August 3, 2018 – Ohio’s Home Energy Assistance Program’s (HEAP) Summer Crisis Program is providing one-time payments towards a household’s electric bill as well as central air-conditioning repair.
Penny Martin, Ohio Development Services Agency public-information officer, said, “Each year we budget on what we anticipate participation will be and set aside the money so we're confident that we can help all those that apply and are eligible. We make adjustments as we can here to make sure we can help as many Ohioans as possible."
Martin added that about 9,000 households have received assistance since the program began July 1—which is on track with last year.
To qualify for the HEAP Summer Crisis Assistance, a member of the household must have a member who is 60 or older who has a documented medical condition impaired by hot weather, such as asthma or COPD. A family of four must have an annual income at or below $44,000.
Ohio also offers the PIPP Plus year-round payment program for those who need more than a one-time assistance payment. PIPP Plus participants are ineligible for Summer Crisis Assistance—but they may be eligible for a fan or air conditioner.
For more information on energy assistance in your state, visit the LIHEAP Clearinghouse here.
source: media reports