Oklahoma Ratepayer Programs

Rate Assistance
About 600,000 income-qualified customers of Oklahoma Gas and Electric and Oklahoma Natural Gas receive an estimated $12 million per year in bill credits.

Energy Efficiency

Oklahoma Gas and Electric
Weatherization Residential Assistance Program
Designed to improve the thermal envelope of income-qualified dwellings with an average cost of $1,654 per home.
Annual Funding (2014): $5.7 million
Households Served (2014): 3,465

Oklahoma Natural Gas
Energy efficiency measures.
Annual Funding (2014): $250,000
Households Served (2014): 1,000

Public Service of Oklahoma
Home Weatherization Program
Seeks to generate energy and demand savings for limited income residential customers through the installation of a wide range of cost effective weatherization and other measures in eligible dwellings.
Annual Funding (2014): $3.08 million
Households Served (2014): 1,497