August 9, 2019 – Missouri’s Northeast Community Action Corporation (NECAC) is providing Northeastern Missouri residents with summer energy assistance this year, assisting with up to $300 towards electric bills for residents who have received a disconnection notice. The program reports about 75% of their funding has been used so far.
“They can go to, and there’s an application they can fill out there, look for energy assistance, they can fill it out online and send it to us with copies of the needed forms, or they can print it off, complete it, and turn it in to the local NECAC office where they’ll send it out for processing,” said Linda Fritz, NECAC Community Services Block Grant Program Director.
Requirements for NECAC assistance includes providing proof of last month’s income and social security cards for households members, as well as the disconnection notice. If a resident has already been provided assistance through NECAC, they do not need to provide social security cards or the proof of income.
Residents can apply for the assistance online on the Northeast Missouri Community Action Corporation web site.
To learn more about energy assistance in your area, visit the LIHEAP Clearinghouse website.