
Low-Income Energy Programs
Federal | State | Utility | Charitable


LIHEAP Contact
Public Inquiries: 877-544-3271

LIHEAP Administering Agency Contacts
Local Administering Agency Contacts

Weatherization Assistance Program
Local Administering Agency Contacts

LIHEAP FY 2024 Funding
*including additional $652,620 from Infrastructure and Jobs Act (IIJA), (Pub. L. 117-58)

LIHEAP Income Eligibility Level
60% State Median Income
>9 = 150% Federal Poverty Line
Weatherization: 200% Federal Poverty Line

LIHEAP FY 2024 Benefit
Heating: $176 minimum, $2,530 maximum
Crisis: $800

LIHEAP Households Served in FY 2023
Heating: 41,195
Winter Crisis: 4,137
Weatherization: 742

LIHEAP Program Dates
Heating: Year-round
Crisis: November 1 - April 30
Weatherization: Year-round


The General Assistance Program is provided in each town to help people in emergencies, including energy emergencies.
Contact: Bureau of Family Independence, Department of Human Services 1-800-442-6003, or 207-287-2826

Rural Housing Repair Loans and Grants
Gives loans and grants to very low-income homeowners to repair, improve, modernize, or to remove health and safety hazards in their rural homes. Loans are for up to 20 years at 1% interest. Grants (free) may be for people who are 62 years of age or disabled. Loan/grant combinations may be arranged for applicants who can repay part of the cost. The program defines ‘very low-income’ as below 50 percent of the area median income.
To Apply: Call Rural Development. Listed in the Phone Book under U.S. Government, Agriculture Department. Or call 1-800-352-8963 Ext. 161 and they will connect you to the correct office.


Low-Income Rate Assistance

Low-Income Assistance Program (LIAP)
Maine's transmission and distribution utilities are required to create or maintain a LIAP to make electric bills more affordable for LIHEAP-eligible customers. The Maine State Housing Authority supports the statewide plan in conjunction with the delivery of LIHEAP.
Contacts: Community Action Program Agency.

Central Maine Power
Electricity Lifeline Program
Offers qualified low-income customers a credit on their electric bill. This credit is based on household income and estimated electricity usage and is applied to your bill for the same amount each month, up to 12 months.
See our fact sheet for more information.

Maine Public Service Co.
This program is a payment assistance and incentive program for qualified customers. Customers on an Oxygen Pump or ventilator for a minimum of eight hours, of a 24 hour period, will be given a credit on their electric bill intended to be the full cost to operate such equipment.

  • Presque Isle Area, 207-760-2300
  • Toll-free, 877-655-4448

Discount Rate Program 
LIHEAP recipients receive a 30% discount on gas. To enroll, include a copy of your Unitil bill in addition to all other required documentation together with your completed LIHEAP application and return it to your local community action agency. The discount is effective for the next 12 months.
If you have any questions about the discount rate, please contact our Customer Service Center at 866-933-3821.

Versant Power
1-855-363-7211 toll-free

  • LIHEAP-eligible customers may qualify for a rate discount. Depending on income, the percentage of the discount will vary based on kWh usage. Contact local CAP agency.

Low-Income Energy Efficiency

Tenants and homeowners that meet certain income guidelines may be eligible for no-cost home energy assessments and the installation of weatherization measures.To find out if you qualify for these programs, please contact your local Community Action Agency.

  • Androscoggin & Oxford County residents - Community Concepts, Inc.: 207-743-7716
  • Cumberland County residents - The Opportunity Alliance: 207-874-1140 or 800-698-4959
  • York County residents - York County Community Action Corp.: 207-324-5762 or 800-965-5762

Emergency Charitable Assistance

Maine Sea Coast Mission
Provides emergency assistance for heat, electricity, food and other emergency circumstances for island and coastal communities from mid- to Downeast coastal Maine.