Subsidized and Rental Household LIHEAP Eligibility and Benefits: States and Territories

Link to: Tribal Subsidized and Rental Household LIHEAP Eligibility and Benefits [in development]

[Last updated: 1/16/2025]

AL | AK | AS | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE | DC | FL | GA | HI | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS | KY | LA | ME | MD | MA | MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ | NM | NY | NC | ND | OH | OK | OR | PA | PR | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | UT | VT | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes

A renter who has their primary heating fuel expense included in their subsidized rental payment is not eligible to receive assistance through LIHEAP.

A renter who pays for their primary heating fuel expense in addition to their subsidized rental payment is eligible to receive assistance through LIHEAP, if they meet all other eligibility criteria. If a renter’s subsidized rental payment includes a utility allowance their benefit is reduced by 50%.

  • A renter participating in a subsidized housing program must provide a copy of their current subsidized housing rental calculation worksheet. This document is used to determine if the client’s primary heating fuel is included in the rental payment and if the renter receives a utility allowance.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes

A renter must provide their rent receipt and rental/lease agreement as an indication they incur a heating expense via their rental payment. The rental agreement is also used to help the caseworker determine if the applicant is participating in a subsidized rental housing program, and to determine the rental’s primary heating fuel. 

This information can also be provided verbally by the landlord. Clients who incur a heating expense via their rental payment may elect for a portion of their benefit to be paid to their home electricity vendor and the remainder of the benefit will be issued as a direct payment to the client.


American Samoa

Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
  Comment Renters living in subsidizing housing, who receive a utility reimbursement, are not eligible for LIHEAP if the amount of the reimbursement exceeds the amount of their monthly utility bill.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
  Comment Subsidized households with utilities included in their rent, which do not receive a utility bill, are not eligible for LIHEAP assistance, unless the household can demonstrate an energy burden.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
  Comment Renters living in unsubsidized housing, with utilities included in their rent, must be able to demonstrate an energy burden, by providing a lease agreement or statement from the landlord, indicating that energy costs are included in the rent payment.


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
  Comment Households in subsidized housing with heat in rent are not vulnerable to rising heat costs, and are not eligible. Households in subsidized housing that pay their heat directly to a heat vendor/pay a surcharge to their rent to their landlord are considered vulnerable and are eligible for assistance
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
  Comment When heat is not included in rent, they receive a flat benefit if their rent is within certain amount. If their rent is greater than a certain amount, then the heating benefit is issued based on LIHEAP heating matrix. 
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
  Comment When heat is included in rent, they are not eligible for heating benefit.

District of Columbia

Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
  Comment Applicants that are residents of subsidized housing or residents of a dwelling unit where utilities are included in the rent must provide proof in the form of a utility bill that they or a household member are directly responsible for paying their own energy costs.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
Applicants that are residents of subsidized housing or residents of a dwelling unit where utilities are included in the rent must provide proof in the form of a utility bill that they or a household member are directly responsible for paying their own energy costs.


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? Yes

If the applicant lives in multifamily housing or rents their residence, the applicant must provide a statement from their landlord stating that:

  1. Home energy costs are not included in their rent. A lease agreement that includes this information is acceptable.
  2. The address of the applicant
  3. The signature, address and telephone number of the landlord, and
  4. If the applicant and landlord share the same living space, the applicant must provide a statement that he or she is not the spouse of the landlord.
  5. If the landlord is applying, then he or she must provide a statement that he or she is not the spouse of the roomer/boarder
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes

If the applicant lives in government subsidized housing, the subrecipient must determine if all or part of their utility costs are paid directly or indirectly by the government and take the following actions:

  • The applicant is not eligible for any assistance type if their home heating and cooling costs are totally included in their rent, and they have no obligation to pay any portion of the costs.

If the applicant lives in government subsidized housing, the subrecipient must determine if all or part of their utility costs are paid directly or indirectly by the government and take the following actions:

  • The applicant is not eligible for any assistance type if their home heating and cooling costs are totally included in their rent, and they have no obligation to pay any portion of the costs.
  • The applicant is eligible for crisis and home energy assistance if a portion of the heating and cooling costs are included in their rent. The subrecipient must deduct the subsidized amount from the crisis payment.
  • If an applicant is receiving rent supplements through HUD or Section Eight, the subrecipient must obtain a copy of the applicant’s rental agreement/lease to determine if energy assistance is included or a separate expense from the monthly rent obligation. A copy of the lease must be placed in the client file.
  • The subrecipient may approve applicants who move from ineligible housing to eligible housing. The subrecipient must first receive verification of the move. Applicants who move are responsible for any unpaid balance due the vendor from the energy
    account at the ineligible address.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
  Comment LIHEAP payment is made to the energy vendor or landlord (if utilities are included in the rent) on behalf of eligible households that meet income and residency criteria


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
  Comment Verification that household has a financial responsibility for heating costs when the utility bill is not in a household member name. 


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? Yes
Renters with utilities included in their rent have to verify their rent will receive a Cash benefit given they don't have an energy bill under their name. In addition, Furnace Assistance (Crisis Assistance) is for homeowners. Since landlords have legal responsibility to provide heat to their tenants during the winter months, renters are not eligible for Furnace Assistance.
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
Renters with utilities included in their rent have to verify their rent will receive a Cash benefit given they don't have an energy bill under their name. In addition, Furnace Assistance (Crisis Assistance) is for homeowners. Since landlords have legal responsibility to provide heat to their tenants during the winter months, renters are not eligible for Furnace Assistance.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
Renters with utilities included in their rent have to verify their rent is greater than 30% of their income for 30 days prior to application in order to be eligible to receive benefits. In addition, the furnace component is for homeowners. Since landlords have legal responsibility to provide heat to their tenants during the winter months, renters are not eligible for Furnace Assistance.


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
  Comment Applicants who rent their home and have utilities included in the rent must provide documentation that they have an out-of-pocket rent responsibility (i.e., that their rent is not 100% subsidized) in order to establish that an energy burden exists. 


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
  Comment Subsidized households where primary heat is included in the rent are eligible for LIHEAP Regular Assistance if they have a secondary energy burden with a utility vendor. 
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
  Comment Subsidized households where both heat and electric are included in the rent are ineligible because the household's energy burden is already reduced through the housing subsidy.


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
  Comment Renters living in subsidized housing where the heating fuel costs are included in their rent are not eligible for energy assistance.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
  Comment Verification from the landlord is required to verify utilities are included as part of the rent. 


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
  Comment Renters living in subsidized housing, the amount of the utility allowance is deducted from the total energy cost. Households receiving a utility allowance greater than the utility bill are not eligible. Applicants over 60 years old are exempt from this requirement.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
  Comment Renters with utilities in rent must have a landlord agreement filled out that states that the landlord will pass on the benefit as a reduction in rent.


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? Yes
  Comment Applicants who are renters are eligible to receive energy assistance benefits provided they meet all other eligibility requirements. Specific rental arrangements between the renter (tenant) and the landlord must be verified to determine if and how benefits will be paid. Direct Payment of Heating Costs: Renters who pay their heating costs directly must identify their energy supplier and fuel type.
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
  Comment Applicants living in subsidized housing must provide proof that they are directly responsible for paying their own heating costs. Renters who are living in subsidized housing receive a lower benefit level than those with similar incomes who do not have access to subsidized housing, as a utility allowance is incorporated into their subsidy.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
Renters, including roomers and boarders, who pay their energy costs indirectly as undesignated portions of rent payments must provide the name, address, and phone number of the landlord to whom the rent payments are made. If their application is approved, benefits will be paid to the landlord, and the rent will be reduced accordingly.


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? Yes
A renter that does not live in a subsidized building or a Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) building, that pays their vendor directly for their heat is eligible for a full HEAP benefit.
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
  Comment A renter living in a subsidized building or living in a LIHTC building who pays a vendor directly for their heat, or who lives in a subsidized building or a LIHTC building, as described above, with heat included in rent where the monthly rent is more than 30% of the gross HEAP monthly income, may be eligible for a partial HEAP benefit. Those renters living in subsidized housing or in a LIHTC building with heat included in their rent that pay 30% or less of their gross HEAP monthly income towards rent are not eligible for home energy assistance.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
  Comment A renter that does not live in a subsidized building or a Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) building, whose heat is included in the rent is eligible for a full HEAP benefit.


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
  Comment Renters, whose heating costs are included in their rent or if heat service is in someone else’s name, the credit is reduced by 50 percent. Michigan believes that the 50 percent reduction is equitable and within the guidelines of this program since groups whose heat is included in their rent or when the bill is in someone else's name are unable to provide proof of their actual heat obligations and costs. This group is eligible but at a lower benefit amount. HHC allows applicants to provide their actual heating costs therefore those paying actual costs that are greater than the standard credit for the same group size would receive a larger benefit amount.


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
  Comment Renters in subsidized housing may be eligible if they pay for their heat and/or electric bill. Households living in government-subsidized housing with heat and electric included in rent, when rent is solely income-based, are not eligible for energy assistance as they are not vulnerable to rising energy costs.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No*
  Comment *Only eligible if the client is paying an energy supplier out of pocket.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
  Comment Clients will receive a one-time direct payment equal to 16% of their annual rent not to exceed the maximum allowed EA benefit for their household size and income. The clients are also not eligible for ECIP benefits. 


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes

Note that subsidized rent households that have the heating bill in their name are eligible for regular LIHEAP benefit and the benefit will be paid directly to the fuel vendor. 

Residents of subsidized housing whose energy costs are included as a portion of their rent or who reside in publicly subsidized housing and have an obligation to pay a base load electric bill are not eligible for a regular LIHEAP benefit as determined in ARM 37.70.601. However, these households will be eligible for a modified LIHEAP benefit. The modified LIHEAP benefit will be paid at the rate of 5% of the amount of a regular LHIEAP benefit as identified by Montana’s LIHEAP benefit award matrix. A minimum payment of $25 will be paid to the household annually.

Basing payments to these households on the matrix will ensure that assistance is provided to them in proportion to need in accordance with LIHEAP statute (42 U.S. Code 8623) Applications and Requirements Section 2605 (b)(5).  In order to document the subsidized household has an energy burden the agency will document either: 

  1. The amount of rent the household pays; or
  2. Proof the electric bill is in the client’s name. 

Households determined eligible for the Subsidized Housing Energy Assistance modified LIHEAP benefit whose economic and housing situation does not change will be determined LIHEAP eligible for a period of five (5) years. These households would receive an annual benefit.

Residents of subsidized housing whose economic or housing situation changes during the five (5) year eligibility period will need to reapply. The households will not be required to wait five (5) years before reapplying. 

  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes

UTILITIES INCLUDED IN THE RENT (TENANTS): For eligible non-subsidized housing Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) tenant households where energy costs are included in rental payments, reimbursement will be made by check directly to the household from the Contingency Revolving Fund (CRF).

Note: Paid rent must be verified by receipts before reimbursement. Payments shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the amount of paid rent evidenced by the monthly rent receipt(s) or a pro-rata monthly amount of the benefit, whichever is less. The pro-rata monthly amount of the benefit is determined by dividing the benefit amount for the eligible household by the number of months in the heating season. The heating season is usually October through April, which is a seven (7) month period, so the benefit amount will be divided by seven (7). 

Note: Requests for reimbursement of paid rental costs must be made to the agency no later than June 20th. Failure to request reimbursement on or before June 20th, will result in forfeiture of any remaining benefits for the heating season. The June 20 date will be extended when the heating season has been extended.  

Reimbursements to utilities in rent households may be made monthly, in two (2) CRF payments, or in one (1) CRF payment. Reimbursements cannot exceed the household’s benefit
amount for the heating season.



Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
  Comment For subsidized housing, the household must be responsible for a portion of the heating payment to be eligible for heating.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
  Comment For renters with utilities included in the rent, the household must be responsible for a portion of the heating.


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
  Comment Renters living in subsidized/public housing where all utilities are included in the rent, and they are not billed separately for their energy costs are ineligible for an EAP benefit unless they have an energy burden.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
If the utility account(s) are in the landlord's name and the utilities are included in the rent, and the residence is not master-metered, eligible households with a solar vendor are eligible to receive the minimum annual payment of $360 paid directly to the household if all other eligibility criteria are met.

New Hampshire

Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
  Comment Renters in subsidized housing are eligible if they meet all other requirements if they are responsible for paying the heating bill directly. Renters residing in subsidized housing are not eligible if the heat is included in rent.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
  Comment Renters with utilities included in rent have same eligibility requirements (other than subsidized rents with heat included), but benefits are reduced compared to those who pay utility bills directly.

New Jersey

Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No

New Mexico

Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
  • Subsidized rent/utilities with additional separate utility cost: Households receiving subsidized rent assistance who receive a subsidy for utilities but who incur an additional out-of-pocket expense for utilities are eligible for LIHEAP;
  • Subsidized rent with utilities included: Households receiving subsidized rent assistance whose heating/cooling cost is included in their subsidized rent and do not incur an additional out-of-pocket heating or cooling expense are not eligible for LIHEAP;
  • Subsidized rent with rental cost: Households receiving subsidized rent assistance who pay rent but do not pay utilities are not eligible for LIHEAP; and,
  • Subsidized rent with no cost: Households receiving subsidized rent assistance who pay no rent and no utilities are not eligible for LIHEAP;
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
Households paying non-subsidized rent whose utility costs are included in their rent, even if no such cost is designated, are eligible for LIHEAP.

New York

Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No

North Carolina

Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? Yes

Renters have to fall into the vulnerability policy guidelines: 400.06 VULNERABILITY To be eligible, a household must be vulnerable at the time of application. A household is vulnerable if it has a heating source billed separately and it is subject to the rising cost of heating for the heat expense. Accept the applicant’s statement about the vulnerability status for the household.

  1. If a household lives in a private living arrangement with a heating source and heat costs are billed separately, it is fully vulnerable.
  2. If a household lives in public housing where heat costs are billed separately from the rent, it is fully vulnerable.
  3. An applicant who lives in a private living arrangement who does not receive a separate bill from the energy provider, they are not vulnerable.
  4. A household living in public housing where utilities for heat are billed separately from the rent or where utilities for heat are included in the rent, and the household has paid an excess in utilities for heat in the last 12 months at the current address, is fully vulnerable. County needs to have the public housing/housing authority sign a vendor contract for the payment check to be written to them directly or the public housing/housing authority needs to provide the account number for the household applying for benefits. For additional verification of a heating arrangement in public housing, contact the local public housing authority.
  5. A person living in an institution is not vulnerable.

NOTE: Receipt of a utility allowance does not affect vulnerability status. Section 8 households are considered in a private living arrangement.

  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
  Comment Yes, households must meet the vulnerability guidelines as seen above.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
  Comment Yes, households must meet the vulnerability guidelines as seen above.

North Dakota

Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
Subsidized Housing: Households that pay rent in a government-subsidized housing project or program and are not directly responsible for home energy costs are considered to be fully protected from the rising cost of heating fuel and are not eligible for LIHEAP. The rental costs for these households are based on a fixed percentage of the household's income and/or other factors and does not increase or decrease when fuel costs increase or decrease. 
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No

Northern Mariana Islands

Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
HUD Subsidized housing recipients are not eligible for LIHEAP assistance.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
Provided they submit their consumption readings on scheduled basis.


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
Tenants whose electric bills are not in the renter’s name(s) are ineligible to receive benefits, unless they provide verification that they pay all or a portion (i.e. HUD Section 8 housing) of the electric bill.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
Tenants whose electric bills are not in the renter’s name(s) are ineligible to receive benefits, unless they provide verification that they pay all or a portion (i.e. HUD Section 8 housing) of the electric bill.


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? Yes
  Comment Renters receive the same benefit amounts as homeowners. They must be responsible for at least a portion of their heating utility to be vulnerable.
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
Renters in subsidized housing receive the same benefit amounts as homeowners. They must be responsible for at least a portion of their heating utility to be vulnerable.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes

Renters with utilities included in the rent must verify that a specific portion of the rent is for utilities or be charged a surcharge during high usage months to be considered vulnerable.

Applicants that are renters with heating included in the rent and roomers receive a smaller heating benefit; however, it is still based on income.



Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
  Comment Renters whose rent is unsubsidized and pay for heat indirectly as an undesignated part of rent are eligible for LIHEAP benefits. Renters, including subsidized-housing tenants, are ineligible if their rental charge includes an undesignated amount for heat and is based on a fixed percentage of their income or on their source of income. These households do not have a heating cost passed on to them through their rental charge since their rental payment is based on a percentage of their income or source of income and would not increase or decrease based on heating costs. NOTE: If a household in subsidized housing, which pays for rent and utilities as a fixed portion of its income, becomes responsible for payment to a vendor, either in full or in part, for its primary heating costs, that household then becomes eligible for a cash benefit, if otherwise eligible. If a household in subsidized housing, which pays for rent and utilities as a fixed portion of its income, becomes responsible for payment to a vendor, either in full or in part, for its primary or secondary heating costs, that household then becomes eligible for a crisis benefit, if otherwise eligible.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No

Puerto Rico

Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No

Rhode Island

Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No

South Carolina

Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No

South Dakota

Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
  Comment For households that have utilities included in rent, they have different benefit amounts than households that pay a vendor directly.


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
  Comment Renters living in subsidized housing must have the utility bill in their name in order to be considered vulnerable. If the utility bill is in the landlord or property management name, renter must provide verification that they pay an unsubsidized utility bill via the landlord or property management company.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
  Comment Renters with utilities included in the rent must provide a landlord statement or lease agreement as verification to be eligible for energy assistance benefits.


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
  Comment Subsidized households (public housing authority) who are only responsible for periodic payment of individual excess utility usage charges (heating expenses included in rent) are not eligible for heating assistance. Subsidized households (public housing) whose heating costs are included in the rent (utilities paid by the housing authority) are not eligible for heating assistance.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No

West Virginia

Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? Yes
If a subsidized renter does not have an energy burden and pays a reduced rental amount, those households may be excluded . Section 2603 of the LIHEAP Statutes states: The term "household" means any individual or group of individuals who are living together as one economy for whom residential energy is customarily purchased in common or who make undesignated payments for energy in the form of rent.
  Renters in subsidized housing? Yes
LIEAP-Assistance groups that have utilities included in the rent but are not billed separately for heating costs must be evaluated for LIHEAP eligibility. If a client applies for LIHEAP and indicates that their utility is included in their rent, the worker will request verification of those said utilities. This can be done via phone call, rent receipt, lease, or contract. We also want to give priority to households that have someone in the household that is elderly, disabled, or there is a young child in the home that is age five or younger as these are the most vulnerable to the cooler temperature in the winter and the hotter temperature in the summer. We also want to give priority to those that have higher energy burdens as they may not have the extra money to pay for the higher heating bills. High Energy Burden is defined by the total amount spent on the primary heating source is greater than 20% of the household’s income.
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes
  Comment Assistance groups that have utilities included in the rent but are not billed separately for heating costs must be evaluated for LIHEAP eligibility. If a client applies for LIHEAP and indicates that their utility is included in their rent, the worker will request verification of those said utilities. This can be done via phone call, rent receipt, lease, or contract. We also want to give priority to households that have someone in the household that is elderly, disabled, or there is a young child in the home that is age five or younger as these are the most vulnerable to the cooler temperature in the winter and the hotter temperature in the summer. We also want to give priority to those that have higher energy burdens as they may not have the extra money to pay for the higher heating bills. High Energy Burden is defined by the total amount spent on the primary heating source is greater than 20% of the household’s income.


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? Yes

Renters with Utilities Included in the Rent, please see Manual section 3.4.16.

If the customer lives in a mobile home and owns the unit, indicate they are an owner even if they pay lot rent in a mobile home park. Landlord and/or management company contact information is essential to Weatherization referrals. For all rental situations, agencies shall enter, in the system, the landlord or management company contact information. The landlord’s or management company name, address and phone number are required. Workers shall not allow an application to deny if the customer does not provide landlord information within 30 days of the application date. Applications may need to be reinstated if denied incorrectly for not providing landlord information. Customers are required to provide verification for the following payment methods and the means of verification must be indicated in Home Energy Plus (HE+) System Notes:

  • Rental payment includes energy in the monthly rent.
  • Separate payment is made to the landlord, mobile home park owner.
  • Do not pay


Does eligibility differ for:
  Renter? No
  Renters in subsidized housing? No
  Renters with utilities included in rent? No

Source: FY 2025 State Model Plans