August 20, 2015—Outreach is an important aspect of administering LIHEAP, both at the state and local level. Effective outreach means the most in-need households, or those the state has prioritized such as elderly or disabled, are made aware of the program as well as of other energy-related programs for which they may be eligible. Effective outreach can also streamline the application process.
In an effort to reach out and provide assistance to fuel vendors and LIHEAP applicants, Wyoming's LIHEAP has recently offered a free two-part webinar series on their program's website. Those who are interested may register on the website for one or both webinars.
The first webinar, titled "Take It From the Top," gives a general overview of the program. The webinar was first offered July 28 and continues to be offered every Tuesday at noon until September 22. The second webinar, "Digging Deeper," gives its audience detailed instructions on completing the LIHEAP application and was first offered August 12. It has been offered each Wednesday at noon since then and will continue to be offered until September 23. For those who miss the webinars, recordings of the webinars may be found in the future on the Wyoming Department of Family Service's LIHEAP page.
Wyoming begins accepting LIHEAP applications in October and will continue to accept applications until February 28, 2016.
Sources: LIHEAP Clearinghouse, Media Sources, Wyoming DFS Website