AL | AS | AZ | AR | CA | DE | DC | FL | IN | KY | LA | MP | MS | NE | NV | NJ | NM | NY | ND | PR | OK | OR | SC | TN | TX | VA
Alabama |
Program Dates | June 1 - September 30 |
Eligibility/Priority | 150% FPG |
Application/Intake | Vulnerable households have early application periods and designated times for which only they may apply for assistance. |
Benefits | $305 minimum; $460 maximum |
American Samoa |
Program Dates | Year-round |
Eligibility/Priority | 150% of federal poverty guidelines. |
Benefits | $25 minimum, $65 maximum |
Arizona |
Program Dates | April 1st - October 31st for counties: Coconino, Yavapai, Navajo, Apache, Greenlee, Graham, Cochise, and Santa Cruz. April 1st - November 30th for counties: Mohave, La Paz, Yuma, Maricopa, Gila, Pinal, and Pima. |
Eligibility/Priority | 60% of state median income or 150% of federal poverty guidelines for family of 7 or more. Seniors, disabled and children under 6 are given additional points for eligibility. |
Benefits | $75 minimum, $800 maximum |
Arkansas |
Program Dates | Year-round |
Eligibility/Priority | 60% of state median income |
Benefits | $48 minimum; $475 maximum |
California |
Program Dates | Year-round. LIHEAP operates on a calendar year and doesn't distinguish between heating and cooling. Services that meet heating and cooling needs are combined and available throughout the year. |
Eligibility/Priority | 60% of state median income. Each LIHEAP local service provider develops a prioritization of services plan and may target households by energy burden, vulnerable populations, etc. Most plans provide additional consideration to seniors. |
Benefits | $142 minimum; $1,000 maximum |
Delaware |
Program Dates | May 1 - August 31 |
Eligibility / Priority | 200% of federal poverty level The Summer Cooling Assistance Program (SCAP) has two components: Electricity and Air Conditioning (A/C). SCAP provides cooling assistance to eligible low-income households to reduce their energy burden by subsidizing the cost of their summer home energy bills and/or paying for the purchase, delivery and installation of room-sized air conditioners (A/C). The purpose of SCAP is to assist low-income households that are especially vulnerable to high temperatures, heat, and humidity. Therefore, the SCAP is targeted to households with members sixty or older, disabled, children five and under, and members that suffer from chronic breathing conditions, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases of chronic bronchitis or emphysema. However, there can be exceptions to the targeted households depending on the availability of funding. In addition, since FFY 2016, the SCAP A/C requires that the household has not received an air conditioner under SCAP A/C during the last ten (10) years. If the household is requesting an A/C during this period, they must provide bona fide justification for requesting another air conditioner. (For example, to receive a replacement for a stolen A/C, the applicant has to submit the police report) |
Benefits | Help will include utility bill payment assistance (up to $1,000) and, in some cases, window unit air conditioners. |
District of Columbia |
Program Dates | Year-round |
Eligibility/Priority | 60% of state median income |
Application/Intake | Apply at the DC Energy Office |
Benefits | $25 minimum; $1,800 maximum |
Other | Subject to available funding, box fans are provided to households with inoperable air conditioning, when a member of the household is over the age of 55 or under the age of five. |
Florida |
Program Dates | April 1 - September 30 |
Eligibility/Priority | 150% of federal poverty level. Senior priority is a local agency decision. |
Application/Intake | Applicant households with one or more vulnerable population members (elderly, disabled or young children) are provided as additional benefit. |
Benefits | $150 minimum; $475 maximum. Additional benefit is provided if at least one member of the household is elderly, disabled or child 5 and under. |
Other | Crisis funds may be available for replacements or repairs to cooling equipment. |
Indiana |
Program Dates | June 3 - August 23 |
Eligibility/Priority | 150% of federal poverty level |
Application/Intake | If funds are available, a Summer Cooling program will be administered beginning in June. |
Benefits | $75 maximum. If additional funds are available at the end of heating season, clients who applied and received heating assistance automatically receive cooling assistance. Any additional funds will be available for new applicants. Air conditioners are provided for medical reasons with a signed affidavit. |
Kentucky |
Program Dates | June 1 - September 30 |
Eligibility/Priority | 130% of federal poverty level |
Benefits | $50 minimum; $175 maximum. Medical need is an requirement to be eligible for an air conditioner. |
Louisiana |
Program Dates | April 1 - September 30 |
Eligibility/Priority | 60% of state median income. |
Application/Intake | Provide intake service through home visits or by telephone for elderly and disabled. |
Benefits | $150 minimum, $600 maximum. |
Mississippi |
Program Dates | May 1 - September 30 |
Eligibility/Priority | 60% of state median income. Eligibility priority is given to seniors. |
Application/Intake | |
Benefits | $1 minimum; $1,500 maximum |
Other | Fans, air conditioners, cooling systems and other cooling, energy-related services may be provided depending on needs, case management result and client complying fully with the established case plan. |
Nebraska |
Program Dates | June 1 - August 31 |
Eligibility/Priority | 130% of federal poverty level. |
Application/Intake | State Administration Agency handles all low-income programs and only one application is needed for all the programs. If an application is on file and is current, then a new application is not needed. |
Benefits | $300 minimum, $700 maximum |
Other | Fans are distributed through Community Agencies with LIHEAP reimbursement for fans purchased. Window A/C Units may be purchased with LIHEAP funding, if Household meets the cooling qualifications. |
Nevada |
Program Dates | Year-round |
Eligibility/Priority | 150% of federal poverty level. |
Application/Intake | Prior recipient households consisting of elderly and/or disabled members will be mailed a simplified re-determination application at least 30 days preceding the date they may be eligible for a current year benefit. Applications received by households consisting of elderly, disabled, and/or have a child under 6 years of age are will be processed within 30 days (rather than 60 days) of receipt. |
Benefits | $180 minimum; $1,496 maximum |
New Jersey |
Program Dates | October 1 - August 31; Program end dates are contingent upon availability of funds. The application process for cooling is the same as the LIHEAP heating season, however, the first week in May is the start date for issuing cooling benefits. |
Eligibility/Priority | 200% of federal poverty level. (60% SMI for households located in the three municipalities in Ocean and Passaic Counties, declared as a state of emergency by the Goveronr of New Jersey because of the flash floods). |
Benefits | Flat benefit of $200 |
New Mexico |
Program Dates | Year-round |
Eligibility/Priority | 150% of federal poverty level |
Benefits | $80 minimum, $560 maximum. |
New York |
Program Dates | May 1 - August 30 |
Eligibility/Priority | 150% federal poverty level. In addition to meeting New York State's income eligibility and living arrangement eligibility criteria, all applicants for the Cooling Assistance component must have a medical condition, which is exacerbated by heat and verified in writing by a physician, physician's assistant, or nurse practitioner and do not have a working air conditioner that is newer than five years. Applicants are only eligible for a Cooling Assistance benefit once every ten years. |
Application/Intake | Those who want to see if they qualify can visit Call the NYS HEAP Hotline at 1-800-342-3009 for more information. Apply at local social service office. |
Benefits | Minimum $10; Maximum 800 |
North Dakota |
Program Dates | The state LIHEAP does not routinely include a cooling program but reserves the option to implement a temporary cooling program in the event of unusual cooling needs due to weather aberrations, contingent upon available funding |
Eligibility/Priority | 60% state median income, documented medical condition |
Application/Intake | County Department of Social Services |
Benefits | $800 maximum. North Dakota cooling program (not regularly implemented) does not pay a household's cooling costs. Instead, a LIHEAP-eligible household may qualify for a cooling device (an air conditioner or a fan, as the need dictates) or repair on an existing cooling device, if a member of the household is elderly or has a documented medical need. |
Oklahoma |
Program Dates | June 18 - August 30 |
Eligibility/Priority | 130% of federal poverty level |
Application/Intake | County Human Services Centers |
Benefits | $150 minimum; $365 maximum Applications requesting assistance to purchase or repair cooling equipment can be reimbursed up to $150. Applicants must provide a recent 30 days receipt prior to approval. |
Oregon |
Program Dates | year-round |
Eligibility/Priority | 60% of state median income |
Application/Intake | Local County Government and Community Action Agenices |
Benefits | $250 minimum; $1,050 maximum; Households in crisis may be eligible for other services, depending on specific situations and needs, including in-kind items such as blankets, air conditioners, and other emergency supplies. |
Puerto Rico |
Program Dates | April 1 - September 30 |
Eligibility/Priority | 150% of federal poverty level. |
Benefits | $100 minimum; $550 maximum |
South Carolina |
Program Dates | May 1 - September 30 |
Eligibility/Priority | 150% of federal poverty level. |
Benefits | $300 minimum, $675 maximum |
Tennessee |
Program Dates | Year-round |
Eligibility/Priority | 150% of federal poverty level. |
Benefits | $175 minimum, $650 maximum |
Texas |
Program Dates | Year-round |
Eligibility/Priority | 150% of federal poverty level |
Benefits | $1 minimum; $5,400 maximum. Under energy crisis, a household may receive repair of existing cooling units not to exceed $3,000. Households that include at least one vulnerable member may receive either repair of existing cooling units or crisis-related purchase of portable units not to exceed $3,000. |
Virginia |
Program Dates | June 15 - August 15 |
Eligibility/Priority | 130% of federal poverty level. |
Benefits | $50 minimum; $550 maximum. |
West Virginia |
Program Dates | April 1 - September 30; We will do a cooling program if there are funds left to do a cooling program after the heating season. |
Eligibility/Priority | 150% of federal poverty level. |
Benefits | $131 minimum; $497 maximum; We will provide Emergency Repair and Replacement for air conditioners for those clients that have someone in the household that is aged, disabled or a child age 5 or younger in the household. |