Rate Assistance
- Customer Assistance Programs (CAPs)
- Percentage of income payment plan where customer's utility payment is based on income and/or utility bill. Some programs include arrearage forgiveness; others provide flat rate discounts or bill credits.
- Eligibility: generally at or below 150 percent of federal poverty guidelines (FPG) and customer has made a payment agreement with their utility
Energy Efficiency
- Low-Income Usage Reduction Program (LIURP)
- Services: all types of insulation, heating system treatments and replacements, water heating tank and pipe wraps, water heater replacements, compact fluorescent lighting, refrigerator replacement, water bed replacement with a form-fitted foam mattress, incidental repairs and conservation education
- Eligibility: targeted to 150 percent of FPG, up to 20 percent of annual budgets may be spent on customers with incomes between 150 percent and 200 percent of FPG
Participating Utilities
- Rate Assistance and Energy Efficiency
- 7 largest electric utilities
- 7 largest gas utilities
- 1 electric and gas utility
Annual Funding (2016)
- Rate Assistance: $296.3 million (electric); $101.2 million (gas)
- Energy Efficiency: $33.24 million (electric); $19.81 million (gas)
Households Served (2016)
- Rate Assistance: 295,250 (electric); 147,781 (gas)
- Energy Efficiency: 19,214 (electric); 7,288 (gas)
Funding Mechanism
- Rate Assistance and Energy Efficiency
Non-bypassable distribution service charges, all gas and electric residential customers contribute
- Rate Assistance: utilities and community-based organizations
- Energy Efficiency: utilities with PUC oversight
- SB 1475 (4/96) Electricity Generation Customer Choice & Competition Act
- HB 1331 (6/99) Natural Gas Choice and Competition Act
Other Important