Rate Assistance
- Customer Assistance for Residential Energy (CARE)
- Eligibility: NIPSCO gas customers that are LIHEAP recipients with household incomes at or below 150% FPG.
- Receive monthly discounts of 11% to 26% on bills between December and May.
- NIPSCO Hardship
- Eligibility: NIPSCO gas customers whose household incomes are between 151% and 200% FPG and have received a disconnect notice.
- Receive up to $400 in assistance between December and May.
- Universal Service Program (USP) Discounts
- Eligibility: Citizens Energy and Vectren customers that are LIHEAP recipients with household incomes at or below 150% FPG.
- Citizens Energy gas customers receive discounts of 10% to 25% between December and May; Vectren gas customers receive discounts of 15% to 32% between December and May.
- Universal Service Program (USP) Crisis
- Eligibility: Citizens Energy and Vectren customers whose household incomes are between 150% FPG and 200% FPG that need to get services reconnected or are facing shut offs during the winter.
- Citizens customer can receive up to $150; Vectren customers can receive up to $200.
Energy Efficiency
- Citizens Energy's LIWAP
- Eligibility is 200% FPG.
- Services include: home assessment, insulation, air sealing, furnace tune-ups, analysis and repair of heat ducts, and water heater systems treatment.
- Energizing Indiana's Income Qualified Weatherization (terminated as of December 31, 2014)
- Eligibility: Customers of participating utilities with household incomes at or below 200% FPG.
- Services include:home assessment, CFLs, insulation of hot water pipes, wrap and insulate electric hot water heaters, install low-flow faucets and shower heads, and air sealing.
Participating Utilities
- USP, USP Crisis: Citizens Energy and Vectren
- LIWAP: Citizens Energy
- Energizing Indiana: Duke Energy, Indiana Michigan Power, Indianapolis Power and Light Company, NIPSCO, and Vectren
Annual Funding (2014)
- Rate Assistance
- NIPSCO CARE: $2,649,634 million
- NIPSCO Hardship: $206,536
- Citizens Gas USP Discounts and Crisis: $1,101,519
- Vectren USP Discounts and Crisis: $3,307,031
- Energy Efficiency
- Citizens Energy LIWAP: $286,817
- Energizing Indiana: $6,709,524
Households Served (2014)
- Rate Assistance
- NIPSCO CARE: 32,169
- NIPSCO Hardship: 1,025
- Citizens Gas USP Discounts and Crisis: 20,320
- Vectren USP Discounts and Crisis: 25,000
- Energy Efficiency
- Citizens Energy LIWAP: 55
- Energizing Indiana
- Duke Energy: 2,647
- Indiana-Michigan Power: 1,104
- Indianapolis Power and Light: 1,715
- NIPSCO: 1,809
- Vectren: 1,355
Funding Mechanism
- NIPSCO CARE/Hardship: Through the "Gas Cost Adjustment" applied to all customers
- Citizens Energy USP/Crisis: "Customer Benefit Distribution" charge on all customers
- Vectren USP/Crisis: "Universal Fund" rider paid by all customers
- Citizens LIWAP: "Energy Efficiency Adjustment" rider
- Energizing Indiana's "Income Qualified Weatherization:"
- Duke Energy: "Energy Efficiency Revenue Adjustment" on all customers
- Indiana-Michigan Power: "DSM/EE Program Cost Rider" on all customers
- Indianapolis Power and Light: "DSM Adjustment" rider applied to all customers
- NIPSCO: "DSM Adjustment Mechanism" applied to all customers
- Vectren: "DSM Adjustment" applied to all customers
- NIPSCO CARE: Partner with Indiana LIHEAP and community action agencies
- Citizens Energy USP: Partner with Indiana LIHEAP and community action agencies
- Citizens LIWAP: Partner with Indiana WAP and community action agencies
- Vectren USP: Partner with Indiana LIHEAP and community action agencies
- Energizing Indiana's "Income Qualified Weatherization:" Community action agencies
- Rate Assistance: Indiana Code 8-1-2.5-6
- Energy Efficiency for Electric: 170 Indiana Administrative Code 4-8-3
- Energy Efficiency for Natural Gas: Indiana Code 8-1-2-48