FY 2007 State Leveraging Summary and Table

FY 2007 State Leveraging Summary and Table

ALASKA : Resources: $9,647,810 Award: $359,009
$5 ,021,823 – state funds for State Power Cost Equalization Program that subsidizes electric bills of low-income people in remote areas
$4,625,987 – state funds to supplement weatherization program and Rural Residential Energy Rehabilitation Program

ARIZONA : Resources: $27,008,613 Award: $1,087,252
$16,445 ,038 – utility discounts
$656,589 – utility equipment waiver equal to monthly service charge
$5,066,238 – state/local funds
$2,251,616 – fuel funds
$2,585,132 – utility-funded weatherization
$4,000 – community donations

ARKANSAS : Resources: $1,659,755 Award: $38,595 $1,659,755 – fuel funds

CALIFORNIA : Resources: $826,677,787 Award: $3,087,000
$761,087,661 – mandated utility rate discount, 10-30%
$45,115,702 – utility-funded weatherization, including utility appliance programs (energy efficient refrigerators, water heaters, ranges, furnaces), utility weatherization inspections, donated repair of gas appliances and evaporative coolers
$4,716,444 – discounted weatherization materials, equipment, service discount for furnaces
$12,466,667 – fuel funds
$1,136,362 – miscellaneous donations
$97,196 – landlord contributions for weatherization
$1,993,916 – city and county funds for utility assistance, emergency, and weatherization
$63,839 – PVE funds used to weatherize LIHEAP-eligible homes

COLORADO: Resources: $15,416,368 Award: $221,723
$5,950,000 – state general funds awarded to LIHEAP
$1,275,000 – state TANF funds transferred to LIHEAP
$2,382,000 – utility funds expanded weatherization services and home repairs to LIHEAP eligible households
$5,809,368 – Energy Outreach Colorado funds for energy assistance

CONNECTICUT : Resources: $23,535,618 Award: $279,187
$10,540,218 – gas utility arrearage forgiveness
$3,718,124 – electric utility arrearage forgiveness
$6,524,648 – gas and electric utility-funded weatherization (WRAP)
$1,643,628 – oil purchased under ‘Fixed Margin Pricing Program’
$1,109,000 – statewide fuel fund

DELAWARE : Resources: $3,047,853 Award: $161,145
$1,796,959 – state funds for energy assistance from public benefits program
$500,000 – state funds to supplement LIHEAP
$332,165 – fuel funds
$242,623 – Catholic charities, Inc. – Crisis Alleviation Program and community donations
$176,106 – Citizens Energy oil discount

FLORIDA : Resources: $11,742,830 Award: $186,158
$5,884,497 – utility fuel funds
$4,073,661 – utility funds for crisis referrals
$105,720 – utility-funded weatherization
$1,678,952 – energy assistance from local social service agencies

IDAHO : Resources: $1,870,915 Award: $52,460
$1,381,153 – utility funding for weatherization
$457,327 – community donations
$23,270 – landlord contributions
$9,165 – utility discount and waiver

ILLINOIS : Resources: $69,655,073 Award: $595,746
$40,730 022 – SLIEAP funds through restructuring law
$4,000,000 – part of the proceeds from Chicago ’s Skyway investment provides home heating assistance for low-income households
$20,867,803 – utility rate relief to compensate for electric rate increase
$1,023,497 – utility weatherization for elderly to compensate for electric rate increase
$2,033,751 – utility fuel funds
$1,000,000 – donations for bill payment assistance

INDIANA : Resources: $24,026,304 Award: $270,344
$6,601,600 – township trustee assistance
$6,618,179 – Universal Service Program provides a percentage discount for LIHEAP recipients of 2 utilities
$2,684,811 – church and community
$4,844,550 – fuel funds
$2,161,684 – sales tax exemption
$21,414 – summer bulk fuel discounts
$1,055,992 – donations to weatherization from utilities and Habitat for Humanity
$38,074 – supplier discounts on fans and air conditioners

IOWA : Resources: $5,914,508 Award: $78,525
$4,846,842 – utility-funded weatherization
$594,298 – fuel funds
$194,660 – church and community contributions
$278,708 – fees charged to a utility for the use of city-owned property

KENTUCKY : Resources: $4,484,982 Award: $65,717
$732,113– fuel funds
$1,919,393 – community and church donations
$1,412,275– utility rate assistance
$421,201 – utility-funded weatherization and energy education

LOUISIANA : Resources: $5,610,741 Award: $101,936
$615,205 – utility waiver of monthly customer charge and late fees
$744,010 – utility weatherization and education
$4,251,526 – fuel fund donations from utilities and non-profits

MAINE : Resources: $13,072,669 Award: $189,894
$8,102,838 – LIAP, utility rate assistance programs
$1,966,247 – utility weatherization, appliance replacement
$1,090,029 – bulk fuel vendor discounts
$938,949 – discount on weatherization materials and labor, state oil tank replacement program
$905,629 – General Assistance State Funds, additional last resort fuel payment
$68,977 – church/community donations for emergencies, includes furnace repairs, fuel deliveries

MARYLAND : Resources: $69,872,365 Award: $1,005,486
$51,602,591 – Electric Universal Service Program (bill payment, arrearage forgiveness and weatherization)
$4,641,578 – utility arrearage forgiveness
$700,273 – bill credits for customers participating in Utility Service Protection Plan
$1,161,634 – utility fee waivers
$523,132 – utility weatherization
$2,246,802 – church, community, and state funds for energy assistance and shelters who
$6,864,014 – utility, fuel suppliers and private fuel funds
$1,608,411 – cash and in-kind contributions from non-utility fuel suppliers and customers $523,930 – 3 percent-per-gallon discount from oil, propane, and kerosene vendors

MASSACHUSETTS : Resources: $85,345,163 Award: $782,068
$58,325,694 – utility rate discounts
$21,965,000 – gas and electric utility weatherization
$4,059,390 – bulk fuel discounts - statewide Margin-Over-Rack
$652,269 – fuel funds
$342,810 – community and church contributions

MICHIGAN : Resources: $59,598,639 Award: $517,900
$8,473,381 – fuel funds of p rivate human service organizations and various utilities
$26,810,448 – state funds for energy allowances for state assistance recipients
$24,303,309 – utility late fee and deposit waivers
$11,501 – utility arrearage forgiveness

MINNESOTA : Resources: $24,951,074 Award: $239,126
$7,662,074 – state and local funds for energy assistance, weatherization and energy related repairs
$6,138,114 – utility discounts
$632,485 – utility fee waivers
$6,401,925 – utility-funded weatherization
$38,943 – bulk fuel discounts
$279,368 – fuel funds
$3,587,395 – church and community contributions
$195,739 – miscellaneous donations
$15,031 – bulk fuel and wood supplier donations and waivers

MISSISSIPPI : Resources: $1,857,851 Award: $39,502
$539,724 – donations from churches and service organizations for energy assistance
$767,232 – volunteer labor for weatherization services
$474,398 – utility fee waivers
$76,497 – supplier discounts on cooling and heating units

MISSOURI : Resources: $15,615,197 Award: $177,776
$15,615,197 – fuel funds

MONTANA: Resources: $7,129,981 Award: $197,306
$3,701,909 – utility discounts
$1,226,705 – utility-funded weatherization
$375,492 – system benefits funds for rate assistance and weatherization
$1,376,869 – fuel funds
$412,594 – state funds for energy assistance
$34,684 – landlord weatherization contributions
$1,728 – weatherization materials suppliers discount

NEVADA : Resources: $20,950,766 Award: $1,523,237
$3,109,148 –Universal Energy Charge Fund for weatherization
$14,857,643 – Universal Energy Charge Fund for energy assistance
$371,824 – State Housing Division 15% set aside from the Real Estate Transfer Property Tax assists low-income families with utility deposits and utility assistance
$784,792 – fuel funds
$1,827,359 – utility-funded weatherization

NEW HAMPSHIRE : Resources: $20,030,549 Award: $411,140
$4,104,704 – assistance from towns to supplement LIHEAP (state law mandates that town governments fund assistance programs)
$11,518,157 – utility discount as part of utility restructuring
$349,122 – bulk fuel discounts, primarily oil
$278,758 – statewide fuel fund and one utility fuel fund
$2,117,349 – utility-funded weatherization
$524,599 – church and community contributions
$1,137,860 – two gas utilities provide a 50 percent discount on delivery portion of the bill

NEW JERSEY : Resources: $242,331,281 Award: $2,339,963
$68,019,750 – Lifeline, a state-funded program (general fund) that supplements elderly/handicapped energy bills
$2,012,000 – state funds for weatherization
$117 ,936,223 – Universal Service Fund for bill assistance
$12 ,199,302 – Universal Service Fund Fresh Start Program provides arrearage forgiveness
$20,462,520 – utility deposit/fee waivers
$221,358 – fuel funds
$21,390,128 – utility funded weatherization
$90,000 – local assistance for fuel oil

NEW MEXICO : Resources: $2,785,404 Award: $92,852
$1,913,899 – state funds for energy assistance
$857,976 – utility fuel funds
$12,986 – church and community donations
$543 – propane discount

NEW YORK : Resources: $161,111,092 Award: $1,182,715 $72,264,227 – state funds for supplemental energy assistance
$3,485,884 – sales tax exemption for public assistance households
$29,091,679 – state and local funds for emergency utility assistance
$9,323,561 – system benefit charges used for weatherization
$25,225,595 – utility rate assistance
$17,911,425 – landlord contributions to weatherization
$1,560,740 – utility company fuel funds
$2,247,981 – utility security deposit waivers

NORTH CAROLINA : Resources: $5,448,319 Award: $66,585
$350,350 – city/county funds
$3,401,429 – utility fuel funds
$1,550,490 – community funds for energy assistance
$146,050 – utility discount

OHIO : Resources: $298,639,414 Award: $2,641,112
$283,903,337 – utility rate discounts (PIPP), Universal Service rider funds
$9,415,360 – utility-funded weatherization
$5,320,717 – utility security deposit waivers

OKLAHOMA : Resources: $5,543,149 Award: $119,409
$5,543,149 – utility rate discount

OREGON : Resources: $27,652,309 Award: $469,242
$17,101,648 – fuel funds
$7,003,473 – utility-funded weatherization
$2,302,191 – supplier discounts on weatherization materials and services
$629,020 – utility and community donations of weatherization supplies
$508,749 – donated heating fuels, coats, blankets etc.
$107,228 – deposit and reconnect waivers, discounts on heating fuel

PENNSYLVANIA : Resources: $384,792,420 Award: $3,087,000
$707,000 – petroleum companies’ settlement payments used for heating assistance $289,686,116 – utility affordable pay plans
$9,250,000 – utility arrearage forgiveness
$51,302,851 – utility late payment, disconnect, reconnect fee waivers
$24,465,085 – utility-funded weatherization
$9,381,368 – utility and charitable organization fuel funds

RHODE ISLAND : Resources: $7,678,710 Award: $181,228
$6,182,170 – one utility provides a residential rate subsidy, about a 20% reduction
$1,416,870 – one utility matches 35% of LIHEAP grant
$79,670 – fuel oil discount

SOUTH DAKOTA : Resources: $1,369,660 Award: $41,935
$958,160 – state and county funds for fuel assistance
$66,750 – utility funds for customers not eligible for LIHEAP (160% - 184% of federal poverty)
$6,980 – summer fill for propane and fuel oil
$47,000 – utility fuel fund
$36,820 – landlord contributions for weatherization
$104,880 – supplier discounts
$149,070 – community and utility donations

TEXAS : Resources: $2,068,195 Award: $24,921
$2,068,195 – utility weatherization and refrigerator replacement

UTAH : Resource: $2,275,928 Award: $54,683
$2,275,928 – utility rate discount

VERMONT : Resources: $1,971,259 Award: $49,577
$1,027,995 – state funds for heating system replacement, repairs and tune-up
$331,921 – fuel funds
$542,611 – bulk fuel discount and summer purchase
$18,525 – firewood discount
$50,207 – utility-funded weatherization

VIRGINIA : Resources: $2,228,290 Award: $28,849
$2,078,290 – fuel funds
$150,000 – states funds for weatherization

WASHINGTON : Resources: $40,649,168 Award: $524,864
$15,968,154 – utility discounts
$5,550,720 – state funds for weatherization (Energy Matchmaker)
$13,453,114 – fuel funds
$4,875,513 – utility-funded weatherization including Energy Matchmaker
$41,975 – wood donations from community and charitable organizations
$759,692 – landlord contributions to weatherization

WISCONSIN : Resources: $63,188,762 Award: $628,495
$ 47,681,017 – Wisconsin Public Benefits Heat Assistance Program ($21,957,525) and Wisconsin Public Benefits Weatherization Program ($25,723,492)
$7,692,700 – Wisconsin sales tax waiver on heating fuels
$130,626 – state housing funds provide bill payment assistance and weatherization measures $800,000 – utility-funded discounts
$400 ,908 – utility-funded weatherization
$5,288 ,986 – utility arrearage forgiveness
$26,365 – utility waiver
$712,412 – fuel funds
$355,748 – landlord contributions to weatherization
$100,000 – WRAP (Weatherization, Rehab and Asset Protection), grant from nonprofit