Weatherization Overview

In the majority of the states, the same agency that administers LIHEAP also administers the Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program. (View a list of these states)

Additionally, the majority of the states set aside a portion of their LIHEAP grant for weatherization purposes. (View a breakdown). States have the flexibility to allocate up to 15 percent of LIHEAP funds (25 percent after receiving a waiver) to energy conservation measures.

In this section, the LIHEAP Clearinghouse will periodically upload information relevant to weatherization. However, it is not intended to be a comprehensive review of WAP operations.

For links to state weatherization contacts, go to

For more information on WAP, the following web sites are helpful:

DOE WAP, includes state-by-state summaries of weatherization activities

Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Office of Building Technology Assistance

Weatherization Assistance Program Technical Assistance Center

National Association for State Community Services Programs

Economic Opportunity Studies

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