Rate Assistance
- Electric Universal Service Program (EUSP)
- Eligibility: Customer of participating electric utilities; 175% or less FPG
- Electric bill discount ranging from 17% to 40% of annual bill, depending on income, average benefit $351
Arrears Management
- Arrearage Retirement Assistance
- Must be at least $300 or more in arrears, may not have received benefit in past 7 years (some waivers allowed); maximum benefit $2,000; average $954
Energy Efficiency
- EmPower Maryland Low Income Energy Efficiency Program (LIEEP)
- Eligibility: Customer of participating electric utility, income at or less than 200% FPG
- Attic, floor, wall insulation; hot water system improvements, lighting retrofits, furnace cleaning, tuning and safety repairs; refrigerator retrofits, health and safety
Participating Utilities
- EUSP, Arrearage Retirement and Empower Maryland
- Baltimore Gas and Electric Company; Potomac Edison Company d/b/a Allegheny Power; Potomac Electric Power Company; Delmarva Power & Light Company; and Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative
Annual Funding
- EUSP: $39.5 million
- Arrearage Retirement: $17 million
- LIEEP: $38.3 million
Households Served (2015)
- EUSP: 109,095
- Arrearage Retirement: 17,815
- LIEEP: 19,220
Funding Mechanism
- EUSP: Surcharge on all customer classes; residential customers 36%; industrial/ commercial pay 76%
- LIEEP: Surcharge on all customer classes
- EUSP and Arrearage Retirement: Dept. of Human Resources/ Office of Home Energy Programs (LIHEAP grantee)
- LIEEP: Dept. of Housing and Community Development (WAP grantee)
Other Important