Rate Assistance
- Energy Assistance Program (EAP)
- 25% discount off electric bills for households earning up to 150% FPG that are Green Mountain Power customers
- Low-Income Assistance Program (LIAP)
- 20% discount on natural gas bills for households earning up to 185% FPG that are Vermont Gas System customers
Arrears Management
- One-time forgiveness for 3 months of outstanding bills of customers initially enrolling in the EAP
Energy Efficiency
- Energy Efficiency Utility
- Efficient lighting and water conservation products; conversion of electric space and/or water heating equipment to less costly natural gas systems; and replacement of inefficient refrigerators, freezers and clothes washers with high-efficiency ENERGY STAR models
Weatherization Trust Fund (WTF)
- Energy and diagnostic assessments; energy-efficient retrofits like dense-pack sidewall insulation, air sealing, attic insulation; and heating system upgrades and replacements
- Available to households earning at or below 80% SMI
- Supplements federal WAP
Participating Utilities
- EAP: Green Mountain Power
- LIAP: Vermont Gas Systems
- EEU: Efficiency Vermont (combination of 22 utilities) and Burlington Electric Department
- WTF: Vendors of heating oil, kerosene, propane, and coal
Annual Funding (2015)
- EAP: $2.531 million
- Arrearage Forgiveness: $450,000
- LIAP: $335,882
- EEU: Efficiency Vermont - $705,276 / Burlington Electric - $221,584
- WTF: $9.8 million
Households Served (2014)
- EAP: 9,169
- LIAP: 1,487
- EEU: Efficiency Vermont - 750 / Burlington Electric - 1.021
- WTF: 916
Funding Mechanism
- EAP: Surcharge on all Green Mountain Power customers
- LIAP: Surcharge on all Vermont Gas Systems customers
- EEU: Non-bypassable volumetric system benefits charge on all utility customers' bills
- WTF: Gross receipts tax of 0.5% on retail sales of heating oil, kerosene, propane, natural gas, electricity and coal
- EAP: Dept Children and Families (LIHEAP grantee) through contract with Green Mountain Power
- LIAP: Dept Children and Families through contract with Vermont Gas Systems
- EEU: Burlington Electric Department and Vermont Energy Investment Corporation (for Efficiency Vermont) through contracts with the Public Service Board
- WAP: Community action agencies with oversight by Dept Children and Families