December 20, 2013 — The LIHEAP Clearinghouse has produced a three-page Issue Brief titled "Wood Stove Changeouts and LIHEAP: Cheaper, Healthier Alternatives for Wood Heat Clients."
The issue brief is designed to inform LIHEAP providers and policymakers of current and past partnerships that have provided low-income wood-heat households new stoves that are cleaner, safer, and more energy efficient by replacing, or "changing out" old, inefficient wood stoves and fireplaces.
As detailed in the brief, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), state, local, and tribal governments, along with health departments, air quality management districts and hearth industry representatives, have worked together over the past decade to replace more than 30,000 older wood stoves with EPA-certified wood stoves, pellet or natural gas stoves. In some cases LIHEAP weatherization funds were used to help with stove purchase and installation and/or LIHEAP verified applicant's income eligibility.
The brief details the health, safety and cost-saving benefits of wood stove changeouts, along with links to additional resources. The EPA points out that there are about nine million older, non-certified wood stoves still in operation, and there are resources available to help entities implement programs to improve the air quality and health of their communities.
The issue brief was produced under the LIHEAP Clearinghouse's contract with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Energy Assistance.