Maine Public Benefit Funds for Energy Efficiency

Maine Public Benefit Funds for Energy Efficiency

Since January 2004, Efficiency Maine has been the state's portfolio of energy conservation programs for all customer classes, including the low income through the Low-Income Appliance Replacement Program. These programs are mandated by Maine's 2002 Act to Strengthen Energy Conservation. Funding for Efficiency Maine is included in the rates of the major electric utilities, and at least 20 percent of its funds must be for low-income energy efficiency services, generally refrigerator replacement and energy efficient lighting. During FY 2010, the program delivered energy-efficient refrigerators, freezers and CFLs to 1,862 low-income households through a budget of over $1million.

Note: Leveraging reports do not always give a complete statewide picture. Some resources are not reported through leveraging or are under reported.


2007: $2 million


Act To Strengthen Energy Conservation