December 22, 2017 – This winter, Ohio’s Jefferson County Community Action Council continues to assist county residents with the Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). The council aids residents in collecting required documentation and guides them through the scheduling process, including appointment notifications and reminders.
Chief Executive Officer Michael McGlumphy provided some details about Ohio’s HEAP.
“HEAP assists income-eligible residents with their heating bills, whether it is natural gas, electric, propane, bulk fuel, coal or firewood. A disconnect notice is required for gas and electric. Customers who have regulated utilities will receive up to $175 and unregulated utility benefits of up to $550. You must have less than a 10-day supply of bulk fuel or propane. Benefits for oil, kerosene, propane and bottled gas are up to $750. Coal, wood or solid fuels are up to $450. If a delivery is made and the maximum benefit is not used, the client cannot receive a second delivery.”
Some generally required documentation to apply for assistance programs include: proof of income for household members over the age of eighteen, social security cards and proof of citizenship for all household members as well as utility bills with a disconnect notice and vendor information.
If you’d like to learn more about crisis programs in your state or territory, visit the LIHEAP Clearinghouse website here.
Sources: media reports