
Low-Income Energy Programs Federal | Utility | Charitable


LIHEAP Contact
Public Inquiries: 615-815-2200

LIHEAP Administering Agency Contacts
Local Administering Agency Contacts

Weatherization Assistance Program
Local Administering Agency Contacts

LIHEAP FY 2024 Funding
*including additional $1,701,882 from Infrastructure and Jobs Act (IIJA), (Pub. L. 117-58)

LIHEAP Income Eligibility Level
60% State Median Income
Weatherization: 200% Federal Poverty Level

LIHEAP FY 2024 Benefit
Heating and Cooling: $600 minimum, $1,000 maximum 
Crisis: $1,500 maximum

LIHEAP Households Served in FY 2023
Heating: 63,714
Cooling: 27,465
Winter Crisis: 18,879
Summer Crisis: 7,903
Weatherization: 220

LIHEAP Program Dates


Low-Income Rate Assistance

Memphis Light Gas and Water
On Track A payment program designed to help customers with limited incomes to manage debt and pay off their bills over a period of time. The program focuses on education, financial management and social services. To qualify for the program customers must have a steady, but limited, income and owe more than $600 to MLGW. Participants may receive Extended Payment Plans for up to three years and deposit credited back to the account after completion of program. Applications and more information are available on the website. Call (901) 544-6549 with questions. www.mlgw.com/residential/ontrack

Low-Income Energy Efficiency

Memphis Light Gas and Water 
EnergySmart Memphis A year-long energy education and home improvement initiative designed to help Memphians save money on their energy costs. Customers will receive in-depth energy conservation training and eligible customers will have weatherization improvements made to their home. As part of the initiative, MLGW also has set aside funds to weatherize of customers who meet federal poverty guidelines. 901-528-4188 www.mlgw.com/residential/energysmartmemphis

Emergency Charitable Assistance

Please note these charitable funds are last resort emergency funds with limited resources and limited times of operation.

Appalachian Power (AEP)
Neighbor-to-Neighbor Program The eligibility of recipients is determined and funds are distributed by the Dollar Energy Fund. To find out what agency to contact in your area, contact the Customer Solutions Center in Tennessee at 800-967-4237, or the Dollar Energy Fund. www.appalachianpower.com/info/community/paymentAssistancePrograms/

Athens Utility Board Warm Neighbors Program Working with Coordinated Charities of McMinn County, AUB provides a way to help those in need to maintain their service without interruption. 423-745-4501 www.aub.org/cs_warm.php

Atmos Energy Sharing the Warmth Customer donations combine with company donations to help people pay their gas bills. All donations go directly to local people in need that meet criteria established by each individual program's guidelines. To contact the energy assistance agency in your area visit www.atmosenergy.com/community/sharing-warmth

Clarksville Department of Electricity

  • Special Assistance Programs CDE has programs to assist those who are having trouble paying their electric bill only. If you need that assistance, or know someone who does, please call us so that we can discuss payment plans or our special programs for elderly, ill or disabled customers. We also work with assistance agencies in Clarksville and can refer customers to local programs that may be able to help them pay their bill. Please call us so we can help: 931-648-8151.
  • Project Help This program assists the elderly, handicapped and those in economic crisis with their energy costs. and is administered by the Clarksville-Montgomery Co. Community Action Agency. Call 931-896-1800 for more information.

Cumberland Electric Member Corporation 
Project Help A voluntary program that allows members to pay an additional amount on their electric bill each month to help pay utility bills of those who really need the assistance. Contact a local office

Duck River Electric Member Corporation
Project HELP Customer donations will help defray the cost of energy for elderly and handicapped members. Contact a local DREMC office or the Member Services Department in Shelbyville at (561) 684-4621.

Holston Electric Cooperative Project Help Member donations help those less fortunate to stay warm in the winter. The elderly, handicapped and those in economic crisis can apply for assistance once a year. For more information or to apply for assistance Hawkins County residents can call the Neighborhood Service Center at (254) 272-2830; Hamblen County residents can call Central Services at 865-692-5258. www.holstonelectric.com/content/customer-service

Jackson Energy Authority Round Up Program Funds collected from the Round Up Program will be given to Area Relief Ministries (ARM), a non-profit, social services agency. ARM will distribute the funds to residents meeting the criteria of the agency. Contact ARM at 423-9257 www.jaxenergy.com/community/round-up-program.php

Johnson City Power Board Heisse Johnson Hand Up Program Funds are collected from customers and distributed by the Good Samaritan Ministries and Salvation Army to individuals who need financial assistance for their energy bills. Salvation Army: 423-926-2101 Good Samaritan Ministries: 423-928-0288

Knoxville Utilities Board Project Help Project Help is an emergency heating-assistance program that buys electricity, natural gas, kerosene, heating oil, and wood for people who need temporary help with their heating bills, such as elderly or disabled people on fixed incomes, struggling single parents, and families who have lost their incomes through unemployment or illness. All Project Help funds come from donations and fundraisers and are administered by the Knoxville Community Action Committee. 865-524-2911; TDD 865-594-7494

Memphis Light Gas and Water Plus-1 A program administered by the Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association (MIFA) to pay utility services for people in need. MLGW customers fund the program through one-time donations or by adding a dollar or more to their utility bill each month. 901-527-0208 www.mlgw.com/residential/plus1

Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative Project Help This voluntary program allows members to contribute each month to help those in temporary financial difficulty pay their winter energy bills. Money is distributed each year through community action agencies in each county. Contact your local community action agency for assistance.

Middle Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation Project Help Member donations help defray emergency energy costs for elderly and disabled members as well as those who are not economically self-sufficient. The following agencies determine eligibility for receiving assistance: Williamson County, Graceworks, 615-794-9055 Rutherford County, The Community Helpers, 615-898-0617 Wilson County Community Help Center, 615-449-1856 Cannon County Senior Citizens Center, 615-563-5304 Contact www.mtemc.com/pages.cfm/name/c04_projecthelp

Mountain Electric Cooperative Operation Pocket Change Customer donations provide funds for qualified community projects, programs, and people in genuine needy situations. An independent board accepts applications from groups, non-profit organizations, and individuals. To apply for OPC assistance, an individual or organization must complete and submit an OPC application. The application forms can be downloaded from the website here or picked up at any local MEC office. 423-727-1800 www.mountainelectric.com/operation-pocket-change/

Morristown Utility Systems Project Help Customer donations provide funds for those who need help paying their utility bill. The fund is allocated through the Morristown-Hamblen Central Services. 423-586-9431 www.morristownutilities.org/Other_Services.html

Nashville Electric Service Project HELP Project Help provides emergency energy assistance to elderly, disabled and low-income customers who cannot afford to pay their electric bill. Assistance is available for Davidson County residents and other NES customers. Priority is given to single mothers, seniors, and people with disabilities. Applications must be made in person, Monday or Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 295 Plus Park Boulevard, Suite 106, Nashville, TN 37207. Nearest bus stop is Murfreesboro Rd. & Wilhagen Rd. Please bring the following with you:

  • Current utility bill showing the past-due amount
  • Social Security cards for each member of the household
  • Proof of income such as a pay stub, unemployment, retirement, etc
  • Documentation of other forms of assistance such as Food Stamps of Section 8

The funds are administered by NeedLink Nashville.

Newport Utilities Project Help Customer contribution provide funds to help certain needy customers, such as the elderly, handicapped or others, pay their utility bill in case of extreme emergency. An eligibility committee made up of Central Charities Staff or Board will identify those in need. Applications are available only through the Neighborhood Center or e-mail Newport Utilities at info@newportutilities.com www.newportutilities.com/services/projecthelp.shtml

Piedmont Natural Gas Share the Warmth Partner agencies use customer and utility donations to provide direct financial assistance to low-income families and individuals using all forms of energy including natural gas, propane, oil, electricity, coal, kerosene and wood. For assistance contact: Metro Action Commission (Davidson County), 615-880-1000 Mid-Cumberland Community Action Agency (Cheatham, Robertson, Rutherford, Sumner, Trousdale, Williamson and Wilson counties), 615-742-1113 or 615-453-2243 Highland Rim Economic Corporation (Dickson County), 931-289-4101 www.piedmontng.com/ourcommunity/sharethewarmth.aspx

Sequachee Valley Electric Cooperative SVECares Customer donations provide financial help to worthy causes for community organizations and individuals. To get an application stop by any SVEC service center or e-mail Joan Davis at jdavis@svalleyec.com. A printed or interactive online application is also available on SVEC's website. www.svalleyec.com/content/svecares

Southwest Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation Project Help Member donations go to local agencies that provide people with financial assistance during emergencies. For more information call your local office or 1-800-772-0472

Trenton Light & Water Plus One Program Customer donations, with no administrative expenses, will go toward helping the elderly, handicapped, and needy meet their energy costs. Trenton Light & Water matches all donations dollar for dollar. 731-855-1561

Upper Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation Project Help This is a program designed to help defray emergency energy costs for elderly and disabled members as well as those who are not economically self-sufficient. UCEMC members may contribute $1.00 or more per month on their electric bill or make a one-time donation of any amount. The money collected is sent to an independent agency to determine who should receive their special funds. Recipients may only receive funds once a year and the decision is left totally to the selection of the agency. For more information call your local office.