North Carolina

Low-Income Energy Programs
Federal | Charitable


LIHEAP Contact Public Inquiries: 1-800-662-7030

Administering Agency Contacts
Local Administering Agency Contacts

Weatherization Assistance Program
Local Administering Agency Contacts

LIHEAP FY 2024 Funding
*including additional $2,494,579 from Infrastructure and Jobs Act (IIJA), (Pub. L. 117-58)

LIHEAP Income Eligibility Level
Heating: 130% Federal Poverty Level
Cooling: 150% Federal Poverty Level
Crisis: 150% Federal Poverty Level
Weatherization: 60% SMI (200% Federal Poverty Level if >12 in household)

LIHEAP FY 2024 Benefit
Heating: $300 minimum, $500 maximum
Crisis: $600 maximum

LIHEAP Households Served in FY 2023
Heating: 139,647
Year-round Crisis: 89,942
Weatherization: 1,070

LIHEAP Program Dates
Heating: December 1 - March 31
Crisis and Weatherization: Year-round

Emergency Charitable Assistance

Please note these charitable funds are last resort emergency funds with limited resources and limited times of operation.


Albemarle Electric Membership Corporation 
Operation RoundUp
Customer donations provide funds for individuals and organizations. Examples of individual requests may include emergency medical care, heating system repair, or wheelchair purchase. The fund does not pay for utility bills. An application can be downloaded at the website below.
252-426-5735 or 1-800-215-9915

Blueridge Electric Membership Corporation 
Operation Round Up
Member contributions help provide food, clothing, shelter, health care and other vital community services that will benefit people in need. Contributions also help pay electric bills.

Cape Hatteras Electric
Cape Hatteras Electric Foundation
Customer donations assist individuals and families who are suffering unusual or unexpected problems and are in grave need of assistance. Grants may be used to pay for shelter, clothing, food, health care, emergencies, and other humane needs. Grant limits are $1,000 per individual or $2,500 per family or non-profit organization per year.
252-995-5616 or 1-800-454-5616

Carteret-Craven Electric Cooperative
Operation Roundup
Customer donations help address unmet needs of individuals and organizations in the community.
For grant application contact Sarah Grider ( or call 252-247-3107 or 1-800-682-2217

Central Electric Membership Corporation
Member Cares
Member donations are used to help less fortunate members with their heating bills – regardless of the type of fuel they use. Money will be distributed by the Department of Social Services in the respective counties served by Central Electric. 
Department of Social Services
919-774-4900 or 1-800-446-7752

City of Rocky Mount
Winter Assistance for Rocky Mount (W.A.R.M.)
Supported solely on donations from the community and various sponsors, this program assists low-income elderly, disabled or recently laid off customers to pay past due heating expenses. Payments are made directly to the fuel source provider. The program is administered by the Salvation Army from January - May.
For assistance, contact the Salvation Army of Rocky Mount at 252-446-4496.

Dominion North Carolina Power
A fuel assistance program that helps pay home heating bills for those in need living within the company's service area. It pays for any heating source: oil, gas, kerosene, wood, and electricity. It is a program of last resort for the elderly, the ill... for all who face financial hardships from unemployment or family crisis. Payments go directly to energy vendors on behalf of those helped.
For more information and to apply, call 2-1-1 for a referral to your local EnergyShare agency or view a list of local EnergyShare agencies.

Duke Energy

  • Share the Warmth A heating bill assistance program funded by Duke Power customers and Duke Energy shareholders. The Duke Energy Foundation will match up to $500,000 in cutomer contributions during the heating season. The funds may be used for the payment of heating costs, regardless of energy source. Contact partner agencies.
  • Cooling Assistance Program Funded by Duke Power and the Duke Energy Foundation, an annual contribution of $250,000 is spread among the counties within their service area. A specific agency (or agencies) is selected in each county to distribute the funds and to determine the criteria for family eligibility. Contact partner agencies.
  • Fan-Heat Relief Program The Duke Energy Foundation contributes $40,000 annually for the purchase of fans for senior citizens. Administered by the N.C. Department of Human Resources/Division of Aging. Contact partner agencies.
  • Helping Home Fund Duke Energy's Helping Home Fund provides income-qualified customers with up to $10,000 in energy efficiency upgrades at no cost to the customer. Funds for the program come from Duke Energy shareholders, and not through customer rates. The program is administered by the N.C. Community Action Association (NCCAA) and offered through 21 local agencies across the state. As part of the agreement, each Duke Energy utility in the state will distribute $10 million through the program.

Duke Energy Progress
Energy Neighbor Fund
The Fund is an energy-assistance program for customers who live at or below 150 percent of the poverty level and are facing a crisis in their household. Contributions to the Energy Neighbor Fund come from employees, customers and the Foundation. The funds are sent to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Social Services, which allocates the funds to counties served by Duke Energy Progress.
County social services agencies use the same criteria for determining client eligibility that is used for state and federal assistance programs (CIP and LIHEAP). Funds can be used to purchase any kind of heating fuel or to pay an electric bill. Leftover funds in the summer months can be used for cooling sources like fans and electric bills. For assistance, call the Customer Service Center at 1-800-452-2777.

Fayetteville Public Works Commission
People Who Care
PWC customers provide donations that will be used to assist area residents in need with the payment of their electricity bills throughout the entire year. Funds are administered by the Cumberland County Salvation Army. For more information, call 910-483-8119.

Four County Electric Membership Corporation
Operation Round Up
Customer donations provide funds for necessities such as groceries, clothing, shelter, prescription drugs and medical care. Up to $2,000 can be awarded to individuals in crisis situations.
Burgaw 910-259-2361 or 1-888-368-7289
Elizabethtown 910-862-3551 or 1-888-368-7289
Rose Hill 910-289-4534 or 1-888-368-7289

Haywood Electric Membership Corporation
Helping Each Member Cope
This program is designed to assist families or individuals experiencing hardships paying energy costs brought about by extreme weather conditions, decrease in household income, or who are experiencing unusual and/or unexpected crises beyond their control.
Customer contributions are administered by the Department of Social Services. 828-452-6620 828-452-6686

Lumbee River Electric Membership Corporation
Member contributions are distributed to families who are experiencing a crisis with their electric bill as determined by local community service agencies. Community service agencies administer funds on a year-round basis (depending on fund availability). Recipients may receive up to $150 in assistance one time a year.
Cumberland: Fayetteville Urban Ministry
Hoke: County Senior Services
Robeson: Robeson County Church & Community Services
Scotland: Church Community Services
910-276-8330 href=""

Mecklenburg County Crisis Assistance Ministry
A partnership of the religious community, a gas and an electric utility, United Way and Mecklenburg County that addresses utility, food, and basic needs. Through a public-private partnership, Mecklenburg County and United Way provide most of the Ministry’s operating funds. Contributions are received from area congregations, the City of Charlotte, utilities, individuals, foundations, businesses and community organizations.

Nashville Electric Service
Project Help
Provides emergency energy assistance to those who need it most.  Project Help is administered by Big Brothers of Nashville, Inc. To find out if you qualify for energy assistance, call Customer Service at 615-736-6900.

Piedmont Electric Membership Corporation
Project Helping Hand
Customer donations assist less fortunate customers during crisis situations. Hillsborough Office, 919-732-2123 Roxboro Office, 336-599-0151 Caswell County, 336-421-6265 or

Piedmont Natural Gas
Share the Warmth
Partner agencies use customer donations to provide direct financial assistance to low-income families and individuals using all forms of energy including natural gas, propane, oil, electricity, coal, kerosene and wood.
For assistance contact Crisis Assistance Ministry (Mecklenburg County) 704-371-3001, or your local social services agency.

PSNC Energy 
Heat Care Fund
Customer donations provide direct assistance to those struggling to pay their heating bill — regardless of the type of fuel they use. All the money contributed to the Heat Care Fund is administered solely by The Salvation Army. Funds are distributed by local Salvation Army agencies to needy residents living in PSNC Energy’s service territory.

Randolph Electric Membership Corporation
People Helping People
Member donations are given to REMC families and individuals that are in need of assistance.

Surry-Yadkin Electric Membership Corporation
Round Up Program
Customer donations help individuals and families who may be facing a crisis situation.  
Losing a home to a fire, loss of a job, and medical and humane necessities are examples of crisis situations.
Applications are available at the Surry-Yadkin EMC office in Dobson.
800-682-5903 or 336-386-8241

Wake County 
Warmth for Wake and Cool for Wake
Provides economic support to needy families and individuals to help them pay heating costs during the winter months and provides fans and limited window air conditioning units to vulnerable individuals in the summer. Funded entirely by contributions from private citizens, churches and other civic organizations. 919-212-7083 (Wake County Human Services) 919-781-7979 (North Carolina Bankers Association)
1- 800-662-7044

Wake Electric
Operation Round-Up®
Households at 150 percent or less of poverty may be eligible for assistance with utility deposits and electric bills.
Apply at "">href="">local county department of social services.