October 13, 2017 – The Minnesota Department of Commerce and Minnesota Public Utilities Commission issued a reminder about the state’s Cold Weather Rule and Energy Assistance Program. The Cold Weather Rule protects residential utility customers from receiving utility disconnections. The Energy Assistance Program provides financial assistance for utility bills.
The Cold Weather Rule runs from Oct. 15 through April 15. To receive the protections, customers must establish and maintain a monthly payment plan with their utility provider.
Mike Rothman, Minnesota Commerce Commissioner said, “The Cold Weather Rule and the Energy Assistance Program are here to help Minnesota families who struggle with home heating costs to get through the cold winters.”
A family of four qualifies if their combined household income is at or below 50 percent of the state median income, and are also not required to pay more than 10 percent of their household income toward current or past bills.
The Cold Weather Rule does not apply to all delivered fuels such as fuel, oil, propane, or wood. Minnesotans who use these fuels are encouraged to contact their companies and discuss payment options.
"We want to make sure Minnesotans are safe and warm in their homes this winter,” said Rothman.
For more information about seasonal disconnection policies, visit the LIHEAP Clearinghouse website here.