Rate Assistance
Most utilities offer a discount or credit each month to eligible low-income customers. The amount of the discount is usually established in individual rate cases and can be designed to waive the residential customer charge, or to offset all or a portion of a rate increase. Most participants are LIHEAP eligible.
Arrears Management
All of the major utilities have arrearage forgiveness programs except Con Edison and Orange and Rockland.
Energy Efficiency
  • EmPower New York
    • Eligibility: Income 60% SMI or less, reside in building of 100 or fewer units, LIHEAP- eligible or participate in utility rate assistance program
    • Measures include: appliance replacement, high-efficiency lighting, insulation and other home efficiency measures, energy education
Participating Utilities
  • Rate Assistance and EmPower: Central Hudson, Consolidated Edison, National Grid, Corning, KeySpan Energy New York, KeySpan Energy Long Island, National Fuel Gas, National Grid, New York State Electric and Gas, Orange and Rockland, PSEG Long Island, Rochester Gas and Electric, and St. Lawrence
Annual Funding (2015)
Rate Assistance (includes arrearage forgiveness):

  • Central Hudson: $2.9 million electric / $ 1.3 million gas
  • Con Edison: $48.5 million electric / $10.9 million gas
  • Corning: $125,000 gas
  • Keyspan NY: $10.4 million gas
  • Keyspan LI: $4.8 million gas
  • National Fuel: $9.7 million gas
  • National Grid: $11.8 million electric / $8.3 million gas
  • New York State Electric and Gas: $9.4 million electric / $3 million gas
  • Orange & Rockland: $2.6 million electric / $1.9 million gas
  • PSEG: $3.2 million electric
  • Rochester Gas & Electric: $4.2 million electric / $2.7 million gas
  • St. Lawrence: $3.2 million electric

Energy Efficiency:

  • Single Family: $18.9 million electric / $38 million gas
  • Multi Family: $7.7 million electric / $17.6 million gas
Households Served (2015)
Rate Assistance (includes arrearage forgiveness):

  • Central Hudson: 9,450 electric / 2,150 gas
  • Con Edison: 407,249 electric / 169,906 gas
  • Corning: 2,100 gas
  • Keyspan NY: 62,400 gas
  • Keyspan LI: 30,400 gas
  • National Fuel: 88,000 gas
  • National Grid: 125,000 electric / 70,000 gas
  • New York State Electric and Gas: 52,500 electric / 15,000 gas
  • Orange & Rockland: 12,000 electric / 6,700 gas
  • PSEG: 2,200 (estimate)
  • Rochester Gas & Electric: 36,800 electric / 31,400 gas
  • St. Lawrence: 2,200 electric (estimate)

Energy Efficiency:

  • Single Family: NA
  • Multi Family: NA
Funding Mechanism
Rate Assistance: Individual rate case settlements
Energy Efficiency: System benefits charge on all customers
Rate Assistance: Utilities
Energy Efficiency: NYSERDA
PSC Opinion # 96-12, creating SBC
Other Important
Order approving Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard
NYSERDA program reports and operating plans

NYPSC Staff Program Review White Paper, details EEPS history, funding and suggestions for improvement

NYPSC Staff Report, June 2015, summary of rate assistance programs, recommendations for improvement and comments

ENERGY EFFICIENCY PORTFOLIO STANDARD (EEPS) Supplemental Revision to System Benefits Charge (SBC) Operating Plan (2012-2015)