tyme Maidu Tribe 60 SMI 150 FPG 150 FPG  
California Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG
California Bishop Paiute Tribe 150 FPG  60 SMI 60 SMI  
California Enterprise Rancheria 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
California Hoopa Valley Tribe 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
California Hopland Band of Pomo Indians 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
California Mooretown Rancheria 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
California Northern California Indian Development Council 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
California Pinoleville Pomo Nation 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
California Pit River Tribe 150 FPG  150 FPG 60 SMI  
California Quartz Valley Indian Reservation 60 SMI
(<11); 150 FPG (>10)
  60 SMI
(<11); 150 FPG (>10)
California Redding Rancheria 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
California Riverside-San Bernardino Indian Co. Health, Inc 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
California Round Valley Indian Tribes 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG  
California Sherwood Valley Band of Pomo Indians 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
California Southern Indian Health Council, Inc. 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
California Yurok Tribe 60 SMI   60 SMI  
Idaho Coeur d'Alene Tribe 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Idaho Nez Perce Tribe 150 FPG   150 FPG  
Idaho Shoshone Bannock Tribes 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG
Kansas United Tribes of Kansas and SE Nebraska, Inc. 150 FPG   150 FPG  
Maine Aroostook Band of Micmacs 150 FPG   150 FPG  
Maine Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians 60 SMI   60 SMI 60 SMI
Maine Passamaquoddy Tribe - Indian Township 60 SMI   60 SMI  
Maine Passamaquoddy Tribe - Pleasant Point 60 SMI   60 SMI 60 SMI
Maine Penobscot Indian Nation 60 SMI   60 SMI  
Massachusetts Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Tribal Council 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Michigan Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Michigan Intertribal Council of Michigan, Inc. 60 SMI   60 SMI 60 SMI
Michigan Keweenaw Bay Indian Community 60 SMI   60 SMI  
Michigan Little River Band of Ottawa Indians 60 SMI 60 SMI 150 FPG 150 FPG
Michigan Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Michigan Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians 150 FPG 150 FPG 125 FPG 150 FPG
Mississippi Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG  
Montana Assinioboine and Sioux Tribes (Fort Peck) 60 SMI   60 SMI 60 SMI
Montana Blackfeet Tribal Business Council 60 SMI (150 FPG)   60 SMI  60 SMI
Montana Chippewa Cree Tribe 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Montana Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Montana Fort Belknap Indian Community 60 SMI  60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Montana Northern Cheyenne Tribe 150 FPG   150 FPG  
New Jersey Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI   
New Mexico Jicarilla Apache Nation 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG
New Mexico Nambe Pueblo 150 FPG   150 FPG  
New Mexico Pueblo of Jemez 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG
New Mexico Pueblo of Laguna Utility Authority 60 SMI  60 SMI 60 SMI  
New Mexico Pueblo of Zuni 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG  
New York Seneca Nation of Indians 60 SMI (150 FPG)   60 SMI (150 FPG)  
New York St. Regis Mohawk Tribe 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
North Carolina Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians 60 SMI 60 SMI 130 FPG  
North Carolina Lumbee Nation 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
North Dakota Spirit Lake Tribe 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
North Dakota Standing Rock Sioux 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG  
North Dakota Three Affiliated Tribes 60 SMI 60 SMI 31 SMI  
North Dakota Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Oklahoma Absentee Shawnee Tribe 60 SMI 60 SMI 150 FPG  
Oklahoma Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Town 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Oklahoma Cherokee Nation 150 FPG 150 FPG 150FPG  
Oklahoma Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  60 SMI
Oklahoma Chickasaw Nation 60 SMI (150 FPG) 60 SMI (150 FPG) 60 SMI (150 FPG) 150 FPG/60 SMI
Oklahoma Choctaw Nation 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Oklahoma Citizen Potawatomi Nation 60 SMI (150 FPG) 60 SMI (150 FPG) 60 SMI (150 FPG) 60 SMI/150 FPG
Oklahoma Comanche Nation of Oklahoma 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG  
Oklahoma Delaware Nation 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Oklahoma Delaware Tribe of Indians 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Oklahoma Eastern Shawnee 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG  
Oklahoma Fort Sill Apache Tribe 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Oklahoma Kaw Nation 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Oklahoma Kialegee Tribal Town 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG
Oklahoma Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Oklahoma Kiowa Tribe 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Oklahoma Miami Tribe of Oklahoma 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Oklahoma Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Oklahoma Muscogee (Creek) Nation 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Oklahoma Osage Nation 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Oklahoma Otoe - Missouria Tribe of Indians 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Oklahoma Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG  
Oklahoma Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG  
Oklahoma Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG  
Oklahoma Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Oklahoma Sac and Fox Nation of Oklahoma 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Oklahoma Seminole Nation of Oklahoma 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Oklahoma Seneca Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Oklahoma Shawnee Tribe 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Oklahoma Thlopthlocco Tribal Town 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Oklahoma Tonkawa Tribe of Oklahoma 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Oklahoma United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Oklahoma Wichita and Affiliated Tribes 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Oklahoma Wyandotte Nation 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Oregon Confederated Tribes of Coos_Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Oregon Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians 60 SMI   60 SMI  
Oregon Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Oregon Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Oregon Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Oregon Klamath Tribes 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Rhode Island Narragansett Indian Tribe 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
South Carolina Catawba Indian Nation 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG  
South Dakota Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
South Dakota Oglala Sioux Tribe 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
South Dakota Rosebud Sioux Tribe 150 FPG 60 SMI 150 FPG 150 FPG
South Dakota Yankton Sioux 150 FPG   150 FPG 150 FPG
Utah Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG  
Utah Ute Tribe 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG  
Virginia Monacan Indian Nation 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Washington Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Washington Hoh Indian Tribe 60 SMI   60 SMI 60 SMI
Washington Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe 150 FPG   150 FPG  
Washington Kalispel Tribe of Indians 60 SMI   60 SMI  
Washington Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe 60 SMI   60 SMI  
Washington Lummi Indian Business Council 60 SMI   60 SMI  
Washington Makah Indian Tribe 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI
Washington Muckleshoot Indian Tribe 60 SMI   60 SMI  
Washington Nooksack Indian Tribe 150 FPG   150 FPG  
Washington Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe 60 SMI   60 SMI 150 FPG
Washington Quileute Indian Tribe 150 FPG   150 FPG  
Washington Quinault Indian Nation 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Washington Samish Indian Nation 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI 85 SMI
Washington Small Tribes Organization of Western Washington 60 SMI   60 SMI  
Washington South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency 60 SMI 60 SMI 150 FPG  
Washington Spokane Tribe 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG  
Washington Suquamish Indian Tribe of the Port of Madison Reservation 60 SMI 60 SMI 60 SMI  
Washington Swinomish Indian Tribal Community 60 SMI   60 SMI  
Washington Yakama Indian Nation 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG 150 FPG
Wyoming Eastern Shoshone Tribe 60 SMI   60 SMI  
Wyoming Northern Arapaho Tribe 60 SMI   60 SMI  

Note: The LIHEAP statute  (Section 2605(b)(2)(b) of Public Law 97- 35) established 150 percent of the poverty guidelines(FPG) as a maximum income level allowed in determining LIHEAP eligibility, except where 60 percent of a state's median income (SMI) is higher. Effective in FY 1995, income eligibility criteria for LIHEAP may not be set lower than 110 percent of the federal poverty income guidelines, but priority may be given to households with the highest energy costs or needs in relation to income. The federal government sets the poverty guidelines in February of every year and publishes them in the Federal Register. Grantees may adopt the year's new guidelines at any time between the date of publication in the Federal Register and the first day of the next fiscal year or by the beginning of the grantee's fiscal year, whichever is later. For LIHEAP, the majority of grantees use the prior year guidelines until the first day of the next fiscal year in order to avoid changing guidelines in the middle of their program year. Most grantees start their new fiscal year October 1; however, a few start theirs July 1 and those grantees, along with several that operate summer cooling programs, adopt the most recent guidelines in June or July.

Tables: Income guidelines, optional in FFY 2023 and mandatory in FFY 2024.