November 2, 2017 - The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission recently hosted an educational event in Johnstown Pennsylvania. The event was part of a series of events hosted across the state with social service organizations such as the Laurel Highlands.
The “Be Utility Wise,” event highlights some customer assistance programs that are designed to assist families in maintaining their essential utility services. The event intends to educate assistance organizations and other local service organizations of the utility programs and services that exist in their communities.
The event features presentations from state agencies, financial assistance programs, and local utility companies. Ideas will be shared by the presenters on topics related to weatherization, energy conservation, financial assistance programs for utility customers, and utility scam prevention and awareness.
In 2016, Pennsylvania spent approximately $398 million on customer assistance programs, not including LIHEAP funds, according to data produced by the PUC. In the 2016-17 fiscal year, Pennsylvania received approximately 185.5 million in federal LIHEAP funding.
You can learn more about Pennsylvania LIHEAP here.
Source: media reports