Note: In 1994, a new provision, Assurance 16, was added to the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program statute. It provides LIHEAP grantees the option of spending no more than five percent of their LIHEAP funds on services that encourage and enable households to reduce their home energy needs and thereby the need for energy assistance, including needs assessment, counseling, and assistance with energy vendors.
State FY % FundsDescription Alabama2014 2Needs assessments focusing on target groups of the elderly, disabled and small children. Energy and financial counseling and assistance with energy suppliers with the goal to reduce shut-offs and disconnects. Alaska2014 0 Arizona2014 5Energy conservation education Arkansas2014 5Case management, job referrals, budget counseling, energy education, meter reading California2014 5Energy needs assessment, budget counseling, energy conservation education, advocacy with utilities, energy efficiency measures Colorado2014 0Local agencies are allowed to spend up to 5% of LIHEAP weatherization funds on energy education and counseling. Connecticut2014 $1 millionRisk assessment, counseling, energy education/awareness and assistance with energy suppliers/vendors Delaware2014 2Energy conservation workshops and financial counseling Dist. of Columbia2014 5Provide educational workshops to counsel participants on how to identify energy waste, increase energy efficiency, understand and read their utility bill in an effort to assist clients in reducing their energy costs. Florida2014 0.5Dept. will explore ways to help clients reduce energy usage. May include contracting with local agency, state, or consultant to assess energy needs, develop energy education materials, or enhance energy education through vendors. Georgia2014 .001Outreach to vulnerable groups, negotiations with fuel providers, consumer counseling, partnerships formed to strengthen and extend available resources to low-income households Hawaii2014 0 Idaho2014 5Energy conservation education, budgeting, assessment of household energy and weatherization needs, low-cost/no-cost weatherization supplies, increased outreach Illinois2014 5Client education and counseling; outreach and coordination with other related programs targeted to elderly and persons with disabilities. Indiana2014 5Case management with emphasis on self-sufficiency and energy conservation Iowa2014 5Budget counseling, advocacy, energy education, low cost weatherization, needs assessment. Kansas2014 0 Kentucky2014 .09Budget counseling, energy conservation education, assistance with utility payment plans Louisiana2014 .8State provides resources, services, and expertise to local agencies to enable them to provide energy conservation education and information to clients Maine2014 2Outreach, budget counseling, needs assessments, home energy education and referrals. Maryland2014 5Assistance with energy suppliers; referrals to weatherization, churches, fuel funds, shelters; counseling - earned income tax, renter's tax credit; alternative home heating, conservation information Massachusetts2014 2.65Needs assesment (including consumption data collection); counseling; assistance with energy vendors (shutoffs, arrears management, budget plans); FastTrack emergency service; referral to energy conservation services Michigan2014 0 Minnesota2014 5Budget counseling; energy conservation education; vendor negotiations; advocacy with fuel suppliers on behalf of households; household energy assessments; referrals; case management; public relations and outreach Mississippi2014 5Consumer education classes, vendor-sponsored workshops, low-cost/no-cost weatherization measures Missouri2014 0 Montana2014 5Administering agencies target client outreach and education activities such as energy education at public events; educating vendors about energy programs and establishing client referral practices; engaging youth in energy awareness to promote conservation. Nebraska2014 0 Nevada2014 5LIHEAP/EAP staff assists households by mediating with the utility companies and other energy vendors, coordinating sources of assistance, counseling, and making referrals to other agencies and programs. New Hampshire2014 5Preventive services for households in crisis - targeted needs assessment; energy and financial counseling; assistance with energy vendors New Jersey2014 0 New Mexico2013 0 New York2014 0 North Carolina2014 0 North Dakota2014 0 Ohio2014 2.5Data obtained by the regulated utilities is used to target high usage households with energy efficiency education. Local agencies will provide case management to assist clients in determining the best payment plan options for their household budgets, including PIPP. Oklahoma2014 0 Oregon2014 5Case management (including needs assessments, budget planning and arrearage management), energy education, energy saving incentives (kits). Pennsylvania2014 0 Rhode Island2014 4Needs assessments, counseling, and assistance with energy vendors. South Carolina2014 5Energy education accomplished through household assessment, agency referrals, income management counseling, energy workshops and educational materials, intervention with energy vendors to promote client responsibility and prevent energy crisis, and follow-up evaluation with the family to ensure progress. South Dakota2014 2Work with other agencies to ensure that literature and applications are made available; post information on the website; help promote energy conservation through utility-sponsored events; client referrals. Tennessee2014 2Local agencies can use up to 5% of their budget to provide energy conservation tips, and assistance with cutoff notices and other problems with energy suppliers. Texas2014 5Identify household needs, provide literature and energy conservation education, refer client to other appropriate programs, encourage responsible vendor and consumer behavior. Subrecipients provide applications, forms, and energy education materials in Spanish, English, or other language when appropriate. Utah2014 0.44energy conservation education, weatherization materials (e.g., caulking, heat deflectors, tape, etc.), and activities such as needs assessments, counseling, and assistance with utility vendors. Vermont2014 1 Virginia2014 0.92Energy savings and conservation tips are mailed with preprinted applications to 170,000 households at start of the heating season Washington2014 3.75Needs assessments related to energy budget management, payment plans, and related services; assistance with energy vendors to encourage responsible vendor and consumer behavior and related client counseling. West Virginia2014 0 Wisconsin2014 0 Wyoming2014 5
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