LIHEAP Funds by Program Component 2014

NOTE: The LIHEAP statute authorizes states to provide assistance to low-income households in meeting their home energy costs, intervene in energy crisis situations, and provide low-cost residential weatherization and other cost-effective energy-related home repair (up to 15 percent or 25 percent of the grant if a waiver is approved); it also allows states to spend no more than 10 percent of their grant for administrative purposes. Beyond that, states decide what percent of their funds go to each program component. In some cases, state legislatures have mandated component expenditures. For example, state statutes in California, Pennsylvania and Virginia mandate the amount of the weatherization set aside from LIHEAP funds.

State FY % Funds Heat % Funds Cool % Funds Crisis % Funds Wx: 2014 estimate Comment
Alaska 2013 66 0 9 $1.1m  
Alabama 2012 38 25 20    
Arkansas 2013 53   17 15 Crisis is year-round, funds can be used for cooling. percentages for programs are estimates, they don't decide until program starts.
Arizona 2014 22.6 42 5 15 Heating, cooling and crisis operated as one year round program.
California 2014 14.61 14.61 30.70 15 heating/cooling is one year-round program, year-round crisis is optional for CAAs, majority do run year-round.
Colorado 2013 65 0 5 10  
Connecticut 2014   0   0 200%-60% SMI for CHAP if implemented
District of Col. 2014         Funds left in spring are used for cooling, heat and crisis are year-round until out of $$
Delaware 2013 65 9 4 10  
Florida 2014 10.5 16 38 8  
Georgia 2014         Percentages differ between amended plan and interview, these are from the plan. Allow non-documented aliens to apply on behalf of minor children who are citizens
Hawaii 2014 65 0 15 0  
Iowa 2014   0     For households over 150% of FPG, but less than 175% FPG, there is a special waiver process that will give them the opportunity to be eligible if they can document un-reimbursed medical costs, equal to the amount this income exceeds 150% of FPG.  Medical costs may be deducted from their countable income.  Medical costs must be documented, paid within the previous 12 months, and be non-reimbursable.  If they can successfully document these costs, they will become eligible and receive a benefit based upon the 150% FPL threshold.
Idaho 2013 55.92 0 4 15 Elgibility changed in Jan. to 150% FPG (Garland Draper, NEADA Feb meeting). Crisis is fast track as part of heating. Auto eligibility for households with one person receiving TANF or SSI.
Illinois 2014 70     15 Heating and crisis are integrated. 33% of funds are set aside for those receiving TANF, AABD, or Transitional Assistance, or with incomes at or below 50% of the poverty level.
Indiana 2014          
Kansas 2014   0     Heating and crisis operate as one program
Kentucky 2014         Households automatically eligible if one person is receiving TANF,  SSI,  Food Stamps, or certain means-tested veterans programs.
Louisiana 2013 32.2 32 10 15  
Massachusetts 2014   0   $9 million Heating and crisis are integrated. Variable levels of the state median income, maximizing at 60%, to equate with federal poverty levels up to 200%, or 150% of federal poverty whenever 200% exceeds 60% of the state median income.
Maryland 2014   0      
Maine 2014 67 0 6 15 2012: 15% for wx was redirected to fuel assistance. Eligibility for households with incomes between 210% and 228% of the federal poverty guidelines is limited to those households with a member who is susceptible to hypothermia, such as elderly, a child under the age of two, or with a doctor's diagnosis.
Michigan 2013 28   46.62 15 Eligibility: < 110 FPG automatically eligible and get automatic payment. Crisis eligibility: less than150% FPG or special medical problem, auto eligibility for TANF, SSI and FS. 2013 - .38% pilot for SNAP/ $1 benefit
Minnesota 2014   0     Crisis: 7.5% and 7.5% for energy related repair. 60% SMI for Reach Out For Warmth (part of crisis).
Missouri 2014 55 0 24 1%  
Mississippi 2012 50 14 5 0  
Montana 2014   0     Households are automatically eligible if one person is receiving TANF or SSI.
North Carolina 2013 21.71   50.66 13.30 and 6.17 Cooling benefits are part of crisis. Automatic payments for all food stamp households active as of September 30th, 6.16% of funding.
North Dakota 2013 $15 million 0 $900,000 15 Heating, cooling and crisis operate as one program, don't allocate percentages or don't know until program year is over. 10% to admin, 15% wx if fed funding level allows - leaves 75% for benefits
Nebraska 2013 35 3 33    
New Hampshire 2013 65   10 $500,000 Oct. 2012- eligibility is 200 FPG but may change to 60 SMI (website) if additional funds are received
New Jersey 2014 65 4 6 15  
New Mexico 2014         Once-a-year benefit can be used for heating, cooling and expedited crisis.
Nevada 2013 55   15 5 FY2013: submitted an amendment to increase POP to 150% (plan still has 125%).  Heating and cooling operate as one program. Auto eligibility if ALL members of the household are eligible and receiving one or more of the following benefits: TANF, SSI, Food Stamps, or means-tested Veteran Disability benefits.
New York 2014 62.3 1 18.7 10 Automatic eligibility for households with at least one person that receives TANF, Family Assistance or SSI (Code A), or Food Stamps. Eligibiltiy is the greater of 150% FPG or 60% SMI. Households of 11+ use 150% FPG
Ohio 2014         Summer crisis cooling eligibility is lowered to 175% FPG for 2013
Oklahoma 2014         Pre-authorize many households with elderly, disabled, blind, children, or food stamp recipients. Auto eligibility for heating for TANF, SSI and FS
Oregon 2014 49.92 0 10 15  
Pennsylvania 2014 65 0 10 15  
Rhode Island 2014         Households automatically eligible if one person is receiving  TANF, SSI or Food Stamps
South Carolina 2013 30 20 20 15 Agencies can break down funds based on need.
South Dakota 2014   0      
Tennessee 2013 50 30 10 0 Heating, cooling and crisis are one program. Local agencies have flexibility to allocate to one, two or all components in the amounts they see fit up to a maximum of 85% for heating, 15% for crisis or 5% for outreach (A16?)
Texas 2014 10 40 10 25 Heating, cooling and crisis are one year-round program. Update poverty table in Jan 2013
Utah 2014   0      
Virginia 2014 55 10 9 15 To be eligible for any type of Cooling Assistance, a household must contain at least one vulnerable person (age 60 or older, under age 6 or disabled). Renters eligible for cooling equipment shall receive a portable fan unless otherwise specified in policy.
Vermont 2014       $400,000  
Washington 2014 71.17 0   15 Heating and crisis are integrated
Wisconsin 2014   0      
West Virginia 2013   0   15  
Wyoming 2014 60 0 10 15