New Jersey

Low-Income Energy Programs
Federal | State | Utility | Charitable


LIHEAP Contact
Public Inquiries: 800-510-3102

Online Application

Administering Agency Contacts 
Local Administering Agency Contacts

Weatherization Assistance Program
Local Administering Agency Contacts Website

LIHEAP FY 2024 Funding
*including additional $3,473,643 from Infrastructure and Jobs Act (IIJA), (Pub. L. 117-58)

LIHEAP Income Eligibility Level
60% State Median Income

LIHEAP FY 2024 Benefit
Heating: $118 minimum, $1,278 maximum
Cooling: $118 minimum, $1,278 maximum
Crisis: $1,500 Winter maximum
Weatherization: $12,000

LIHEAP Households Served in FY 2023
Heating: 230,760
Cooling: 41,761
Winter/Year-round Crisis: 23,701
Weatherization: 101

LIHEAP Program Dates
Heating and Cooling: October 1 - June 30
Crisis: November 1 - March 15, Weatherization: October 1- June 30


Low-Income Rate Assistance

Lifeline Assistance Program
Funded from the New Jersey general fund, Lifeline provides a credit on electric or natural gas bills of $225 per year to disabled and senior homeowners and tenants. Beneficiaries of Medical Assistance to the Aged, Medical Assistance Only, or New Jersey Care, are sent Lifeline applications automatically every August. Supplemental Security Income recipients receive Lifeline automatically. Eligibility: must meet income eligibility guidelines and be 65 years or older or at least 18 years of age and receiving Social Security Disability benefits. Lifeline Assistance Program 

Universal Service Fund 
USF is a program created by the State of New Jersey to help make natural gas and electric bills more affordable for low-income households. The USF will fund a fixed credit percentage of income payment plan under which participants will be required to pay no more than six percent of their annual income toward electric and gas bills. New Jersey electric and gas customers whose household income is equal to or less than 175 percent of the federal poverty level are eligible for the program.

Payment Assistance for Gas & Electric (PAGE)
PAGE is a state-funded utility assistance program, administered by the Affordable Housing Alliance (AHA) through select state-designated agencies. It is designed to help low-to moderate-income New Jersey households who are experiencing economic hardship and struggling to pay their electric and natural gas bills. Enrollment Date: Year-round; funds are allocated on a first-come, first served basis. Customers may qualify if:

  • they meet household income and program guidelines
  • have not received USF in the past six months or LIHEAP within the last heating season
  • have a documented notice of overdue payment or disconnect of natural gas/or electric service and have made regular payments in recent history toward their utility bills.

Applications are accepted at,and processed by, the AHA and select state-designated agencies. To get an application: apply online, call 1-732-982-8710 or visit your local participating state-designated agency (page 4).

Temporary Relief for Utility Expenses (TRUE)
Annual TRUE
Grant assistance, administered by the Affordable Housing Alliance, is intended for low- to middle-income New Jersey residents who are struggling to pay their electric and natural gas bills. The TRUE energy assistance program benefits homeowners and renters who:

  • are NJ residents
  • have not have received USF/HEA in past 12 months
  • are facing a crisis situation that includes a documented notice of overdue payment for gas and/or electric service, and
  • have a past history of making regular payments towards their utility bills.

Affordable Housing Alliance has partnered with affiliate agencies in the different counties to assist local clients in completing the application process.
For more information or application, please call 732-982-8710 or visit,

Low-Income Energy Efficiency

New Jersey Comfort Partners
A residential low-income program provided by PSE&G, Jersey Central Power & Light, Atlantic City Electric (Conectiv), Rockland Electric Company, New Jersey Natural Gas, Elizabethtown Gas and South Jersey Gas through the Societal Benefits Charge created under New Jersey's restructuring legislation. Energy efficiency measures include: efficient lighting products, hot water conservation measures, refrigerator replacement, programmable thermostats, insulation upgrades, air sealing, duct sealing and repair, and heating/cooling equipment maintenance, repair and/or replacement. Energy education and counseling and arrearage forgiveness for participants who agree to payment plans are included. Eligibility: Income at or below 175 percent of federal poverty guidelines or customers who receive Lifeline, LIHEAP, TANF, SSI, and PAAD, General Welfare Assistance, and Section 8 Housing Assistance.

  • Public Service Electric & Gas 1-888-773-8326
  • Jersey Central Power& Light 1-800-207-9276
  • Atlantic City Electric (Conectiv Power) 1-888-773-8326
  • Elizabethtown Gas 1-888-773-8326
  • NJ Natural Gas 1-800-221-0051
  • South Jersey Gas 1-888-773-8326


Emergency Charitable Assistance

Please note these charitable funds are last resort emergency funds with limited resources and limited times of operation.

New Jersey SHARES (Statewide Heating Assistance and Referral for Energy Services)
A statewide, year-round independent energy fund for individuals and families living in New Jersey who are in need of temporary help in paying their energy bills. Eligibility: Non-welfare recipient energy customers who are experiencing a financial crisis, have exhausted all other available sources of assistance and have demonstrated a good faith effort to pay their energy bills.
1-866-NJ SHARE (1-866-657-4273)

New Jersey Natural Gas
Gift of Warmth
Provides natural gas cost assistance to low income customers and those in temporary financial distress. NJNG customers can check with their local CAAs for information on eligibility for this fuel fund. This program is administered by the United Way through local Community Action Program (CAP) agencies.

  • Middlesex County - 732-828-4541
  • Monmouth County - 732-502-8855 or 732-775-4442
  • Morris County - Organization for Hispanic Affairs, Inc. 973-366-1131
  • Ocean County - Ocean, Inc. 732-244-9041