Rate Assistance
  • Universal Service Fund (USF)
    • Eligibility: Customer of participating utilities, income 175% FPG, pay more than 6% of income for gas and electricity
    • Provides bill credits up to $1,800/year, limits customer payment to 3% of income for gas or electric, or 6% if electric heat
  • Temporary Relief for Utility Expenses (TRUE)
    • Eligibility: Have not received USF or LIHEAP, overdue notice for gas and/or electricity bills, history of making regular payments toward utility bills
  • Payment Assistance for Gas and Electric (PAGE)
    • Eligibility: Have not received USF in past six months or LIHEAP during the heating season, overdue notice for gas and/or electricity bills, and history of making regular payments towards utility bills
  • Lifeline
    • Eligibility: Elderly and disabled, including recipients of Supplemental Security Income or eligible for Pharmaceutical Assistance for the Aged and Disabled
    • Benefit up to $225
Arrears Management
  • Fresh Start
    • Eligibility: First-year USF participant with arrears of at least $60
    • Forgives pre-program arrears if participants pay monthly bills in full and on-time for entire year.
Energy Efficiency
  • Comfort Partners
    • Eligibility: Income 225% FPG or less; prioritizes USF participants with high energy use
    • Measures: efficient lighting, water heater replacement and water conservation measures; refrigerator and freezer replacements; thermostats, insulation upgrades, air sealing, duct sealing and repair, heating/cooling equipment repair and replacement and custom measures
Participating Utilities

USF, Lifeline, TRUE and Comfort Partners: PSE&G, Elizabethtown Gas, NJ Natural Gas, South Jersey Gas, Atlantic City Electric, Jersey Central P&L, Rockland Electric

Annual Funding (2014)
  • USF: $157.6 million
  • Fresh Start: $8 million
  • Lifeline: $66.6 million
  • TRUE: $672,174
  • PAGE: $2.2 million
  • Comfort Partners: $31.7 million
Households Served (2014)
  • USF: 252,029
  • Fresh Start: 19,161
  • Lifeline: 172,924
  • TRUE: 1,335
  • PAGE: 2,862
  • Comfort Partners: 6,054
Funding Mechanism
Societal Benefits Charge - a uniform volumetric charge on all electric and natural gas customers
  • USF and Fresh Start: Department of Community Affairs (LIHEAP grantee)
  • Lifeline: Department of Human Services
  • TRUE and PAGE: Affordable Housing Alliance
  • Comfort Partners: Utilities and BPU Office of Clean Energy
Electric Discount and Energy Competition Act, created USF
Other Important
  • Docket # EX00020091, Order dated July 16, 2003, created statewide permanent assistance program and approved USF rates to fund
  • Comfort Partners - latest budget filing & program details