Examples of Tribal Crisis Components

NOTE: The following is not a comprehensive list of tribal policies regarding crisis assistance. Instead, it is provided to show a few examples of how some tribes define "crisis" and the crisis benefits they provide.

(AL) Ma-Chris Lower Creek Indian Tribe (CA) Round Valley Indian Tribes (OK) Kiowa Tribe
(AL) Poarch Band of Creek Indians (ME) Passamaquoddy Tribe at Indian Township (RI) Narragansett Indian Tribe
(AK) Association of Village Council Presidents (ME) Penobscot Indian Nation
(SD) Lower Brule Sioux Tribe
(AK) Tanana Chiefs Conference, Inc. (MA) Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Tribal Council (SD) Yankton Sioux Tribe
(AK) Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority (MI) Little River Band of Ottawa Indians (WA) Lummi Indian Business Council
(AZ) Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (MI) Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians (WA) Makah Indian Tribe
(AZ) San Carlos Apache Tribe (MT) Blackfeet Tribe (WA) Muckleshoot Indian Tribe
(AZ) The Navajo Nation (MT) Chippewa Cree Tribe (WA) Samish Indian Nation
(CA) Northern California Indian Development
(NY) St. Regis Mohawk Tribe (WY) Northern Arapaho Nation
(CA) Redwood Valley Reservation (NC) Lumbee Nation  
(CA) Riverside-San Bernardino Indian Co. Health, Inc. (ND) Standing Rock Sioux  

Ma-Chris Lower Creek Indian Tribe
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates Year-round
Eligibility 150 percent FPG
Maximum Benefit $1,300
Crisis Definition Client has a delinquent bill, a shutoff/disconnect notice,
or information regarding fees required for a new connection. Benefits
can be paid on behalf of an eligible household that has an unavoidable
heating or cooling emergency, which can include repair to heating or
cooling equipment.

The tribe also provides "emergency crisis" following a natural
or man-made disaster that is considered unexpected or life threatening.
Examples include: loss of income due to layoff, extreme inclement weather,
people on life support, and unexpected expense.
Poarch Band of Creek Indians
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates Year-round
Eligibility 60 percent SMI
Maximum Benefit $325
Crisis Definition Clients who have lost their job within the last three
months through no fault of their own; have had a reduction in their
income during the last three months through no fault of their own; or
have had a major medical incident within the last three months. Other
losses of income may qualify on a case-by-case basis.
Association of Village Council Presidents
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates Year-round
Eligibility 150 percent FPG
Maximum Benefit Up to 55 gallons of heating fuel or 10 gallons of gasoline
or one-quart of motor oil (for those who need to travel to harvest wood
for heating).
Crisis Definition A household that has exhausted its regular benefit and
meets one of the following criteria: (1) The household has had a heating
utility source disconnected; (2) The household will have a heating utility
service disconnected within 48 hours.
Tanana Chiefs Conference, Inc.
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates 10/1 - 3/31
Eligibility 150 percent FPG
Maximum Benefit $5,250
Crisis Definition An energy emergency is defined as any life threatening
situation in which a client who has already been awarded assistance
within the timeframe of the program's fiscal year is in jeopardy of
having services discontinued by their identified vendor because of the
clients's inability to pay for service.
Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates November 1- May 15
Eligibility 150 percent FPG
Maximum Benefit $5,250
Crisis Definition A client that is out of fuel, getting electricity disconnected
within the next 48 hours, or has an eviction notice.
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates Year-round
Eligibility 150 percent FPG
Maximum Benefit $3,000
Crisis Definition For an elderly (55+) person, people with disability,
and children under 18 whose households have exhausted the regular benefit
and is in a crisis in which the power cannot be shut off such as, but
not limited to, the following situations: medications that require uninterrupted
refrigeration; CPS threat of removal of a child in the custody of a
grandparent because of an unsafe environment caused by lack of electricity
for heating and cooling; post-medical procedure or emergency convalescence
at home.
San Carlos Apache Tribe
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates October 1 - March 15
Eligibility 150 percent FPG
Maximum Benefit $300
Crisis Definition Life-threatening situations and/or electrical shutoff
notice; empty propane tank; eviction notice; prevents a family from
functioning normally in daily life activity.
The Navajo Nation
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates June 1 - August 31
Eligibility 150 percent FPG
Maximum Benefit $1,500
Crisis Definition A situation where the safety and well-being of the member
of a vulnerable household (senior/disabled/child under five years old)
is at risk due to a verified home energy related reason (disconnect
notice, depletion of heating source, inoperable furnace, unsafe stove,
etc.) or due to a Declaration of Emergency issued by the federal, state,
county or local/tribal government.
Northern California Indian Development Council, Inc.
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates Year-round
Eligibility 150 percent FPG
Maximum Benefit $1,000
Crisis Definition When a household lacks the appropriate amount of wood,
oil, propane or other delivered fuel to provide adequate heating, cooling
or cooking fuel, or for those connected to the electric or natural gas
grid when they have received a forty-eight hour shutoff notice.
Redwood Valley Reservation
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates Year-round
Eligibility 60 percent SMI
Maximum Benefit $200
Crisis Definition Shutoff notice or 15-day notice for tribal members over
18 years of age. Priority is given to seniors and disabled.
Riverside-San Bernardino Indian Co. Health, Inc.
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates Year-round
Eligibility 150 percent FPG
Maximum Benefit $980
Crisis Definition The following situations are defined as crisis: shutoff
notice; regular monthly energy bill totaling over $225; and a household
lacking any appropriate energy-efficient appliance for heating in winter
or cooling in summer. Eligible households may receive crisis assistance
up to the maximum allowable amount determined by the standard matrix.
Round Valley Indian Tribes
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates October 1 - September 1
Eligibility 150 percent FPG
Maximum Benefit $250
Crisis Definition A crisis is one of the following: (1) 48-hour shutoff notice; (2)
empty tank - a maintenance engineer will visit the home to verify the
tank is empty then supply a signed form by the client and engineer;
or (3) medically necessary - life or death situation, with explanation
from a doctor.
Passamaquoddy Tribe at Indian Township
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates January 1 - April 30
Eligibility 60 percent SMI
Maximum Benefit $1,000
Crisis Definition Household must be in emergency situation (weather related,
supply shortage, life threatening). Household must have a shutoff notice
for electric or near empty fuel tank. Other benefits have been depleted
and household has exhausted ability to pay for cash/credit delivery.
Households with children two years old or under, seniors (55 or older)
will be given priority, as will emergencies that pose a threat to health
and safety of one or more household members.
Penobscot Indian Nation
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates October 7 - May 20
Eligibility 60 percent SMI
Maximum Benefit 175 gallons of fuel /$5,000 lifetime benefit towards
replacement or repair of heating equipment.
Crisis Definition Household must have a disconnect notice or a formal
eviction notice; have less than 1/4 fuel tank capacity remaining; or
less than 1/4 cord of wood remaining. Household must have exhausted
its regular benefit. For equipment repair, a household must be homeowner
or home buyer and their heating system must be inoperable or malfunctioning.
Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Tribal Council
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates November 1 -March 30
Eligibility 60 percent SMI
Maximum Benefit $500 heating / $200 cooling
Crisis Definition When a household has no other funds to prevent a shutoff;
no oil in their tank; if displaced by disaster (flood, fire, etc.);
if displaced by no fault of their own (owner sells property, loses home).
Little River Band of Ottawa Indians
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates Year-round
Eligibility 150 percent FPG
Maximum Benefit $925 ($600 heating and $325 cooling)
Crisis Definition A tribal member households that has received a shutoff
notice, has had their energy source shutoff, or demonstrates an immediate
need for assistance with heating need. Immediate need may be demonstrated
by an empty fuel tank, wood nearly exhausted, or presentation of a shutoff

Michigan: Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates January 1 - September 3
Eligibility 125 percent FPG
Maximum Benefit $400 ($250 hearing and $150 cooling)
Crisis Definition Tribal household at or below 125 percent FPG that has
member that is at least 60 years old, a person with disabilities, and/or
is five years old or younger.
Blackfeet Tribe
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates Year-round
Eligibility 60 percent SMI
Maximum Benefit $400
Crisis Definition Households that are in a situation where hazardous or
potentially hazardous conditions exist in the household's heating system
and safety modifications are necessary. It can also be when a household's
heating sources and/or fuel supply is no longer available, is shut down,
or will be shut down due to an energy-related happening or caused by
a situation that is beyond the household's control.
Chippewa Cree Tribe
Fiscal Year 2013
Dates January 15 - March 15
Eligibility 60 percent SMI
Maximum Benefit $225
Crisis Definition A household living on a fixed or limited income having
exhausted all LIHEAP benefits with no monetary means to purchase fuel,
having a disconnect notice, or 5 percent or less propane tank reading
constitutes a crisis.

Non-Life Threatening crisis: a household having exhausted all funds
and less than 5 percent propane or disconnect. Crisis assistance will
occur within 48 hours.

Life-threatening Crisis: A household member required to use a medical
device requiring electricity or an infant or vulnerable elderly resident
without any funds to purchase propane. Crisis assistance will occur
within 18 hours.

York: St. Regis Mohawk Tribe
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates January 2 - September 30
Eligibility 60 percent SMI
Maximum Benefit $600
Crisis Definition The tribe defines an emergency as a threat to the health
and well-being of a household who has or will be affected by the termination
of its major source of home heating.
Carolina: Lumbee Nation
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates November 12 - September 30
Eligibility 150 percent FPG
Maximum Benefit $500
Crisis Definition Tribal household that is experiencing, or is in danger
of experiencing, a life-threatening or health-real ted emergency due
to no fault of its own, and sufficient, timely and appropriate assistance
is not available from any other source.
Dakota: Standing Rock Sioux
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates: Year-round
Eligibility 150 percent FPG
Maximum Benefit $200
Crisis Definition Defined in terms of weather-related and supply-shortage
emergencies. These include households that have exhausted their regular
LIHEAP benefits; need minor repairs to heating equipment (in some cases
this benefit can be applied to purchasing a new furnace); have a disconnect
notice; need funds for a deposit to get heat service turned on.
Kiowa Tribe
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates November 1 - September 30
Eligibility 60 percent SMI
Maximum Benefit $300 heating and $300 cooling
Crisis Definition Applicant should present a "disconnect" notice
or have "already been disconnected" from utility service,
when applying for crisis assistance. Priority shall be given to the
elderly, disabled, and/or households with infants or children under
the age of (5) years residing in the home. Households that may face
an extreme health risk/crisis for someone residing in their household
will be considered as medically necessary (asthma, newborns, extreme
hear or cold, use of oxygen, heart conditions, etc.) Crisis assistance
shall only be allowed once a year, but not for both seasons. Applicant
cannot have utilized Department of Health & Human Services (DHS)
in their county of residence OR another area Tribe for LIHEAP in the
current fiscal year. (In extreme cases, the crisis requirement may be
waived at the Director's discretion only on a case-by-case basis). All
other eligibility requirements for LIHEAP shall apply.
Island: Narragansett Indian Tribe
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates March 15 - September 30
Eligibility 60 percent SMI
Maximum Benefit $425 heating and $125 cooling
Crisis Definition Households with high energy needs who have exhausted
their resources resulting in shutoffs or termination notices due to
high energy costs.
Dakota: Lower Brule Sioux Tribe
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates October 1 - March 31
Eligibility 150 percent FPG
Maximum Benefit $400
Crisis Definition Crisis is defined in two ways, life threatening and
crisis. Life-threatening is defined as a household member's health and/or
well being would likely be endangered if emergency assistance is not
provided. Crisis defined as non-life threatening includes, but is not
limited to, lack of fuel, being without fuel, or service is disconnected.
Dakota: Yankton Sioux Tribe
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates October 1 - August 31
Eligibility 60 percent SMI
Maximum Benefit The price of $100 gallons of fuel or the amount of a
disconnect notice
Crisis Definition A household runs out propone/fuel or has its electricity
Lummi Indian Business Council
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates Year-round
Eligibility 150 percent FPG
Maximum Benefit $350
Crisis Definition A crisis situation is where a Lummi Elder 62 or older,
someone disabled receiving SSI, or a single parent with young children
six years or younger, has received a 24-hour shutoff for electric, natural
gas, propane, or oil; and has no other resources available to provide
heating for their home. Also verification of a medical condition requiring
electricity (for oxygen, for example) or heating is also considered
a crisis and constitutes eligibility for emergency funds.
Makah Indian Tribe
Fiscal Year 2014`
Dates Year-round
Eligibility 150 percent FPG
Maximum Benefit $350
Crisis Definition Crisis is when a household has no heat or electricity.
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates Year-round
Eligibility 60 percent SMI
Maximum Benefit $200
Crisis Definition A crisis is a household with a shutoff notice that has
exhausted all other sources of assistance.
Samish Indian Nation
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates Year-round
Eligibility 60 percent SMI
Maximum Benefit $1,000
Crisis Definition Crisis funds will be used to assist households if their normal LIHEAP
assistance has been fully expended and the assistance is necessary to
stabilize and maintain a safe environment. The following (including
but not limited to) constitutes a crisis: a disconnection notice; less
than a 10-day supply of oil, wood, or propane; a substantially dysfunctional
or unsafe heating system; the requirement of fans when summer temperatures
reach an unsafe level for the elderly, young, and disabled.
Northern Arapaho Nation
Fiscal Year 2014
Dates November 15 - March 31
Eligibility 150 percent FPG
Maximum Benefit $400
Crisis Definition Household that have a shutoff notice or have experienced
a drop in income placing them at or below 150 percent FPG.