July 26, 2018 – Connecticut’s Operation Fuel Program has started accepting applications for energy assistance in July. Operation fuel in Connecticut is a program designed to assist low-income individuals and families who are experiencing financial hardship in paying their utility bills.
The Connecticut Public Utility Regulatory Authority reports that more than 52,000 households in 2017 had their electricity shut off due to nonpayment. In fiscal year ending June 30, 2018, Operation Fuel provided over $3.1 million in assistance to 7,323 households. The typical benefit from Operation Fuel is $500 once a year.
"Lack of electricity can be life threatening for the elderly, the very young, the chronically ill, and babies," said Brenda Watson, Operation Fuel’s Executive Director, “Being without electricity in extreme heat can be especially dangerous. When people lose their electricity, they lose the ability to refrigerate foods and medicines, cook meals, run fans, and have lights and water."
According to Operation Fuel, more than 320,000 low and moderate income households cannot afford to pay their utility bills. To qualify for assistance, applicants must have made four payments in the last year and be at 60 percent of the state’s medium income.
To learn more about energy assistance in your state, visit the LIHEAP Clearinghouse here.
source: media reports