Alaska State-Tribe Agreement

Tribe / Tribal Organization

Source of Allocation Method


Allocation Method


Link to Agreement

Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Association State-Tribe Agreement Fixed Percentage Agreement
Aniak Traditional Council State-Tribe Agreement Fixed Percentage Agreement
Assn. of Village Council Presidents State-Tribe Agreement Fixed Percentage Agreement
Bristol Bay Native Association State-Tribe Agreement Fixed Percentage Agreement
Chuathbaluk Traditional Council State-Tribe Agreement Fixed Percentage Agreement
Cook Inlet State-Tribe Agreement Fixed Percentage Agreement
Kenaitze Indian Tribe State-Tribe Agreement Fixed Percentage Agreement
Orutsararmuit Native Council State-Tribe Agreement Fixed Percentage Agreement
Seldovia Village State-Tribe Agreement Fixed Percentage Agreement
Sitka Tribe of Alaska State-Tribe Agreement Fixed Percentage Agreement
Tanana Chiefs Conference State-Tribe Agreement Fixed Percentage Agreement
Tlingit & Haida Central Council State-Tribe Agreement Fixed Percentage Agreement
Yakutat Tlingit Tribe State-Tribe Agreement Fixed Percentage Agreement