Just as the LIHEAP statute and regulations provide a framework for grantees to administer LIHEAP, they also provide a framework for delivery of program services. For example, seven of the 16 Assurances under Section 2605(b)govern these important aspects of program delivery:

  • Intervening in energy crises (Assurance 1B)
  • Providing low-cost weatherization and other cost-effective, energy-related home repairs (Assurance 1C)
  • (Assurance 2)
  • Conducting outreach activities (Assurance 1A ) and (Assurance 3)
  • Setting benefit levels and targeting benefits to the neediest (Assurance 5)
  • Treating renter and income-eligible households equitably without exclusions (Assurance 8)
  • Providing fair hearings to those denied assistance or not served promptly (Assurance 13)
  • Conducting optional activities to reduce home energy needs (Assurance 16)

Additionally, other sections of the statute, as well as the regulations, provide program-related definitions. They establish rules for provision of crisis assistance and weatherization activities. Specifically, Section 2604(c) establishes grantee response times to crises, and it requires provision of services at geographically accessible sites, and provision of application sites for the physically infirm. Section 2605(c)(1)(D) and Section 2605 (k)(1) contain rules governing low-cost weatherization activities, including how much of its allocation a state may use for weatherization and under what conditions it can expend up to 25 percent of its allocation through a waiver request; additional requirements regarding weatherization waiver requests are detailed at 45 CFR 96.83.