Rate Assistance
- CARE (California Alternate Rates for Energy)
- 30%-35% off gas and electric utility bills for households up to 200% FPG for customers of investor owned utilities (IOUs).
- FERA (Family Electric Rate Assistance Program)
- Additional electric rate discount for households up to 250% FPG who are customers of 3 largest electric IOUs
- Sacramento Municipal Utility District
- EAPR (Energy Assistance Program Rate): Discount of 30% on monthly bills for households up to 200% FPG.
- Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
- LIDP (Low-Income Discount Program): Discount of 15%-20% on water and electric bills for households up to 200% FPG.
Energy Efficiency
- Energy Savings Assistance Program (ESAP)
- Services to customers who meet CARE income guidelines include: attic insulation, energy efficient refrigerators, energy efficient furnaces, weather stripping, caulking, low-flow showerheads, water heater blankets, and door and building envelope repairs which reduce air infiltration.
Participating Utilities
- Major Four IOUs: Pacific Gas and Electric, Southern California Edison, Southern California Gas, San Diego Gas and Electric
- CARE: Major IOUs
- FERA: Pacific Gas and Electric, Southern California Edison, and San Diego Gas and Electric
- ESAP: Major IOUs
Annual Funding (2014)
- Rate Assistance
- CARE: $1.29 billion
- FERA: $10.9 million
- EAPR: $41.3 million
- LIDR: $61 million (2013)
- Smaller Utilities: $40 million (estimate)
- Energy Efficiency
Households Served (2014)
- Rate Assistance
- CARE: 4.5 million
- FERA: 56,523
- EAPR: 108,597
- LIDR: 316,000 (2013)
- Energy Efficiency
Funding Mechanism
- Public purpose surcharge on all regulated utilities, all customer classes contribute except CARE customers are exempt
- SMUD recovers the cost of EAPR through its rate structure
- LADWP recovers the cost of LIDR through its Energy Subsidy Adjustment factor
Utilities with regulatory oversight |
- California Public Utilities Code, §739(g) (1989) (applies to investor owned utilities)
- Section 385 of the Public Utilities Act (applies to publicly owned utilities (municipals, irrigation districts)
Other Important
- AB 1890 (9/96) (continues low income programs that existed prior to restructuring