- Black Hills Energy Assistance Program (BHEAP)
- Qualifications: Black Hills Energy customers that are LIHEAP recipients with incomes at or below 150% FPG; agree to participate in WAP; and enroll in Budget Billing Plan.
- Receive a fixed monthly credit on their bills determined through company-devised formula.
- Customer Assistance Program (CAP)
- Qualifications: Colorado Natural Gas customers that are LIHEAP recipients with incomes at or below 150% FPG.
- Receive a company-calculated bill credit in conjunction with a LIHEAP credit.
- Maximum gas payment made follows these percentages of income burden:
- Household income at or below 75% FPG: 2% of income
- Household income exceeding 75% but at or below 125% FPG: 2.5% of income
- Household income exceeding 125% but at or below 185% FPG: 3% of income.
- Energy Affordability Program (EAP)
- Qualifications: Xcel Energy customers that are LIHEAP recipients and enroll in Average Monthly Payment Plan. Qualified customers have three options:
- PIPP: Bill credit determined as 1/12 of the difference between the customer's estimated bill and 3% of the customer's annual household income.
- Step Bill Discount (SBD): Households at or below 100% FPG receive a 25% discount based on their last 12 months of usage. Customers between 100%-150% FPG receive a 20% discount based on last the 12 months of usage.
- Percentage of Income Payment Plan Low-Income Program (PIPPLIP)
- Qualifications: Atmos Energy customers with incomes at or below 150% FPG that are LIHEAP recipients.
- Receive a fixed monthly credit on their bills determined through company-devised formula.
- Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP)
- Qualifications: SourceGas customers that are LIHEAP recipients with incomes at or below 125% FPG.
- Maximum gas payment made follows these percentages of income burden:
- Household income at or below 75% FPG: 2% of income
- Household income exceeding 75% but at or below 125% FPG: 2.5% of income
- Household income exceeding 125% but at or below 185% FPG: 3% of income.
Arrears Management
- Monthly arrearage credit for Black Hills Energy customers equal to 1/24 of the pre-existing arrearage so outstanding balance is reduced to $0 over 24 months. Customer must pay down outstanding balance to $300 before being allowed to enroll in program
- Reduces outstanding balances for Colorado Natural Gas customers to $0 within a 12 month period.
- PIPP: Credit designed to retire outstanding balances for Xcel Energy customers over 12 months for customers with arrear of $500 or less; or over 24 months for customers with outstanding balances over $500.
- SBD: One-time credit of up to $200 is applied to arrears.
- o One-time forgiveness of total arrearages for newly-enrolled Atmos Energy customers in the program.
- Credit reduces outstanding balances for SourceGas customers to $0 over 12 months.
Energy Efficiency
- Income Qualified Program (IQP)
- Single and Multi Family: Services include energy education, on-site energy audits, direct installation of
low-cost natural gas water heating measures, and weatherization measures.- Energy-Efficiency Kits: Customized efficiency measures, educational materials, and instructions to help customers self-install measures.
- Low-Income Program (LIP)
- Eligibility up to 200% FPG for Xcel Energy customers (for energy kits must also be enrolled in LIHEAP)
- Services include: Distribution of energy-saving kits that include low-flow showerheads/aerators and CFLs; and weatherization assistance./li>
- Low-Income Assistance Program (LIAP)
- Single and Multi Family: Installations may include insulation and air sealing, faucet aerators, low flow shower heads, storm windows, programmable thermostats.
- Income Qualified Program (IQP)
- Single Family Weatherization: Services include energy education, on-site energy audits, direct installation of low-cost natural gas water heating measures, and weatherization measures.
- Energy-Efficiency Kits: Include customized efficiency measures, educational materials, and instructions to help customers self-install measures.
- Propane-to-Gas Conversion: Subsidies to convert heating and hot water appliances from propane to natural gas.
Participating Utilities
- BHEAP and LIAP: Black Hills Energy
- CAP and RLIP: Colorado Natural Gas
- EAP and LIP: Xcel Energy
- PIPPLIP and IQP: Atmos Energy
- PIPP and IQP: SourceGas
Annual Funding (2015)Rate Assistance
- BHEAP: $1.3 million
- CAP: $37,769
- EAP: $6.8 million
- PIPPLIP: $49,296
- PIPP: $163,628
Energy Efficiency
- LIAP: $133,579
- IQP - CNG: $13,073
- IQP - Atmos: $218,121
- LIP: $5 million
Households Served (2015)Rate Assistance
- BHEAP: 1,877
- CAP: 180
- EAP: 24,009
- PIPPLIP: 571
- PIPP: 4,375
Energy Efficiency
- LIAP: 442
- IQP-CNG: 25
- IQP-Atmos: 486
- LIP: 16,696
Funding Mechanism
- BHEAP: "BHEAP Funding Fee" charged to all Black Hills customers.
- CAP: Monthly surcharge for all Colorado Natural Gas customers.
- EAP: Built into the "Service and Facility Charge" charged to all Xcel customers.
- PIPPLIP: Built into "Service and Facility Charge" charged to all Atmos customers
- PIPP: "Income Payment Plan Cost Adjustment" charged to all SourceGas customers.
- IQP: "Demand-Side Management Cost Adjustment" charged to all Atmos and SourceGas customers.
- LIP: "Demand-Side Management Cost Adjustment" charged to all Xcel customers.
- LIAP: "Demand-Side Management Cost Adjustment" charged to all Black Hills customers.
- RLIP: "Demand-Side Management Cost Adjustment" charged to all Colorado Natural Gas Customers.
- BHEAP: Partner with Colorado LIHEAP
- CAP: Partner with Energy Outreach Colorado and Colorado LIHEAP
- EAP: Partner with Colorado LIHEAP
- PIPPLIP: Partner with Energy Outreach Colorado and Colorado LIHEAP
- PIPP: Partner with Colorado LIHEAP
- IQP:Partner with Energy Outreach Colorado
- LIP: Partner with Governor's Energy Office and Energy Outreach Colorado
- LIAP: Partner with community action agencies
- Rate Assistance: Senate Bill 22 (2007)
- Energy Efficiency: Senate Bill 1037 (2007)