What reports are required? Listed below are the required reports and their due dates.
Report #1 - Carryover and Reallotment Report
By August 1 of each year, the tribe must submit a report containing the following information:
- Amount of Carryover Funds. The Carryover amount is the amount of funds the tribe wishes to use in the next fiscal year. The maximum amount a tribe may carry over to the next fiscal year is 10% of its funds payable.
- Amount for Reallotment. The Reallotment amount is the amount of funds, if any, that will not be used (obligated or carried over) by the end of the fiscal year. If there are any reallotment funds, funds over the 10 percent carryover amount that have not been obligated, they must be returned to the HHS.
Report # 2 - Report on Households Assisted (short form for tribes)
Before applications for the new fiscal year are submitted, or before September 1
- The tribe must report the number of households assisted with LIHEAP funds issued in the previous fiscal year. This report of prior year household data must be received before the application for funds for the current fiscal year is considered complete, and a grant award can be issued. Since applications are due September 1, a tribe may need to submit an estimated Households Assisted report with its application and follow up with the final report later. The tribe must report the number of households assisted in each of its LIHEAP components that was provided in its LIHEAP program. This may include household numbers for heating assistance, cooling assistance, crisis assistance, and weatherization. (States are required to report much more detailed information than tribes in their Households Assisted report.)
Report #3 – SF269A, Financial Status Report
Due December 31
- LIHEAP grantees must submit for the previous fiscal year the dollar amount of funds obligated by the grantee and the date of the last obligation of funds. For example, on December 31, 2017, a grantee must submit the amount of funds obligated in the program year from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017.Grantees must use the OMB Standard Form 269A (short form). Although the form includes spaces for additional information, LIHEAP grantees are not required to complete the entire form. SF269A forms are not required for Leveraging Incentive Award funds.
Report #4 - Audit Report
Due 30 days from receipt or 9 months after the end of the audit period (in this case, the tribe’s fiscal year.)
- The LIHEAP law requires that the program be audited every year according to the Single Audit Act requirements. Single Audit Act audits must also be made available for public inspection. Audits are to be submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse at the Bureau of Census located at 1201 E. 10th Street, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47132. Courtesy copies may be submitted to the Tribal Council and the appropriate cognizant audit agency. The “cognizant agency” is the department from which the tribe receives the most federal funds. For most tribes, the cognizant agency is the Department of the Interior.
Other Reports/Applications
The following optional programs have applications/reports due on the following dates:
- Leveraging Incentive Program – Applications/Report on Leveraged Resources due November 30.
- REACH Grant Program - Applications are usually due in the spring. The due date for applications will be announced in an Action transmittal or through the Federal Register.
For detailed information on reporting requirements, view this webinar.
Additional information and sample forms can also be found in the Grantee Resource Manual.