August 21, 2019 – A collaboration of New Hampshire utilities, NH Saves, is making it easier for homeowners to assess their home's energy efficiency and qualify for incentives. NH Save’s online tool, the Home Heating Index (HHI), is a component of the NH Saves Audits and Weatherization program and is designed to help customers determine if their homes qualify for incentives and rebates.
The HHI tool ultimately provides customers with and index of their homes energy efficiency by collecting data over the period of one year. The data includes conditioned square footage, annual heating usage, their energy provider and their zip code.
Phil LaMoreaux, Energy Solutions Program Administrator at New Hampshire Electric Co-Op, said, “In the past, folks had to print, sign and mail in the application with copies of fuel-use records, now they can just upload an image.”
The NH Saves collaboration includes Eversource, Liberty Utilities, New Hampshire Electric Co-op and Unitil.
For more information on energy programs in your area, visit the State Snapshots web page on the LIHEAP Clearinghouse web site.