
Low-Income Energy Programs
Federal | State/County | Utility | Charitable


LIHEAP Contact
Public Inquiries: 1-800-456-3452

LIHEAP Administering Agency Contacts
Community Action Agencies

Weatherization Assistance Program
Local Administering Agency Contacts

LIHEAP FY 2024 Funding
*including additional $1,430,486 from Infrastructure and Jobs Act (IIJA), (Pub. L. 117-58)

LIHEAP Income Eligibility Level
150% Federal Poverty Level
Weatherization: 200% Federal Poverty Level

LIHEAP FY 2024 Benefit
Heating: $94 minimum, $250 maximum
Cooling: $94 minimum, $250 maximum
Crisis: Summer $400 maximum

LIHEAP Households Served in FY 2023
Heating: 71,494
Cooling: 72,634
Winter Crisis: 71,961
Weatherization: 443

LIHEAP Program Dates
Heating: November 6 - December 15 
Cooling May 1 - September 30
Crisis: January 9 - March 31
Weatherization: Year-round


Low-Income Energy Efficiency

Project WARM
Since 1982, Project WARM has provided free weatherization and energy conservation services to residents of Louisville and Jefferson County. Weatherization measures include sealing air leaks, adding attic insulation, and offering energy education. Free self-help classes on window cover installation and conservation measures are available during the winter.

Summer Cooling

  • Each summer, air conditioners are loaned to people whose health is threatened by the high heat and humidity as verified by their doctors. The program was established and operates through local donations. Available in Fayette, Bourbon, Harrison, and Nicholas Counties.
    Contact the Community Action Council, 1-800-244-2275
  • Air conditioners and fans are available in Louisville to households with incomes at 110 percent of federal poverty income guidelines or below. Households that include a member with a life-threatening medical condition are given an air conditioner and a volunteer technician to install it. Those who meet the poverty guidelines, but not the medical criteria, are given a fan.
    Contact the Louisville Metro Community Action Partnership:
    • Central District, 502-574-1157
    • East District, 502-574-1270
    • South District, 502-574-1272
    • West District, 502-574-1274



Low-Income Rate Assistance

Louisville Gas & Electric 
Home Energy Assistance
Provides a year-round fixed credit that varies by month and is based on the household's income, size and utility bills for the previous 12 months, an adjustment for monthly normal heating degree days, and any significant changes in utility pricing. The credit can be applied to arrearages.
Customers with household income at or below 110% of federal poverty guidelines must have a minimum monthly household income of $100 and household utility arrearages under $700 and to participate.
502-589-1444 or 1-800-331-7370

Kentucky Utilities
Home Energy Assistance
Eligible customers will receive a fixed amount of $294 per year in seven monthly installments of $42 that are applied to the current bill. The credit will be applied to bills during peak heating and cooling months and cannot be used to reduce arrearages.
Customers must use electric heat and have household income at or below 110% of federal poverty guideline to participate. 1-800-981-0600

Low-Income Energy Efficiency

Duke Energy
Eligible households receive a furnace/heat pump clean and tune, energy efficient light bulbs, energy saving tips and, if needed, hot water heater wrap, weather-stripping and pipe wrap. Depending on the condition of the home and its energy usage, other services may include duct sealing, wall and attic insulation and other air leakage sealing measures.
For additional information and to see if you qualify, call People Working Cooperatively (PWC) at 859-331-1991 or e-mail

Louisville Gas & Electric 
Participants receive a walk-through inspection and energy education. Many will receive HVAC and water heater system inspection, air sealing and attic insulation. Eligibility: income 125% of the federal poverty level or less, priority is given to elderly and disabled.
Please email us or call 1-800-356-5467 with questions or for direct assistance.

Kentucky Utilities 
All participants receive a walk-through inspection and energy education. Many will receive HVAC and water heater system inspection, air sealing and attic insulation. Eligibility: income equal to or less than 125% of the federal poverty level, priority is given to elderly and disabled.
Please email us or call 1-800-356-5467 with questions or for direct assistance.

Emergency Charitable Assistance

Please note these charitable funds are last resort emergency funds with limited resources and limited times of operation.

Atmos Energy 
Sharing the Warmth
Customer donations combine with company donations to help people pay their gas bills. All donations go directly to local people in need that meet criteria established by each individual program's guidelines.
To contact the energy assistance agency in your area visit

Duke Energy
WinterCare Fund
Eligible customers will receive a one-time payment available November through March or until funds are depleted. For additional information or to apply for assistance, please contact the Northern Kentucky Community Action Commission at 1-800-456-3452 or 1-800-372-2973

Kentucky Utilities
WinterCare Fund
In 1984, the Kentucky Public Service Commission mandated that regulated utilities participate in WinterCare or develop acceptable alternatives. Currently 31 utilities and 22 community action agencies (CAAs) serving 119 of the state's 120 counties participate in WinterCare.
Contact your local community action agency,

Louisville Gas & Electric

  • Winterhelp
    Helps low-income customers pay their heating bills. LG&E will match residential customers' donations to Community Winterhelp on a dollar-for-dollar basis through April. Applications are accepted in early February of each year at the Community Ministry location nearest the applicant's home.
    Locate an agency 502-561-6830 ext. 150
  • WinterCare Fund
    In 1984, the Kentucky Public Service Commission mandated that regulated utilities participate in WinterCare or develop acceptable alternatives. Currently 31 utilities and 22 community action agencies (CAAs) serving 119 of the state's 120 counties participate in WinterCare.
    Contact your local community action agency,