What You'll Find Here
The LIHEAP statute allows Indian tribes and tribal organizations that wish to assist low-income households in meeting the costs of home energy to apply for a LIHEAP block grant. As of FY 2025, 149 tribes and tribal organizations in 25 states received LIHEAP funds allowing them to directly operate LIHEAP programs. Check the links below for more information about program administration, delivery, and leveraging. The tribal manual provides specific LIHEAP information and requirements with examples of tribal practices.
This section includes both narrative descriptions and graphs related to LIHEAP funding.
This section outlines the statutory and regulatory frameworks of LIHEAP administration while detailing the many variations in administrative practices and components therein, such as contracting, fiscal management and oversight, and monitoring. It includes each tribe or tribal organization's Plan , as well as examples of materials used by tribes and tribal organizations to administer their programs (budget sheets, contracts, agreements, checklists, and monitoring tools).
By contrast, the "Delivery" section focuses on how program services are delivered with tables on such key program areas as eligibility levels, benefits, heating, cooling, crisis and weatherization component variations, and self-sufficiency initiatives such as Assurance 16.
This section details initiatives by tribes and tribal organizations to supplement LIHEAP funds with non-federal funds and other resources. It also includes example leveraging reports.
LIHEAP Grantee Resource Guide
This section contains a tribal manual that was developed by tribal representatives and federal staff from the Department of Health and Human Services as a guide to actual tribal practices. It gives several examples of how tribal programs across the country are run and acts as a primer for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program.