Benefit Levels for Heating, Cooling and Crisis FY 2024

[Last updated: March 1, 2024]



Eligibility Threshold

Heat min.

Heat max


Alabama Ma-Chris Lower Creek Indian Tribe 150 FPG $400.00 $700.00 Blankets, coats, gloves, scarfs, thermal underwear, socks
Alabama Mowa Band of Choctaw Indians 60 SMI $100.00 $300.00 no
Alabama Poarch Band of Creek Indians 60 SMI $325.00 $400.00 The Family Services Department makes referrals on behalf of clients to other programs, departments, or different sources to meet the needs of the families. When funding is available, we provide the clients with blankets, space heaters, fans, energy efficient light bulbs, weatherization preparedness items, or other needs that clients may have related to home energy needs.
Alabama United Cherokee Ani'Yun'Wiya Nation 60 SMI $50.00 $1,400.00 We purchase AC units, heaters and other items needed to satisfy personal energy needs.
Alaska Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association 150 FPG $175.00 $2,450.00 no
Alaska Aniak Traditional Council 60 SMI $850.00 $1,650.00 no
Alaska Association of Village Council Presidents 150 FPG  $400.00 $3,000.00 In-kind consists of donated items such as: clothing, cold winter gear, boots, shoes, hats, gloves, bedding, kitchenware, essential food and
beverage items from donations provided to families in need. 
In most crisis situations, (house fires, floods) families, individuals or communities will request donations from our organization and we
will host donation drives on their behalf.
Alaska Bristol Bay 150 FPG $210.00 $3,675.00 In crisis situations BBNA may provide emergency supplies such as blankets, heaters to vulnerable households.
Alaska Chuathbakuk Traditional Council 60 SMI $476.00 $952.00 no
Alaska Cook Inlet Tribal Council 150 FPG $10.00 $2,000.00 CITC will provide a household in addition to their regular heating assistance grant a one time payment for the purchase of blankets or space
heaters. This will be based on budget availability.
CITC will provide a household in addition to their regular heating assistance grant a one time weatherization kit. This will be based on
budget availability.
CITC will host an event working with local homeless shelter to support the homeless population by providing homeless care kits. 
Alaska Kenaitze Indian Tribe 150 FPG $200.00 $7,000.00 An Energy Assistance application must be submitted and documents requested/required met: services include but not limited to space
heaters, blankets, sleeping bags, homeless kit, prevention of shut off, payment of reconnect charge, wood bundles and/or housing not to exceed 7 days or the best temporary option. Determination will be made by the Social Services staff and approved by the supervisor or designee.
Alaska Orutsararmiut Native Council 150 FPG $850.00 $1,785.00 no
Alaska Seldovia Village Tribe 150 FPG $650.00 $900.00 no
Alaska Sitka Tribe of Alaska 60 SMI $350.00 $1,690.00 We will purchase furnaces, electric space heaters, and electric blankets for those who demonstrate a need.
Alaska Tanana Dena'Nena'Henash 60 SMI $672.00 $3,765.00 Supplement benefit payment made to household if additional heating assistance funds are available at the end of the season. Supplement benefit payments are calculated as a percentage of what they received in their original benefit payment to the household. May change to higher percentages, if extra funding comes in. 
Alaska Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority 150 FPG $350.00 $6,125.00 no
Alaska Yakutat Tlinget Tribe 60 SMI $715.00 $1,595.00 no
Arizona Cocopah Indian Tribe       no
Arizona Colorado River Indian Tribes 60 SMI $440.00 $550.00 no
Arizona Gila River Indian Community 60 SMI $200.00 $230.00 no
Arizona Pasqua Yaqui Tribe 60 SMI $25.00 $600.00 no
Arizona Quechan Indian Tribe 150 FPG $50.00 $250.00 no
Arizona Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community 150 FPG $300.00 $600.00 In kind: Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community provides blankets and space heaters to those that qualify.
Arizona San Carlos Apache Tribe 150 FPG $77.00 $577.00 we still work with churches, agencies, off reservation organizations who donate jackets, coats, socks, sweaters, blankets, mittens and
distributed at difference events on the reservation schools for elders, disabled, children and general population
Arizona The Navajo Nation 60 SMI $500.00 $750.00 If an applicant is determined eligible for heating assistance due to inoperable heating services the household will be provided with blankets
or space heaters to meet the heating needs.
Arizona White Mountain Apache Tribe 150 FPG  $50.00 $200.00 This will be our very first year the White Mountain Apache LIHEAP program will be providing heaters. Many homes on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation has very limited heating during the cold winter months
Califonia Karuk Tribe 60 SMI $325.00 $550.00 no
California Berry Creek Rancheria - Tyme Maidu Tribe 60 SMI $100.00 $700.00 We provide blankets and space heaters.
California Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians 150 FPG $171.00 $300.00 If space heaters and blankets are requested other than utility bill assistance or need in addition to assistance applicant may request these
California Bishop Paiute Tribe 150 FPG  $390.00 $420.00 As a back up plan we have blankets and heaters available for applicant in need during heating period.
California Enterprise Rancheria 60 SMI $100.00 $340.00 no
California Hoopa Valley Tribe 60 SMI $200.00 $390.00 no
California Hopland Band of Pomo Indians 60 SMI $144.00 $400.00 We would like to provide space heaters for the elderly
California Mooretown Rancheria 60 SMI $260.00 $500.00 Sometimes supply blankets for elders and families with children.
California Northern California Indian Development Council 60 SMI $50.00 $1,300.00 no
California Pinoleville Pomo Nation 60 SMI $500.00 $900.00 The Tribe provides donations items such as: Jackets and warm clothes to families. These items are listed as in-kind for the Head Start and
what is left is donated to the Tribe
California Pit River Tribe 150 FPG  $330.00 $1,205.00 no
California Quartz Valley Indian Reservation 60 SMI/150 FPG/100 FPG $50.00 $150.00 no
California Redding Rancheria 60 SMI $200.00 $300.00 no
California Riverside-San Bernardino Indian Co. Health, Inc 60 SMI $450.00 $800.00 no
California Round Valley Indian Tribes 150 FPG $250.00 $350.00 no
California Sherwood Valley Band of Pomo Indians 60 SMI $200.00 $400.00 no
California Southern Indian Health Council, Inc. 60 SMI $50.00 $350.00 no
California Yurok Tribe 60 SMI $400.00 $660.00 no
Idaho Coeur d'Alene Tribe 60 SMI $325.00 $3,000.00 We purchased non-electrical space heaters because the town that many of our clients live in a town that has been know to have power
outages and clients need space heaters to keep the house plumbing from freezing. We'll also be purchasing some info for weatherization. 
Idaho Nez Perce Tribe 150 FPG $325.00 $450.00 no
Idaho Shoshone Bannock Tribes 150 FPG $206.00 $2,026.00 The Consumer Services Program offers blankets, heated blankets, space heaters to low-income clients when requested. We provide
weatherization DIY packages to clients who participate in our classes to weatherize their own home. We also provide winter packages like
blankets, socks, gloves, and other warming items for elders during our elder christmas distribution. 
Kansas United Tribes of Kansas and SE Nebraska, Inc. 150 FPG $325.00 $1,050.00 If funding is available heaters and/or blankets maybe puchased for LIHEAP applicants.
Maine Aroostook Band of Micmacs 150 FPG $210.00 $2,550.00 These are made available through availablility by donation or purchase of the other awards under the same departmental programs; as well
as other departments inside and outside of the Aroostook Band of Micmacs.
Maine Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians 60 SMI $300.00 $960.00 no
Maine Passamaquoddy Tribe - Indian Township 60 SMI $250.00 $1,300.00 no
Maine Passamaquoddy Tribe - Pleasant Point 60 SMI $450.00 $1,500.00 no
Maine Penobscot Indian Nation 60 SMI $300.00 $2,600.00 Benefit levels are determined by a point system. Each point has a dollar value of $100.00 and the three variables are Income Tier, Type of
Housing and Type of Primary Fuel Source. The Benefits Matrix, Income Guidelines, Payment Matrix and Eligibilty Review and Determination
forms are attached. The Benefits Matrix shows any possible Income/Household scenario and the benefit that each Household would be awarded. 
Massachusetts Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Tribal Council 60 SMI $1,000.00 $2,200.00 Based on the severity of weather conditions we will provide emergency air conditions/fans, winter space heaters, or blankets to fuel assistance clients.
Michigan Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians 60 SMI $100.00 $375.00 no
Michigan Intertribal Council of Michigan, Inc. 60 SMI $270.00 $400.00 no
Michigan Keweenaw Bay Indian Community 60 SMI $450.00 $800.00 no
Michigan Little River Band of Ottawa Indians 60 SMI $200.00 $1,200.00 no
Michigan Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians 60 SMI $250.00 $550.00 In collaboration with other departments-furnace repair has been provided. Other funding opportunities are also looked at depending on the winter and the shortfall. 
Michigan Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians 150 FPG $600.00 $900.00 no
Mississippi Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians 150 FPG $50.00 $700.00 availablity of funds the program provided quilts, air conditioner, infra red heater, light bulbs and box fan to the eligible clients
Montana Assinioboine and Sioux Tribes (Fort Peck) 60 SMI $340.00 $1,565.00 An eligible household will have the option of using a portion of their allocation ( benefit amount ) for low-cost energy saving measure/
devices. For example the household could purchase a small electric heater or warming devices that could be used to warm only the living area of a home, which would reduce energy consumption. the limit would be $ 75.00 and would be a certificate to the housedhold. This certificate would be redeemed at the vendor for minor weatherization supplies: plastice, lath, caulk, weather strip duct tape and or/heating devices. The value of the certificate would be deducted from the household benefits the balance of which would be sent to the household energy vendor. This require the household to install their own weatherization supplies. If the household only requires a limited amount of plastic, the LIHEAP program will
purchase bulk plastic, lath, tape, etc, that will be installed by the Tribal program or the household could install it themselves. Becasue bulk purchase of these materials the cost would be minimal and would not count against the household benefits. A household deire to receive the certificate is indicated by the household on the application. 
Montana Blackfeet Tribal Business Council 60 SMI (150 FPG) $250.00 $2,380.00 no
Montana Chippewa Cree Tribe 60 SMI $150.00 $963.00 A Space Heater is provided as a form of benefits to elderly, disabled, young children and households with high energy burdens based on
dire need for extra heat to those whose home is not adequately winterized to keep the cold/freezing temperatures out of the home
Montana Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes 60 SMI $1,200.00 $1,575.00 Space Heaters and Wood.
Montana Fort Belknap Indian Community 100 FPG  $950.00 $1,500.00 Space heaters are available upon request.
Emergency firewood for homes with woodstoves in the rural areas when the propane supplier may not be able to deliver to their homes.

Montana Northern Cheyenne Tribe 150 FPG $500.00 $1,000.00 no
New Jersey Nanticoke Lenni-Lenae Tribal Nation 60 SMI $1,000.00 $5,000.00 In emergency situation, program can help with in-kind benefits not exceding $1,000.00
New Mexico Jicarilla Apache Nation 150 FPG $75.00 $1,050.00 no
New Mexico Nambe Pueblo 150 FPG $175.00 $1,375.00 no
New Mexico Pueblo of Jemez 150 FPG $60.00 $420.00 We will provide space heater, blankets and weatherization materials
New Mexico Pueblo of Laguna Utility Authority 150 FPG  $100.00 $750.00 no
New Mexico Pueblo of Zuni 150 FPG $200.00 $450.00 no
New York Seneca Nation of Indians 60 SMI (150 FPG) $185.00 $976.00 no
New York St. Regis Mohawk Tribe 60 SMI $21.00 $976.00 no
North Carolina Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians 60 SMI $600.00 $800.00 no
North Carolina Lumbee Nation 60 SMI $225.00 $525.00 Warming blankets and energy efficient portable heaters are provided to income eligible houesholds with limited or no heating source.
North Dakota Spirit Lake Tribe 60 SMI $1,344.00 $2,822.00 Temporary heating devices and/or other. consumers type goods may be provided under the emergency component only in order to protect households member from a servere loss or lack of home energy. due to high electric cost LIHEAP program for Spirit Lake Tribe will pay a
portion of the recipients electric bill only if the recipients has benefits to cover the burdern of the cost of heating bill.
Due To Coivid19 Pandempic: Loss of jobs/ no employment available and the unemployment rate in the county of Benson were Spirit
Lake Tribe Reservation is located. The LIHEAP program has and will assist those eligible for LIHEAP with addidtional benefits to there regular
LIHEAP amount and crisis if needed to no to little income in households.
The LIHEAP program:
Heater devices
Cooling Devise (repair or replace)
Shoes, Coats/Jackets, Socks
On funds available and the crisis situation for each household (as all household are different crisis).
North Dakota Standing Rock Sioux 150 FPG $495.00 $3,360.00 We will provide space heaters on an emergency basis if needed and if funds are available.
North Dakota Three Affiliated Tribes 60 SMI $2,370.00 $8,541.00 We provide space heaters and blankers to our clients when needed.
North Dakota Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians 60 SMI $400.00 $2,200.00 no
Oklahoma Absentee Shawnee Tribe 60 SMI $140.00 $480.00 no
Oklahoma Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Town 60 SMI $25.00 $350.00 Tribl funds are available for general assisstance in to tribal members who qualify.
Oklahoma Cherokee Nation 150 FPG $330.00 $960.00 LIHEAP participants will receive a blanket
Oklahoma Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes 60 SMI $1.00 $600.00 If funds are available the LIHEAP program will provide blankets, and space heaters to clients that meet the criteria for the program.
Oklahoma Chickasaw Nation 60 SMI (150 FPG) $350.00 $400.00 Blankets and/or heaters are provided to the elderly, disabled or household members with infants where the health of a household member would be adversely affected by the termination of its source of heating.
Oklahoma Choctaw Nation 60 SMI $60.00 $600.00 no
Oklahoma Citizen Potawatomi Nation 60 SMI (150 FPG) $100.00 $500.00 During Winter season, we offer space heaters for supplemental heating source. In crisis situations, blankets may also be offered plus location of nearby warming stations. In rare situations, a generator may be offered on a limited loaner basis. 
Oklahoma Comanche Nation of Oklahoma 150 FPG $40.00 $500.00 no
Oklahoma Delaware Nation 60 SMI $75.00 $200.00 Delaware Nation provides space heaters, when available, to qualifying households in the winter months when needed for supplemental home heating.
Oklahoma Delaware Tribe of Indians 60 SMI $25.00 $600.00 Benefits may be used to reimburse the purchase of emergency space heaters, fans or window a/c units. Repairing of central heating and a/c
unit is allowable with proper documentation ie. estimate of repair, if crisis funds are available, within maximum benefit guidelines. Replacement of central unit will not be considered
Oklahoma Eastern Shawnee 150 FPG $100.00 $240.00 no
Oklahoma Fort Sill Apache Tribe 60 SMI $100.00 $225.00 no
Oklahoma Kaw Nation 60 SMI $50.00 $750.00 If funding is available, these things may be purchased and given to those whose income qualifies. 
Oklahoma Kialegee Tribal Town 150 FPG $120.00 $300.00 no
Oklahoma Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma 60 SMI $350.00 $600.00 Blankets and space heaters for the families that do not have adequate heating in the household.
Oklahoma Kiowa Tribe 60 SMI $320.00 $520.00 We provide space heaters, blankets, water heaters and coat allowance gift cards to children in order to alleviate the children from cold
weather exposure. 
Oklahoma Miami Tribe of Oklahoma 60 SMI $1.00 $500.00 Items such as caulking, weather stripping, insulation, storm windows, energy saving light bulbs, fans, cooling equipment and/or systems
and repairs, DIY weatherization kits, and other miscellaneous materials including literature regarding energy conservation education are provided to applicants that do not have an adequate supply.
Oklahoma Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma 60 SMI $250.00 $400.00 Modoc families with children ages 0 through age 6 will receive a blanket from Tilte IV-B while funding is available
Oklahoma Muscogee (Creek) Nation 60 SMI $400.00 $600.00 * Space Heaters will be purchased with LIHEAP Heating funds and provided to approved heating applicants as an other form of a benefit,
if funds are available.
* At the conclusion of Heating Season, a second payment for the same amount as the original payment will be issued to each household, if
funds are available.
Oklahoma Osage Nation 60 SMI $260.00 $600.00 Osage Nation LIHEAP provides in-kind energy supplies such as space heaters, blankets and weatherization materials such as ricks of
wood if only source of heat in home
Oklahoma Otoe - Missouria Tribe of Indians 60 SMI $50.00 $500.00 no
Oklahoma Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma 150 FPG $300.00 $600.00 If funds are available, we purchase blankets, space heaters, etc. for applicants in need
Oklahoma Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma 150 FPG $200.00 $500.00 In-kind items include space heaters that are provided in the fall/winter to households with no central heating unit.
Oklahoma Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma 150 FPG $100.00 $500.00 Space heaters are provided to the elderly, families with infants, and those with medical problems during the winter months.
Oklahoma Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma 60 SMI $150.00 $750.00 The Tribe provide blankets and/or space heaters to households meeting LIHEAP eligibility requirements if funding allows.
Oklahoma Sac and Fox Nation of Oklahoma 60 SMI $200.00 $500.00 Whenever funding is available, heaters, blankets, fans or air conditioners may be purchased for Liheap applicants.
Oklahoma Seminole Nation of Oklahoma 60 SMI $100.00 $500.00 Blankets and small space heaters will be provided for qualified clients if LIHEAP funds are available.
Oklahoma Seneca Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma 60 SMI $1.00 $600.00 Eligible heating and crisis assistance clients may elect to recieve a window unit heater, space heaters, or gas/propane heaters in lieu of cash payment to an energy provider.
Oklahoma Shawnee Tribe 60 SMI $150.00 $200.00 no
Oklahoma Thlopthlocco Tribal Town 60 SMI $150.00 $550.00 We will be looking into buying small heaters and blanket for emergency preparedness.
Oklahoma Tonkawa Tribe of Oklahoma 60 SMI $125.00 $200.00 Tonkawa Tribe may provide additional assistance if fundng is available.
Oklahoma United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians 60 SMI $550.00 $600.00 The UKB Health and Human Services will provide to eligible households Propane/Natural Gas Wall Heaters, Wood Stoves (if they own
their own home), & Electric Heaters. These will be provided to eligible households and as funding allows. Priority will be given to the Elderly, Disabled, Families with young children, and households who have not received the above mentioned items in the last 3 years.
Oklahoma Wichita and Affiliated Tribes 60 SMI $123.00 $260.00 no
Oklahoma Wyandotte Nation 60 SMI $100.00 $300.00 no
Oregon Confederated Tribes of Coos_Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians 60 SMI $330.00 $850.00 Our Tribal Social Services Department can provide space heaters and blankets if needed.
Oregon Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians 60 SMI $500.00 $1,000.00 no
Oregon Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon 60 SMI $340.00 $600.00 no
Oregon Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs 60 SMI $250.00 $750.00 no
Oregon Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians 60 SMI $250.00 $750.00 no
Oregon Klamath Tribes 60 SMI $250.00 $750.00 Households in Crisis may be eligible for other services, depending on specific situations and needs, including in-kind items such as blankets, space heaters, and other emergency supplies.
Funds allotted under Section 2,"Heating Assistance" will be used only for direct energy payments to vendors. A direct payment may be made to clients, if their primary heat source is firewood heat. Proof of firewood procurement will be required in the form of a receipt; receipt(s) must be received within 60 days of check acceptance by the household.
Rhode Island Narragansett Indian Tribe 60 SMI $600.00 $650.00 Upon approval by the homeowner, space heaters and/or pellet stoves can be provided along with blankets to eligible households whose high energy burdens prevent them from maintianing adequate heating in the home.
South Carolina Catawba Indian Nation 150 FPG $200.00 $400.00 Window Units with heating
South Dakota Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe 60 SMI $300.00 $500.00 The LIHEAP will provide heaters if there is an emergency situation and if funds are available. If the Program is able to get the heaters at
a good price depending on availability and cost. We strive to get those heater to the clients who live in the country in case of bad weather the
propane truck is unable to reach them if it is an emergency situation they will at least have heater for heat. 
South Dakota Oglala Sioux Tribe 60 SMI $200.00 $600.00 Heating Component-is when distribution is completed for heaters, and weatherization supplies; plastic, lathe, caulk/caulking gun, and heat tape for water pipes.
Summer and Cooling Component- is when distribution for air conditioners, and fans.
We prioritize elder, children in home, dialysis, cancer, heart patient, respitory patients clientile as high priority. 
South Dakota Rosebud Sioux Tribe 150 FPG $100.00 $400.00 no
South Dakota Yankton Sioux 150 FPG $500.00 $700.00 space heaters
Utah Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah 150 FPG $1,000.00 $1,200.00 Will provide blankets, space heaters and cooling fans to all approved applicants.
Heating and cooling is the same matrices.
Utah Ute Tribe 150 FPG $156.00 $1,117.00 If any funds are anticipated to be unused for heating, Ute Tribe will offer other in-kind services to its applicants (blankets, space heaters,
portable cooling units)
Washington Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation 60 SMI $450.00 $450.00 We do provide space heaters and donated blankets for fire victims.
Washington Hoh Indian Tribe 60 SMI $275.00 $400.00 Blankets, window winter protection film, and space heaters
Washington Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe 150 FPG $100.00 $1,000.00 Fans, air conditioners, space heaters and blankets are provided if available.
Washington Kalispel Tribe of Indians 60 SMI $350.00 $950.00 no
Washington Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe 60 SMI $100.00 $700.00 When and if funds are available, the Tribe will provide blankets, space heaters, air conditioners, and other types of items.
Washington Lummi Indian Business Council 60 SMI $500.00 $500.00 no
Washington Makah Indian Tribe 60 SMI $125.00 $700.00 no
Washington Muckleshoot Indian Tribe 60 SMI $70.00 $350.00 no
Washington Nooksack Indian Tribe 150 FPG $350.00 $500.00 no
Washington Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe 60 SMI $1,200.00 $2,100.00  
Washington Quileute Indian Tribe 150 FPG $52.00 $400.00 Blankets and or space heaters or any other additional weatherization supplies are provided based on spending and need in the community.
Washington Quinault Indian Nation 60 SMI $700.00 $2,500.00 blankets and space heaters
Washington Samish Indian Nation 60 SMI $25.00 $1,500.00 We purchase blankets for our Elders/Persons with a Disability or a Home that has young children during the Winter months.
Washington Small Tribes Organization of Western Washington 150 FPG $500.00 $830.00 If funds are available, near the end of a fiscal cycle, we provide Energy Kits and educational materials to all eligible households. We deliver to the tribal offices in our LIHEAP Program and products are available for distribution to qualified tribal members.
Washington South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency 60 SMI $285.00 $1,000.00 no
Washington Spokane Tribe 150 FPG $600.00 $1,200.00 Program will provide blanket and space heaters in form of in kind benefits to residents who request them. The vulnerable population is targets first following by applicants applying for services. 
Washington Suquamish Indian Tribe of the Port of Madison Reservation 60 SMI $300.00 $750.00 no
Washington Swinomish Indian Tribal Community 60 SMI $360.00 $1,280.00 For clients who rely on wood heating, the tribe provides cord wood to those who are currently signed up and are eligible for energy assistance. 
Washington Yakama Indian Nation 150 FPG $260.00 $320.00 no
Wyoming Eastern Shoshone Tribe 60 SMI $553.00 $1,600.00 We provide training, self weatherization kits, blankets and space heaters.
Wyoming Northern Arapaho Tribe 60 SMI $267.00 $1,604.00 no

Source: FY 2024 Tribal LIHEAP Plans.