October 29, 2018 –$3.65 billion has been released to The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) grantees for the federal fiscal year 2019. The announcement was made by The Division of Energy Assistance, and Office of Community Services on October 26, 2018. Award letters with individual funding amounts will be sent to grantees who have completed their FY 2019 LIHEAP plans.
FY 2019 appropriations have been released for the entire year in result of an act signed into law by the President on September 28, 2018. To learn more about the act, click here.
The Administration of Children and Families reminded grantees in a Dear Colleague Letter that in light of ongoing natural disasters and the winter weather approaching, they are able to revise their FY 2019 plans as needed to reflect significant changes to policies in order to meet changing needs. ACF would also like to remind grantees of resources related to natural disaster planning and response on the ACF website here. DEA liaisons are available to answer questions or provide assistance to grantees, contact information for regional liaisons can be found here.
For a complete listing of the FY19 allocations for state, tribe, and territory LIHEAP grantees, click here.
Sources: Dear Colleague Letter