State & Territorial Programs
This page contains resources on LIHEAP funding allocations, administrative practices, program delivery and benefit determination, and more.
- The LIHEAP Funding page links past and present allocation tables with breakdowns of award amounts grant recipients received to administer their programs.
- The LIHEAP State and Territory Plans, Manuals, and Delegation Letters page links planned program operation and policy documents as well as official designation letters.
- The Benefits page provides tables with information on benefit levels and benefit determination criteria. In addition, you can find the latest publications on benefit procedures as well as the latest benefit matrices for each grant recipient.
- The Eligibility page contains links to resources for eligibility determination, including tables with state-by-state information on income eligibility, categorical eligibility, and assets/resources tests, as well as guidance on topics such as defining income and household identity.
LIHEAP Funding Allocation Table
Model Plans, Manuals, and Delegation Letters