Arrears Management
  • Matching Payment Program (MPP)

    • Mandated arrearage forgiveness programs for income-eligible customers of electric and gas utilities.
      Eligibility: 60 percent of state median income
Energy Efficiency
  • Home Energy Solutions Income Eligible

    • HES-IE programs offer a full range of energy conservation measures to address inefficient lighting, water heating, inefficient heating equipment, refrigeration and insufficient insulation.
      Eligibility: 60 percent of state median income
Participating Utilities
  • Major electric utilities: Connecticut Light & Power, United Illuminating
  • Major gas utilities: Yankee Gas, Connecticut Natural Gas, Southern Connecticut Gas
Annual Funding (2014)
  • MPP
    Amount of uncollectibles which all or part were forgiven.

    • Electric utilities: $12.7 million
    • Gas utilities: $13.6 million
  • HES-IE
    • Electric utilities: $20.5 million
    • Gas utilities: $8.9 million
Households Served (2014)
  • MPP
    • Electric utilities: 6,526
    • Gas utilities: 8,328
  • HES-IE
    • Electric utilities: 19,291
    • Gas utilities: 10,551
Funding Mechanism
  • A Systems Benefits Charge, Conservation Charge and Renewable Energy Charge were combined for billing purposes into the Combined Public Benefits (CPB) Charge in 2006. The 3 mills per kWh CPB is imposed on all customer classes of the state's two investor-owned electric utilities and can be used for arrearages and to support the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund (CEEF).
  • Department of Public Utility Control allows the amount of arrearages deducted from the customer's account to be recovered by the gas company in its rates as an operating expense. The CEEF is also supported by the three regulated natural gas utilities through a conservation charge included in their rates.

Utilities with oversight by the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority

Other Important
  • Energy Efficiency Board - Conn. Gen. Stat. §§ 16-245m, 7-233y and 16-32f