Low-Income Energy Programs
Federal | Utility | Charitable
LIHEAP Contact
Public Inquiries: 1-866-857-7095
Individuals with hearing impairments may call 711
Luzerne County: 1-800-822-0359
Wyoming County: 570-836-4090
Online Application
LIHEAP Administering Agency Contact
Local Administering Agency Contacts
Weatherization Assistance Program
Local Administering Agency Contacts
LIHEAP FY 2024 Funding
*including additional $3,405,430 from Infrastructure and Jobs Act (IIJA), (Pub. L. 117-58)
LIHEAP Income Eligibility Level
150% Federal Poverty Guidelines
Weatherization: 200% Federal Poverty Guidelines
LIHEAP FY 2024 Benefit
Heating: $300 minimum, $1,000 maximum
Crisis: $1,000 Winter maximum
LIHEAP Households Served in FY 2023
Heating: 312,165
Winter Crisis: 98,771
Weatherization: 400
LIHEAP Program Dates
Heating: November 1 - April 5
Crisis: November 1 - April 5
Weatherization: Year-round
Low-income Rate Assistance
Pennsylvania's major gas and electric utilities are required to provide Customer Assistance Programs (CAPs), which generally provide a percentage of bill plan or a percentage of income payment plan, wherein low-income customers' utility payments are based upon their incomes and/or utility bills. Some programs include utility arrearage forgiveness; others provide flat rate discounts or bill credits. Under electric and gas restructuring legislation all electric and gas utilities are required to offer universal service programs, to include CAPs, and to continue pre-restructuring low-income programs.
Low-Income Energy Efficiency
Mandated by a 1987 PUC order, the Low-Income Usage Reduction Program (LIURP) was renewed in 1992 through 1996, and continued under universal service provisions of electric and gas utility restructuring legislation. The state's 15 major gas and electric utilities participate in LIURP with a pre-restructuring funding level of about 2/10 of one percent of each utility’s total revenues. LIURP includes an education component that addresses energy savings, regular bill payment behavior and provides application assistance.
Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania
- CAP Affordable payment plans for customers with low incomes and long-term bill payment problems. Eligibility: 150%, or below, federal poverty guidelines.
- Warm Choice A free weatherization program that first identifies an energy picture of your home and then takes action to seal up areas where heat escapes. This free program is designed for customers with low incomes and high gas usage.
- Emergency Repair Fund Offers financial assistance for the repair or replacement of natural gas furnaces, water heaters, service & house lines and space heaters serving as the primary heat source for a residential dwelling. This program is designed to address emergency situations that involve unsafe service conditions for residential heat customers with low incomes, who own and are living in their home.
Duquesne Light
- Customer Assistance Program (CAP) Payment reduction based on percentage of household income and arrearage forgiveness. More information is available on Duquesne's website. To apply, call 1-888-393-7600 and a Duquesne Light representative will provide the name and telephone number of the CAP agency nearest you.
- Smart Comfort Energy audit, free weatherization measures, energy education and services and measures to reduce your electric use and lower your monthly bill. 1. Call Smart Comfort at 1-866-282-3147. When you call, please have the following information available: your 13-digit Duquesne Light account number (upper right on bill); monthly and/or yearly income of all household members and; the phone number(s) at which you can be reached. More information is available on Duquesne's website.
- CAP CAP offers a reduced bill that is based on a percentage of income, and debt forgiveness. Eligibility: at or below 150% federal poverty guidelines.
- WARM Program Met-Ed partners with community-based organizations and energy conservation contractors who perform energy-saving home improvements and energy education for customers. Contact one of the social service agencies in the county where you reside.
National Fuel Gas
- Low Income Rate Assistance (LIRA) If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can receive a discount between 10% - 70% off of the regular residential rate determined by household size and income. You can also receive matching debt forgiveness for timely bill payments up to 24 months. Call 1-800-365-3234 for more information.
- LIURP Full weatherization conservation treatments and heating system and water heater replacement. LIURP includes an education component that addresses energy savings, regular bill payment behavior and provides application assistance. LIURP includes an education component that addresses energy savings, regular bill payment behavior and provides application assistance. For more information call 814-871-8200 in the Erie area and 1-800-365-3234 in other areas.
- CAP Rate A discounted residential tariff rate for low-income customers within the PECO service territory. There are four discounted rates available to electric and gas customers. The percentage of discount is based on the gross household income of the customer.
- LIURP Through the program, weatherization measures are installed in your home and you receive conservation education. The program is free of charge. 1-800-675-0222.
- CAP Reduced monthly payment and arrearage forgiveness. Eligibility: at or below 150% of federal poverty guidelines.
- Warm Program Penelec partners with community-based organizations and energy conservation contractors who perform energy-saving home improvements and energy education for customers. Contact one of the social service agencies in the county where you reside.
Penn Power
- CAP Participating CAP customers are placed on a payment plan that requires a regular monthly payment based on a discounted rate. Eligibility: at or below 150% of federal poverty guidelines.
- WARM Program Free home energy education and weatherization assistance to help eligible low-income customers. Contact one of the social service agencies in the county where you reside.
Pennsylvania Power & Light (PPL)
Payment Assistance
- OnTrack A special payment plan that offers reduced monthly payments, protection from shutoffs and debt forgiveness. Administered by local agencies. 1-800-358-6623
- WRAP Customers may qualify for energy education, energy-efficient appliances and home weatherization services such as insulation and caulking. WRAP is administered by local agencies. 1-888-232-6302
Peoples Natural Gas
- CAP Participants make affordable payments to maintain gas service by paying between 8 and 10 percent of their total monthly before tax household income each month. If you have received a LIHEAP grant, you may be automatically eligible to participate in CAP. Call 1-800-400-WARM (9276) for more information and to see if you qualify.
- LIURP Based on income and energy usage, customers may be eligible to receive heating system retrofits, weather-stripping, caulking, insulation and other energy-saving measures. Call 1-800-764-0111 for more information.
Philadelphia Gas Works(including tribal awards)
- Customer Responsibility Program Reduced monthly billing for qualifying customers. Apply by mail or at a PGW Customer Service center year-round. 215-684-6100
- Conservation Works Services may include: diagnostic audit, energy education, energy-related home repair, thermostat with automatic clock, blower door guided shell tightening, water-heater wrap and pipe insulation, furnace filters or radiator reflectors, hot water conservation devices (if hot water heater is gas-fueled) and roof insulation. Must be enrolled in the Customer Responsibility Program.
TW Phillips Gas & Oil Co.
- Energy Help Fund The program includes benefits such as rate discounts and opportunities to reduce past due balances as timely monthly payments are made. To be eligible, household income must be at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level.
UGI Central Penn Gas
- Customer Assistance Program (CAP) The CAP offers a monthly payment based on a percentage of your household gross income, household size and usage at the property. In most cases, this program will help make UGI bills more affordable. When CAP bills are paid on or before the due date, the difference between the amount billed and the actual amount used may be forgiven. 1-800-844-9276 https://www.ugi.com/customer-services/customerassistance/cap/
- LIURP Free weatherization to qualifying low income residential customers. This could include insulation, thermal improvements of doors and/or windows, infiltration reduction, an energy efficient appliance, and high efficiency lighting. 1-800-844-9276 https://www.ugi.com/customer-services/customerassistance/liurp/
UGI Penn Natural Gas
- Customer Assistance Program (CAP) The CAP offers a monthly payment based on a percentage of your household gross income, household size and usage at the property. In most cases, this program will help make UGI bills more affordable. When CAP bills are paid on or before the due date, the difference between the amount billed and the actual amount used may be forgiven. 1-800-844-9276 www.ugi.com/customer-services/customerassistance/cap/
- LIURP Free weatherization to qualifying low income residential customers. This could include insulation, thermal improvements of doors and/or windows, infiltration reduction, an energy efficient appliance, and high efficiency lighting. 1-800-844-9276 www.ugi.com/customer-services/customerassistance/liurp/
UGI Utilities Inc. - Electric Division
- Customer Assistance Program (CAP) The CAP offers a monthly payment based on a percentage of your household gross income, household size and usage at the property. In most cases, this program will help make UGI bills more affordable. When CAP bills are paid on or before the due date, the difference between the amount billed and the actual amount used may be forgiven. 1-800-844-9276 www.ugi.com/customer-services/customerassistance/cap/
- LIURP Free weatherization to qualifying low income residential customers. This could include insulation, thermal improvements of doors and/or windows, infiltration reduction, an energy efficient appliance, and high efficiency lighting. 1-800-844-9276 \www.ugi.com/customer-services/customerassistance/liurp/
UGI Utilities Inc. - Gas Division
- Customer Assistance Program (CAP) The CAP offers a monthly payment based on a percentage of your household gross income, household size and usage at the property. In most cases, this program will help make UGI bills more affordable. When CAP bills are paid on or before the due date, the difference between the amount billed and the actual amount used may be forgiven. 1-800-844-9276 www.ugi.com/customer-services/customerassistance/cap/
- LIURP Offers free energy conservation measures to high usage, low-income households to help make energy bills more affordable. Possible energy saving measures can include ceiling insulation, floor, duct and hot water pipe insulation, caulking and weather-stripping, gas heater repairs and water flow restrictors. You must be a residential UGI customers at the same address for at least 12 months before you can qualify for these services. https://www.ugi.com/customer-services/customerassistance/liurp/
West Penn Power
- PCAP Benefits eligible customers:
- Improves ability to pay by providing affordable bills
- Eliminates pre-program debt with forgiveness credits as bills are paid
- Reduces monthly bills by up to a maximum of $80 (non-electric heat) and $200 (electric heat)
- Helps customers save energy through conservation education or efficiency measures.
- Waived late payment charges. Eligibility: 150%, or below, federal poverty guidelines.
- WARM Program Free home energy educaation and weatherization assistance to help eligible low-income customers. Contact one of the social service agencies in the county where you reside.
Emergency Charitable Assistance
Please note these charitable funds are last resort emergency funds with limited resources and limited times of operation.
Dollar Energy Hardship Fund
The $1 Energy Fund, Inc. was founded in 1983 in Western Pennsylvania by a coalition of concerned community, religious, and business leaders, and has grown to become the fourth largest fuel fund in the country, both in clients served and dollars granted. The fund partners with utility companies across Pennsylvania. Each company matches every donation dollar for dollar and makes a separate donation towards administrative expenses. Applicants should contact their local community action agency.
Philadelphia Utility Emergency Services Fund
The Philadelphia Utility Emergency Services Fund is one of the largest fuel funds in the country, providing over $2 million annually in energy crisis assistance benefits in recent years. It was created by utility companies, public officials, business leaders, and community organizations in response to increased terminations of gas, electric, and water service coupled with inadequate LIHEAP benefits. Philadelphia's three major utilities (gas, electric and water) provide a dollar-for-dollar match to every dollar raised and contribute to the fund's operating costs. Individuals can access the Utility Grant Program at any one of the UESF Intake Sites. At these sites, they can also receive access to a vast array of other energy, energy related, and other services.
National Fuel Gas Neighbor For Neighbor Heat Fund
The fund is supported by customer, employee and shareholder donations that are used for cash grants to prevent disconnection of utility service, pay current or past due energy bills or purchase home heating fuel of any kind. Eligible customers include seniors 55 years or older and households with a member that has a handicap or disability that reduces household income. Applications are screened and grants are administered by human service organizations from the 14 Northwestern Pennsylvania counties. Call your local community service agency for assistance and check the website below for more information.
Matching Energy Assistance Fund (MEAF)
MEAF is an energy assistance program that enables PECO Energy to assist low-income, residential customers in its service territory with bill payment. MEAF is a customer pledge program in which PECO matches customer contributions.
Operation Help
Funds may be used to pay any type of home heating bill (electric, natural gas, oil or coal). Funding comes from PPL, its customers, its employees and retirees. A network of 16 community groups and social service agencies across eastern and central Pennsylvania administers the program, interviews applicants and distributes funds.
Penn Power
Reach Hardship Fund
The fund is supported by employee and customer contributions that are matched with corporate funds. Payments are made directly to energy vendors of low-income customers to help with energy bills. The funds are administered by the Salvation Army.
UGI Central Penn Gas
Operation SHARE
UGI employee and company donations are distributed to payment-troubled customers to reduce bill arrearage or for emergency fuel and/or heating repair or replacement. Community based organizations throughout UGI’s service territory administer the funds.
UGI Penn Natural Gas
Operation Share
UGI employee and company donations are distributed to payment-troubled customers to reduce bill arrearage or for emergency fuel and/or heating repair or replacement. Community based organizations throughout UGI’s service territory administer the funds.
UGI Utilities, Inc. Electric Division
Operation Share
Through UGI's Operation Share, customers can help troubled families meet their energy needs. For every $2 donated, UGI adds another $1 of funding, up to $4000 per year. The Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO) administers the program and determines eligibility for assistance.
UGI Utilities, Inc. Gas Division
Operation Share
UGI employee and company donations are distributed to payment-troubled customers to reduce bill arrearage or for emergency fuel and/or heating repair or replacement. Community based organizations throughout UGI’s service territory administer the funds.
Adams Electric Cooperative
Project Helping Hand
Customer donations help less fortunate co-op members who are unable to pay their electric bills.
Central Electric Cooperative
Family Fund
Fund assists needy families or individuals who have their permanent residence on Central Electric Cooperative lines. Funds are raised through contributions from members and employees. Each fund is administered by different agencies. You must apply to each individual fund listed below:
- Allegheny County – Department of Human Services: 412-350-3911
- Armstrong County – Community Action Office: 724-548-3408
- Butler County – The Salvation Army: 724-287-5532
- Clarion County – Charitable Deeds: 814-797-0286
- Forest County – Information & Referral Service: 814-755-3552
- Venango County – Office of Economic Opportunity: 814-432-9767
The Clarion County Red Cross is the administering agency for payment of all funds. https://www.redcross.org/local/pennsylvania/greater-pennsylvania/about-us/locations.html
Centre County
Fuel Bank
For more information on how to get help paying for your heating oil, call the Centre County Community Help Line at 1-800-494-2500.
Citizen's Electric
$ Energy Fund
Eligible families must apply for all available energy assistance grants before applying to the $1 Energy Fund, and meet the grant program guidelines that include making a sincere effort of payment. Applications for the $1 Energy funds are available at the Citizens' Electric Company office, 1775 Industrial Blvd. in Lewisburg.
Claverack Electric Cooperative
Operation Round-Up
Members donations help low-income and in-need families in Claverack service territory. Contact the fund administrator, your county's Energy Assistance Office for application.
1-800-326-9799 or 570-265-2167
Montgomery County
An emergency fuel fund for eligible seniors and disabled offers one-time payments when all other programs cannot resolve an emergency. The Montgomery County Office of Aging and Adult Services (AAS) will begin taking calls about the program and screening applicants after November 3. Those applying to the program should call the AAS office at 610-278-3601.
New Enterprise REC
Family In Need Fund
Member donations provide assistance to families in need. The Center for Community Action determines eligibility for these funds.
814-766-3221 ext. 224
Northwestern Rural Electric Cooperative
Member to Member
Member donations are matched by the Co-op and the funds will be used to help benefit members who are struggling to pay their electric bill. The agencies listed below accept applications and determine who qualifies.
- Erie County St. Martins Center Union City Family Support Center 1-814-438-7550
- Venango & Forest Counties American Red Cross
- Warren County Associated Charities
- Mercer County Center for Family Services
- Crawford County Western - Center for Family Services Eastern - Associated Charities
For more information about these services, contact Consumer Services at 800-352-0014.
REA Energy Cooperative
Members Sharing With Members Fund
Member donations provide assistance to cooperative members who may be faced with an unexpected loss of income due to illness, family emergency, or other situation which may limit their ability to pay their electric bills.
724-349-4800 or 800-211-5667
Spring City and Royersford Project Outreach
A one-time-per-year emergency assistance program for Spring City and Royersford residents will provide up to 150 gallons of oil per household to residents. Project Outreach has no set guidelines.
Wellsboro Electric Company
$ Energy Fund
Provides grants to low income residential customers for electric bills. To qualify for assistance, certain guidelines must be met:
- Eligible customers must apply for all available assistance grants before appling to the $1 Energy Fund
- They must meet the grant program guidelines, including making a sincere effort of payment (at least $100 on their account in the last 90 days).
- Applicants must have a balance on their utility bill of at least $100.
Applications for aid through the $1 Energy Fund will be available at the Wellsboro Electric Office.