OCS Issues Dear Colleague Letter on FY2020 Compliance Monitoring Schedule

January 31, 2020 – The Office of Community Services (OCS) issued a dear colleague letter regarding FY 2020 compliance review monitoring visits to Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) grantees. For FY 2020, seven states, one U.S. territory, and two tribal grantees will be reviewed.

The letter includes the complete schedule for the FY 2020 monitoring visits. The visits will be conducted by staff from the Division of Energy Assistance, Office of Community Services, Administration for Children and Families, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

A criteria-based process, including several data sources, is used to determine which grantees will be reviewed. In 2019, seven states and three tribal grantees received monitoring visits.

The monitoring review is in compliance with federal LIHEAP statute (See 42 U.S.C. § 8627(b)).

Read the full Dear Colleague letter on the Office of Community Services web site.