Idaho Ratepayer Funded Energy Efficiency

Idaho Ratepayer Funded Energy Efficiency

  • The largest utility, Idaho Power, has provided a yearly allocation to weatherization, which has varied from over $400,000 to $225,000. Effective June 1, 2004, funding from Idaho Power will total about $1,225,000 annually for three years, the result of a regulatory commission decision in a rate case. This annual funding level was continued by the state regulatory commission in the spring of 2007. 
  • Avista Utilities and PacifiCorp weatherization programs are funded between $100,000 and $450,000 each year. Customers with qualifying incomes can receive weatherization (insulation and air sealing) or heating system improvements.

Note: Leveraging reports do not always give a complete statewide picture. Some resources are not reported through leveraging or are under reported.


2010: $1.2 million
2009: $1.8 million
2007: $1.4 million
2006: $1.3 million
2000: $423,513
1999: $219,175
1997: $361,250
1996: $262,396
1995: $274,325