
Low-Income Energy Programs
Federal | Utility | Charitable


LIHEAP Contact:
Public Inquiries: 800-432-0043

Online Application

Local LIHEAP Administering Agency Contacts

Weatherization Assistance Program
Website and Local Administering Agency Contacts

LIHEAP FY 2024 Funding
*including additional $936,369 from Infrastructure and Jobs Act (IIJA), (Pub. L. 117-58)

LIHEAP Income Eligibility Level
150% Federal Poverty Level
Weatherization: 200% Federal Poverty Level

LIHEAP FY 2024 Benefit
Heating: $103 minimum, $4,301 maximum
Crisis: $4,301 maximum

LIHEAP Households Served in FY 2023
Heating: 35,391
Winter Crisis: 3,275
Weatherization: 568

LIHEAP Program Dates
Heating and Crisis: January 12 - March 29
Weatherization: April 1 - September 30


Low-Income Rate Assistance

Kansas City Power & Light
Economic Relief Program This program provides a monthly credit of $50 to individuals and seniors who qualify.
For more information, contact the local Salvation Army at (877) 566-2769, Ext. 416.

Emergency Charitable Assistance

Please note these charitable funds are last resort emergency funds with limited resources and limited times of operation.

Emergency Energy Fund
Provides up to $100, applicants are eligible to receive funds once every two years. Administered by the Salvation Army, available in Reno County. 620-669-0159

Provides payments toward heating and air conditioning bills and can go toward electricity, natural gas, propane, fuel oil or wood bills throughout Kansas. Where sufficient funds are available, grants are available for emergency repairs to furnaces, air conditioners, hot water heaters and other energy related equipment. Assistance may also be available for repairs to broken windows and doors. The elderly and disabled are given priority where funds are limited.

Atmos Energy
Sharing the Warmth
Customer donations combine with company donations to help people pay their gas bills. All donations go directly to local people in need that meet criteria established by each individual program's guidelines. To contact the energy assistance agency in your area visit

Evergy (Formelry Kansas City Power & Light)
Project DESERVE provides emergency assistance paying energy costs for people with a severe disability (children or adults meeting Social Security disability criteria), older adults (people 65 years or older) and income-eligible households.
Contact Center of Hope at 316-219-2121 or Evergy at 800-383-1183.

Kansas Gas Service
Share the Warmth Customer contributions are distributed by the Salvation Army to qualifying families.
Contact: 1-800-794-4780 or 575-8500 in Topeka or contact The Salvation Army at 1-877-566-2769, Ext. 402.

Midwest Energy, Inc.
Midwest Customers Care
Customer contributions are distributed by the Salvation Army to qualifying families.
Contact: 1-800-222-3121, or contact The Salvation Army at 1-877-566-2769, Ext. 3.

Pioneer Electric Cooperative, Inc.

  • We Care
    Employees and Trustees participating in the program make a donation from each paycheck to the fund. The money is then distributed to Pioneer Electric members who are in need as a result of illness, accident or other unforeseen event or difficult circumstance. These funds may be used at the family's discretion.
    620-356-1211 or 1-800-794-9302
  • Pioneer Electric Area Roundup (PEAR)
    Funds may be available for financial need. To receive funds, individuals must send in an application that is reviewed by the PEAR board. For questions, email Judy Parsons at jparsons@pld.com.
    An application can be submitted online or can be faxed or mailed to: Judy Parsons PEAR Coordinator P.O. Box 368 Ulysses, Kansas 67880 Fax: 620-356-4306

Westar Energy (Kansas Power & Light) 
Project Deserve
Offers bill payment assistance of up to $200 once a year. Applications can be picked up at the local Red Cross office in Reno county and must be received at the Wichita Red Cross office postmarked between the 1st and 7th day of the month.
An application form can be downloaded from the website.
Administered by the Red Cross. American Red Cross at 316-219-4000 Westar Energy at 800-383-1183 Wichita 316-383-8600