Tribal Crisis Programs FY 2024

[Last Updated: February 27,2023]



Crisis Definition

Max Benefit

Alabama Ma-Chis Lower Creek Indian Tribe Emergency crisis is a relief following a natural or man-made disaster 1. Loss of income from the death of the wage earner, layoff, termination and/or theft with documentation from the local law enforcement agency.
2. Natural disaster such as fire, tornadoes, direct winds, hurricane, flood, snow, ice storms or other increment weather or disasters declared by the National Weather Service or the Governor of Alabama. 
3. The heating or cooling system is not working and the temperatures are above 80 degrees Fahrenheit or below 30 degrees Fahrenheit for 3 consecutive days.
4.The household must have received a shut-off notice and be within 48 hours of shutoff.
5. Deliverable fuel clients must be out of fuel or within two days of running out of fuel. Deliverable fuel customers with a shut-off notice would be considered an emergency.
6. Since electric is needed to operate most heating systems. An e-mail from an approved energy vendor is acceptable in lieu of a shut-off notice.
Alabama Mowa Band of Choctaw A crisis is an occurrence where a household is unable to pay its monthly heating or cooling cost due to unforeseen circumstances beyond its control.
Alabama Poarch Band of Creek Indians Applicants must have a crisis situations within the past three months such as loss of income, reduction of household income, job loss, or medical incident. Other losses of income or emergencies may qualify or be considered to help qualify clients for Crisis LIHEAP. Eligibility may be on a case by case basis $400 
Alabama United Cherokee Ani-Yun-Wiya Nation Crisis is a non life threatening home energy situation due to heating/cooling source. Income eligible households must have a cutoff/disconnect notice or household must have less than 25% propane for heating or households with utilities inclusive with rent costs must have a written statement of threat of eviction due to unpaid of rent that includes utilities for heating/cooling source. Staff will resolve energy crisis within 48 hours after eligible household applies with completed application.
alabama Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association The household must be out of fuel, within 48 hours of shutoff, or within 24 hours of running out of fuel.
Priority for households with elderly, disabled, and young children is given in two ways: an additional priority point in their benefit calculation and priority processing.
Alabama Aniak Traditional Council Our clients will need a written disconnection notice from the electric company and have a near empty fuel
Alaska Association of Village Council Presidents A household that has properly exhausted their heating assistance benefit from the previous years program, or has not received a heating assistance benefit from the current year, and meets one of the following criteria:
1) The household has run out of heating fuel/firewood or has electricity services terminated; or
2) The household will run out of heating fuel/firewood or have electricity services terminated within the next 48 hours.
Alaska Bristol Bay A crisis is when a households is within 48 hours of shut off, out of fuel, or within a day of running out of fuel with no available resources to address the crisis. $5,250 
Alaska Chuathbaluk Traditional Council A Crisis assistance is when a person has received a cut off notice for the electricity and they have no anticipated income previous to the actual shut off date. If the household consist of at least one elder 60 years and older, or an infant under the age of one years old and the predicted outside temperature is -5 Fahrenheit for the next 5 days is used. $400 
Alaska Cook Inlet Tribal Council The household must be within 48 hours of shutoff, out of fuel, or within a day of depleting fuel supply. Also their income for the month prior to the date they signed their application must be less than their shelter cost combined (mortgage/rent, electric, and/or heat) for the same period. $5,000 
Alaska Kenaitze Indian Tribe

Kenaitze Indian Tribe Social Services Specialist will respond to a complete application and update document for consideration for Energy Assistance Crisis Program. The household must apply to the State of Alaska General Relief and provide verification the application submitted with a stamped receipt or electronic submission verification through either fax or email.
A verification submission requirement for Crisis Energy that they are subject to shut off, or is medically necessary, or be out of fuel and demonstrate that they do not have a way to heat their home/shelter. Verification can come in a form of verbal, written, email, faxed or hand delivered. Must have a shut-off notice, or have a near empty tank, or completely shut off, or have an empty tank and have exhausted their regular benefit.
The household must have exhausted the regular benefit. If the State of Alaska General Relief approved any portion of the need, Social Services will do a redetermination of Crisis Energy.

A regular benefit calculated with the Heating Assistance benefit computation is limited to one-time per year. A crisis benefit calculated with the Heating Assistance benefit computation and limited to one-per year.

Verification must be submitted that they are subject to shut off, it is medically necessary, be out of fuel or demonstrate that they do not have a way to heat their home/shelter. Verification can be verbal, written, email, faxed or hand delivered. Must have a shut off or have a near empty tank or have been shut off or have an empty tank and exhausted the regular benefit.

The household must have exhausted the regular benefit. If the State of Alaska General Relief approved any portion of the need the Social Services will determine if assistance is still needed and the criteria for crisis is met.

A regular benefit calculated with the Heating Assistance Benefit Computation is limited to one time per year. A crisis benefit is calculated with the Heating Assistance Benefit Computation and limited to one time per year. A grant may be issued if it is medically necessary to prevent a shut off.

Alaska Orutsararmiut Native Council Households with a shut off notice or have less than 5 gallons of heating fuel, medical need, households which contain elders 60 years or older, and small children 5 years and younger. Households in danger of running out of fuel 18 hours or less.
Alaska Seldovia Village Tribe A household that has properly exhausted their heating assistance benefits and meets one of the following: Household has had notice that fuel or heating related utility services will be terminated. Fuel or heating utility will be terminated in 48 hours. If heat is included in rent, an eviction notice has been received.
Alaska Sitka Tribe of Alaska A crisis is when a household has received a 3-day disconnect notice or has run out of fuel. $1,690 
Alaska Tanana Dena'Nena'Henash Households who have a soaul source heating unit and they are in jeopardy of running out of heating fule source within 5 days. Households with duel source heating unit and they are in jeopardy of running out of both heating fuel sources within 5 days. $1,300 
Alaska Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority Crisis is defined in two ways, life threatening and crisis. Life threatening is defined as a household member's health and/or well being would likely be endangered if emergency assistance is not provided. Crisis definition includes, but is not limited to, being without fuel, service is disconnected or about to be disconnected, unsafe or inadequate heating system in the houshold. If a housholds heat is included in rent and has an eviction notice.

Alaska Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Crisis Assistance occurs when an applicant is determined to be eligible for assistance and has suffered, or will suffer within 72 hours, terminatino of fuel or home heating utility services. $1,000 
Arizona Cocopah Indian Tribe Crisis Assitance: is defined as a household that has a disconnection notice or shut off notice or a high 
energy cost.
Arizona Colorado River Indian Tribes CRIT defines LIHEAP crisis as a situation where an individual or family lacks the financial ability to pay the utility bill, and has been threatened with the impending termination of services, or services have already been fully terminated.  $1,000 
Arizona Gila River Indian Community Households that have been or are pending disconnection with one of the following member within the household: Elder (55+), Disabled, and Children (5 or younger). $1,000 
Arizona Navajo Nation A household may be eligible for crisis assistance if there is an imminent loss of heating or cooling energy which is less than five (5%) of fuel supply (e.g. reading of 1/8 tank or less on a standard 275 gallon heating tank: reading of twenty-five (25%) or less on a propane tank; three (3) day or less supply standard applies to other delivered fuel types. Dysfunctional or unsafe primary heating system and no secondary heating system is available. Notice of intent to disconnect utility services if a households main heating or cooling system requires electricity and/or natural gas. Deliberate failure to maintain account up to date does not qualify as a crisis or life threatening crisis.
Arizona Pasqua Yaqui Tribe Crisis means that the client is at risk or threatened by an inability to meet the basic necessities of life, such as food, shelter, utilities, clothing due to circumstances beyond their control, possibly caused by natural disaster, fire, or financial hardship. For regular non-life-threatening situations for the utility program, crisis is determined when a client has a delinquent bill, or a late payment notice bill, or in cases where a bill constitutes a high percentage of a fixed application income. Unlike the LIHEAP regular crisis definition that may be brought about by an applicant’s inability to meet the basic necessities of life, such as food, shelter, utilities, clothing due to circumstances beyond their control, especially in economic circumstances that are considered beyond the applicants ability to control, a life threatening circumstance typically involves the vulnerable population served, such as, the disabled, the elderly, and those persons diagnosed with medical complication, and where it is supported by a doctor's script, the application is felt to be facing impending risk if the LIHEAP service is not provided within an 18 hour period, based on a risk assessment. In addition, life threatening applicants are given priority in terms of the fact that they are provided with outreach services and provided services within a shorter period of time (18 hours).  $600 
Arizona Quechan Indian Tribe The Quechan Indian Tribe defines a crisis as an applicant receiving a final shut off notice from the utility company or has been shut off from the utility company. $250 
Arizona Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community

For an elderly (55+), disabled or child under the age of 5, whose household has exhausted the regular benefit and is in crisis, which the power cannot be shut off such as, but not limited to the following situations:

  • Medication that requires uninterrupted refrigeration.
  • CPS threat of removal of a child in the custody of a grandparent, because of an unsafe environment that would be cause by a lack of electricity for heating and cooling.
  • Post medical procedure o emergency convalescence at home, which has prevented the ability to pay for electricity.
Arizona San Carlos Apache Tribe household with disconnect notices will be determine crisis $836 
Arizona White Mountain   Apache Tribe

If A household has no other source of energy other than firewood, and the household is out of firewood and has exhausted all reasonable means of obtaining firewood then the household in crisis.

If a household is in danger of having electricity disconnected then the household is in crisis.

If a household has a propane tank and the tank is nearly empty or is empty the household is in crisis.

California Berry Creek Rancheria - Tyme Maidu Tribe The household must have received a 24 or 48 hour shut off notice, be out of fuel, or there is a situation considered life threatening as in Medical requirement of pwer/electricity for usage to Keep ones life not being at risk. $800 
California Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians Household must have received a 15-day, 48 hour, or 24 hours shut-off notice or have an empty fuel tank below 20%. Household must lacks the appropriate amount of firewood, propane or the deliverable fuel to provide adequate heating. Verification Tribal LIHEAP representative or vendor verification of level of propane may also serve as proof of crisis if propane level is less than 15% in tank. Tribal representative must be provided either the appropriate documentation such as a utility bill with a 15-day, 48 hour, 24 hour shut off notice, photographic proof with time stamp or the representative may do a site visit to verify the crisis and lack of heating or cooling capabilities. $300 
California Bishop Paiute Tribe The Bishop Paiute Tribe uses the federal definition of a crisis, weather-related and supply shortage emergencies and other household related emergencies. $1,000 
California Enterprise Rancheria Receiving a shut-off notice, 24/48 hour or propane is less than 20% in tank. $340 
California Hoopa Valley Tribe A crisis is determined by the applicant bringing in a 48-hour notice, shut off notice, or verification of near empty (10% or below) or empty propane or kerosene tank (0%) by LIHEAP Administrator.  $600 
California Hopland Band of Pomo Indians A crisis is considered when a 15 day, 48 hour or 24 hour shut off notice has been received. It is also if the fuel tank is empty or the household lacks the appropriate amount of firewood, propane (less then 15%) or fuel to provide adequate heating. Verification from ven or Tribal representative of level or propane may serve as proof.
California Karuk Tribe Crisis is considered to be an event or condition beyond the control of the applicants generally associated with weather-related and supply shortages emergencies and other energy related emergencies. A shut-off notice does not necessarily constitute a crisis situation $500 
California Mooretown Rancheria We determine a crisis to be a 15 day notice or a 48 hour shut off notice from a utility company, or 20% or less in propane tank.
California Northern California Indian Development Council A crisis exists when a household lacks the appropriate amount of wood, oil, propane or other delivered fuel to provide adequate heating, cooling or cooking fuel. In order to be considered for energy crisis assistance, a household must have received a shut-off notice from their electrical or natural gas energy supplier or have an empty propane or other gas tank or have past due balance greater than the current monthly charges. Also, the household must have exhausted all other regular energy benefits available to them. $1,300 
California Pinoleville Pomo Nation Shut off notice (24 or 48 hour notice)
15 Day Notice
Power shut off or out of propane or wood
California Pit River Tribe A crisis is when the applicant has received a "shut-off" notice or is out of fuel. Proof of a shut of notice is required to receive crisis assistance.  $500 
California Quartz Valley Indian Reservation A household is in danger of losing energy services or is on the verge of depleting fuel for energy service - 15% or less. Also, household with children under the age of 2 years, elderly over the age of 55 or a Physically disabled person will be classified as priority. $350 
California Redding Rancheria A crisis consists of a sustained situation where there is either no sources of heating or cooling or the imminent threat of discontinuity of service that will put elderly, children 6 years and younger, disabled, medical cases, and overall general public participants at risk.
California Riverside-San Bernardino Indian Co. Health, Inc. A crisis is determined as: a shut-off, disconnection notice or if funding allows for a second assistance meaning when a regular heating or cooling assistance has been exhausted. Eligible households may receive crisis assistance in the amount of $600.00; limited to one per grant year if funding allows. Crisis cases are assessed by the LIHEAP Coordinator or appropriate personnel and processed on the same day.Households with elders (55+), disabled and young children (six and under) are given priority for LIHEAP assistance due to the fact that the elders, disabled and young children households are more likely to be on low fixed income and less likely to cover the cost of energy usage in their homes.
California Round Valley Indian Tribes

The Round Valley Indian Tribes designates Crisis Assistance criteria as the following:

  1. 48 hour shut off notice.
  2. Empty tank /furnace, in which our maintenance engineer will verify tank % and supply a acknowledgement signed by the applicant and engineer.
  3. Medical necessity. Applicant will provide a Doctors explanation of the medical needs/situation.
California Sherwood Valley Band of Pomo Indians Shut off notice (24 hour or 48 hour notice, 15 day notice)
Power shut off or terminated
Low or out of propane
No wood for main heating source
California Southern Indian Health Council, Inc.

YEAR ROUND, a crisis is determined on a case-by-case situation AND FOLLOWS THE BENEFIT MATRIX THAT DETERMINES HOW MUCH THE HOUSEHOLD WILL RECEIVE. SIHC will take into consideration crises that are due to one or more of the following reasons:

  1. utility shut off notice or picture of propane tank at or below 10%
  2. disconnection notice
  3. household had an unanticipated medical or major household expense
  4. household wage earner with a year of stable work lost their job within the last six months
  5. household wage earner left the home in the past three months
  6. death of household wage earner within the last twelve months
  7. significant loss of work hours of over ten hours
  8. household wage earner is unable to work due to illness with no sick leave from work
  9. household has a non-functioning or malfunctioning heating system
  10. elderly 65 and older
  11. one member of the household is disabled
  12. young child(ren) under the age of six. All the above crises can be shown by appropriate documentation up to and including a Statement of Proof, Tribal Office Letter, or receipts of payment, income statement, employer or medical verification (letter), or death certificate when applicable.
California Yurok Tribe The household must have a shut off notice, near/empty tank, or be out of wood.  $660 
Idaho Coeur d'Alene Tribe To determine a crisis in our program we first evaluate the energy need of the people or persons being affected. The winters in our area can be very harsh and extensive. This can mean high energy use that can be very costly for our very low-income households that makes up a majorty of our service area. If a household is unable to pay the minimum amount for their energy source and will indeed be without heat, this would be considered a crisis. Long winters can also mean household see high energy cost for most of the year. Even though the temperature can raise above freezing going into spring, it is still cold enough to affect any vulnerable persons, which would be considered a crisis if unable to pay. Also we experience a considerable amount of power outages due to the weather. Most people are able to stay with family (that has power) or the local tribal hotel (that has backup generators). This would be considered a crisis as the temperatures usually drop below freezing but is not exactly lifethreatening since most can attain alternate temporary housing. With below freezing temperatures this can be very damaging to a home, weather it is the pipes, windows, electrical and this is when we would utilize crisis funding.  $650 
Idaho Nez Perce Tribe When a household is at risk of shut off of a heatsource; no fuel, winter conditions, no other source of heat or energy in the home and has already recieved regular heating assistance they may apply for crisis assistance. Regular heating assistance must be utilized before crisis assistance will be available. If the bill is high, the household may apply for regular heating assistance and crisis assistance together.
Idaho Shoshone Bannock Tribes Applicants who request energy assistance with a shutoff or a termination notice is considered a crisis. The application will be expedited with supporting documentation turned in to our front office now or additional documents can be submitted later but no future services authorized until the information is submitted. This process will take no longer than 48 hours. Exemption is wood.
Wood is not a Crisis benefit and cannot be expedited because of the labor and the high demand of this service. The program has a waitlist of clients that have applied months in advance for wood and the program is still delivering to those clients who can be higher priority then the client in crisis. We do offer emergency load deliveries in the month of January and deliver half cords of wood for clients in need every Friday. Additional wood can be provided to clients when the program has delivered wood to all clients. And exception to wood being a crisis emergency is when the client only source of heat is wood and does not have another life support system.
Kansas United Tribes of Kansas and SE Nebraska, Inc. When a household is at imminent risk of utility disconnection, dangerously low fuel and does not have available resources to meet this need $500 
Maine Aroostook Band of Micmacs A crisis is defined as a household who has less than enough fuel to supply their home with at least days of heat with their primary heating source and , depending on the fuel supply for that heating source the:
1. Household has less than 1/8 or less of fuel in a standard 275 gallon tank of fuel.
2. Household has less than 1/4 cord of wood.
3. Household has 25% or less on a propane tank.
4. Household has less than 4 bags or 200 pounds of pellets.
5. Household has received a disconnection notice of a utility that is necessary for the operation of the heating system.
6. Household has a dysfuntional heating system or the heating system is unsafe and there is no secondary heating system for that home
Maine Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians Households having less than a quarter tank of fuel, an eviction notice, or a utility disconnection notice  $300 
Maine Passamaquoddy Tribe - Indian Township Beginning November 1, 2023 through April 30, 2024 up to 700$ for emergency home heating fuel deliveries, utililty emergencies, or emergency heating system repairs. The crisis emergency benefits is an additional benefit to any application who qualifies for a fuel assistance benefit. An applicant may apply for only ECIP. The applicant doesnt necessarily have to have used all of their fuel assistance benefit (such as ecip
services, electrical shut off, furnace repairs, and any other crisis not related to fuel assistance) to qualify for liheap.
Maine Passamaquoddy Tribe - Pleasant Point Between October 1st and September 30th, a household may have an eligible for crisis assistance if it is experiencing an energy related emergency which poses health and safety threat and the household is
income eligible for one of the following time periods and eligible for Liheap:
A-The twelve (12) calendar months immediately preceding the date of the application.
B-The calendar month immediately preceding the date of the application. 
C- The thirty (30) days immediately preceding the date of the application
D- The previous years tax return for self-employment applicants.
Maine Penobscot Indian Nation A household is considered to be experiencing an energy crisis if one of the following conditions exists:
1. The primary heating source of the household has less than one-quarter (1/4) of the fuel tank capacity remaining or less than onequarter (1/4) cords of wood remaining; 
2. The household has received a shut-off notice from the electric company. 
3. The household has received a notice to quit or court order indicating eviction from the residence. 
4. The primary heating system of the homeowner/homebuyer is inoperable or malfunctioning.
Massachusetts Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Tribal Council A client is determined to be in crisis if they have received an imminent shut off notice, have less than a 1/4 tank of heating fuel, or malfunctioning equipment has casued them to be unable to heat their home $1,000 
Michigan Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians A crisis situation is where there is a threat of a shut-off or a client reports low levels of a vital utility, including heating system or cooling system repairs, with priority in eligibility to elderly, disabled, and young children households. $375 
Michigan Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan A crisis is considered to be a life-threatening, energy-related emergency which poses a threat to the health or safety of one or more members of the Household. Households with a past due notice or shut off notice from the vendor. If they are out of heat, wood, or if their propane tank is below 10%, this constitutes as an emergency crisis.
A form of assistance to resolve the crisis not later than 48 hours after an eligible household applies for crisis assistance, will be provided
Michigan Keweenaw Bay Indian Community You are determined to be in crisis situation if you have exhausted all of your regular heating benefit amount, have a shut off notice or a tank that is almost empty and you have no money or cannot obtain any assistance anywhere to pay the bill.  $500 
Michigan Little River Band of Ottawa Indians (1) Households with an energy crisis must not exceed the income and liquid resource standards, per
LRBOI, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program Income and Resource Level by Household
Size. Households must meet the same income and resource criteria for Emergency Crisis Assistance
Program (ECAP) as for heating and cooling assistance.
(2) Households must have a verified energy crisis. An energy crisis exists when the household:
(A) service is disconnected by the energy supplier;
(B) has a verified, active cut-off order. In the event of limited funding, centralized LIHEAP staff
prioritizes applications with cut-off notices scheduled within 72 hours and applications that contain at
least one household member who is 55 years of age and older, blind, disabled, or a child under five
years of age;
(C) receives a refusal notice to provide additional energy needs from the energy supplier and the
household's fuel tank indicator is at or below 10 percent during the regularly-scheduled ECAP period, or
at 25 percent or less for households with a life-threatening medical situation;
(D) provides information regarding a new connection fee;
(E) has a cash only, cash advance, or pre-paid account and has less than a $25 minimum balance in
the account. The household's utility bill shows that it is a cash only, cash advance, or pre-paid account
and the balance amount; or
(F) enters into a payment plan with the energy supplier to prevent a service cut-off. When the
household enters into a payment plan to prevent service cut-off, centralized LIHEAP staff verifies the
payment plan and the minimum amount needed to resolve the energy crisis for at least one month with
the energy supplier. 
(3) The household must have experienced a precipitating factor that caused the household to
choose between paying the energy bill and another vital household need. 
(A) Acceptable factors include, but are not limited to, temporary or short-term situations that
caused the household to make a choice between paying the energy bill and:
(i) purchasing sufficient food for the household;
(ii) paying for emergency situations, such as medical expenses or disaster recovery; or
(iii) providing clothing for children in the household.
(B) When the household was approved for the maximum ECAP payment during the most recent
fiscal year, no further ECAP payments are made during the same fiscal year unless additional funds are
authorized during a federally-declared disaster. (C) Households approved for less than the maximum ECAP payment may be approved for another
ECAP payment during the same fiscal year, provided the total approved for all payments does not
exceed the maximum ECAP payment, per LRBOI. Per 42 U.S.C. § 8624(b)(16), an additional ECAP
payment is not approved for the same fiscal year when the household:
(i) refuses to participate in budget counseling and home energy conservation workshops provided
by Community Action agencies;
(ii) does not show any progress in improving its situation; or
(iii) does not make an effort to maintain current utility bills.
(4) The household must explain why the energy crisis need cannot be met by available income and
liquid resources, even when income and liquid resources are equal to or below the standard, per LRBOI.
(5) When the ECAP benefit amount is insufficient to establish, restore, or prevent the cut-off of the
household's energy source, ECAP is authorized only when other resources can be combined with the
ECAP payment to resolve the energy crisis. When other resources cannot be developed to help resolve
the energy crisis, the ECAP application is denied. 
Michigan Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians Eligibility for an energy-related crisis is based on the household’s demonstration of immediate need for assistance with home heating fuel,
electricity, or energy-related home repairs. Crisis means one of the following:
• Non-life-threatening crisis situations must be mitigated within 48 hours.
• An individual or household has received a past due or shut off notice on an energy bill for his or her household
• A residential fuel tank is estimated to contain not more than 20% of its heating fuel capacity.
A stated need for household deliverable fuel or a non-traditional fuel source in which there is no meter or regular energy bill provided, (example: wood, corn, cherry pits, etc.)
• A statement from a licensed service provider indicating the homeowner’s furnace is inoperable and in need of repair or replacement.
Michigan Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians The Sault Tribe's definition of Crisis is an applicant that meets the eligibilty criteria and is at risk of losing their heating source. Crisis
Energy requests will be responded withing 48 hours
Mississippi Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Assistance Service offers a year-round crisis assistance component of LIHEAP. crisis may include but not limited to; arranging for an
immediate supply of fuel, securing a payment, prevent shutoff, or to restore, purchase of heating/cooling equipment. following are considered life
threatening : person(s) on life support or have medical devices that require electricity, domestic violence and elderly or child abuse/neglect
Montana Assiniboine Sioux There are two types of crisis situtation.
1. Life threatening ECIP must be acted on within 18 hours
2. Regular ECIP must be acted on with 24 hours
The household has used all energy benefits and has run out of has 10% or less of propane.
The household has had their utilities, disconnected or will be disconnedted with seven days.
The household has had their main source break down and emergency furance repair/replacement is required.
An elderly/handicapped household may have medical need for cooling assistance during the summer on very hot days. This would be
determined by the LIHEAP staff would allow for a pruchse of a window airconditioner, if the applicant could have a crisis situation develop due
to the summer heat
Montana Blackfeet Tribal Business Council Households that are in a situation where hazardous or potentially hazardous conditions exist in the household's heating system and safety modifications are necessary, or it's heating sources and/or fuel supply is nolonger available, is shut down, or will be shut down due to an energy related incident or caused by a situation that is beyond the household's control may be eligible for crisis assistance.
Eligible households will be provided some form of assistance that will resolve the energy crisis no later than 48 hours after a household applies for such benefits.; but not later than 18 hours if household is in a life threatening situation, when the tempurature has reached 0 degrees Farenheit
Montana Chippewa Cree Tribe A household living on a fixed or limited income, having exhausted all LIHEAP, with no monetary means to purchase fuel, having a disconnect notice or 5% or less propane, constitutes a crisis.
Montana Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes An emergency crisis is a lack of heating and cooling. Applicants must update income at the time of the crisis application. Crisis assistance
may be used for purchase of heating and cooling. May include purchase of wood stoves, blankets, heaters and/or emergency furnace repair. The
applicant may use a portion in repair and a portion in fuel delivery. Reconnect fees if heating or cooling has been disconnected are allowed.
Emergency crisis intervention will be within 48 hours. 
Montana Fort Belknap Indian Community The Fort Belknap Low Income Energy Assistance Program determines a crisis to be:
The Households primary source of energy is interrupted because of weather conditions, lack of funds to pay, and the need to find another
source of energy is necessary.
Weather or other forces outside the control of the household damages the dwelling and create a severe loss of heat.
Hazardous or potentially hazardous conditions exist in the household's primary heating system and modifications/repairs are required.
Montana Assinioboine and Sioux Tribes (Fort Peck) An emergency Crisis is a lack of heating or cooling. Applicants must update income at the time on crisis application. Crisis assistance may
be used for purchase of heating or cooling needs. May include purchases of wood stoves, blankets, heaters, emergency furnace and/or wood stove
repairs, and/or chimney cleaning. The applicant may use a portion in repair of furnace and/or wood stove, and/or pellet stove and a portion
in heating/cooling crisis such as an electricity vendor shut off notice or fuel delivery need. One time only crisis funding for repair, one
time only crisis funding for heating/cooling vendor. Combined cost may not exceed $1,000.00. Reconnect fees are allowed if the heating/
cooling source has been shut off. However, LIHEAP will NOT pay deposits 
Montana Northern Cheyenne Tribe The client's electricity is going to be disconnected during the winter months and it is very cold. the client's propane is down to 5% and it is
very cold. 
New Jersey Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation Crisis assistance is deemed necessary when a household is in danger of running out of fuel, or has received a shut off notice, when an
eligible client household is without heat or is in danger of being without; and/or has no fuel, is in danger of running out of fuel, and or has
received a shut off notice, and insufficient income available to purchase fuel within the heating season and if outside temperature maintains a
temperature at -1'F or below for two consecutive days or more. This type of crisis will be resolved within 48 hours with a promissory note via
Vendor agreement, to pay for resolution, not to exceed the maximum allowable benefit limit, within 30 days for all verfiable crises during the
heating season. Cooling Assistance is available for medically vulnerable clients with a medical note at a minimum benefit rate of $300 during the
cooling season based on medical necessity and/or in the event of cooling crisis associated with medical vulnerability and loss of cooling during
summer months or the cooling season wherein the the temperature exceeds 92 degrees farenheit for two or more consecutive days during the
cooling season. Emergency temporary rehousing due to an energy-related emergency may be made by the DCA as may be necessary and
approved by DCA staff in conjunction with preventing homelessness due to Energy Emergency.
New Mexico Jicarilla Apache Nation When an individual unexpectedly becomes unemployed, and is temporarily unable to remit payment for his/her utility bill.'Disconnect and
children , elderly or disabled reside in the home, and medical necessary equiptment.
New Mexico Nambe Pueblo Eligible applicants are considered in crisis if the household:
• Those with an unexpected reduction in income and/or unexpected increase in monthly expenses.
• For crisis assistance we require documentation that proves the need.
• Applicant must still meet income guidelines to be eligible for any LIHEAP Assistance.
New Mexico Pueblo of Jemez A crises is determined when a household has a disconnect notice from their utility provider, when a household has 5% or less of propane, or when a
household only has enough wood to sustain them for the next 24-48 hours.
New Mexico Pueblo of Laguna Utility Authority We consider a crisis disconnection of services and/or no heating source. Applicants must provide supporting documents proving a crisis. $1,650  
New Mexico Pueblo of Zuni Households that are at risk for hazardous or potentially hazardous conditions related to their energy system are considered crisis. A
household can also be considered crisis should there be unavailability of heating or cooling resources if fuel supply is no longer available, is shut
down or will be shut down or caused by a situation beyond the household's control (i.e. financial hardship due to unforeseen expenses).
Eligible households will be provided some form of assistance that will resolve their energy crisis no later than 48 hours after a household
applies; but no later than 18 hours if circumstance is considered, "life threatening."
New York Seneca Nation of Indians Having no heating fuel, a supply less that 1/4 of thier household's fuel tank, or having a supply of fuel that will last less than 10 days or a termination notice. An eligible household crisis emergency must be resolved within 48 hours from the time of the emergency application. $900 
New York St. Regis Mohawk Tribe The SRMT LIHEAP definition of a crisis emergency is when loss of heat is imminent. Imminent loss of heat is defined as less than 1/4
tank for fuel. or less than a 10 day supply for other deliverable fuels or heat related utility service is scheduled for termination. Any LIHEAP
eligible housholds crisis emergency must be resolved within 48 hours from the time of the emergency application.
North Carolina Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians A crisis is defined as an event where a household faces an immediate interruption or complete loss of home energy due to circumstances
beyond their control. The threat of low levels of firewood or deliverable fuel, an imminent shutoff, or an inoperable or malfunctioning system
constitute as time sensitive emergencies otherwise addressable by other means. A true crisis demonstrates immediate need. Priority granted to
elderly, disabled, and young children households and those with high energy burdens.
North Carolina Lumbee Nation A crisis is an occurance where a household is unable to pay it monthly energy, heating, or cooing cost due to unforseen circumstances
beyond its control
North Dakota Spirit Lake Tribe Emergency assistance is defined as assistance to low income households necessitated by weather related or supply shortage emergencies or
because the household is unable to secure home energy for financial or other reasons. 
The LIHEAP program for Spirit Lake has established emergency procedures to provide an immediate response to a reported crisis within
18 hours or the report, if the crisis is life threating, but no later than 48 hours of receipt of any request for emergency assistance. Emergency
procedures incude home visists when necessary, counseling, referral, communication with suppliers, or other services, and a 24 hour telephone
number for requesting aid or reporting a crisis.
North Dakota Standing Rock Sioux A crisis exists when a household faces an energy burden in which it depends and/or threatens to deplete financial resources or poses as a
threat to the health and/or safety threat to the household. Households must meet one of the following conditions:
1. Overdue bill from home energy supplier 2. Heating system needs repairs.
3. Propane tank has 20% or less in tank. 4. A disconnect notice from electrical supplier. 5. Additional assistance.
LIHEAP outreach will help resolve crisis within 48 hours of said crisis or no later then 48 hours after said household applies for crisis
North Dakota Three Affiliated Tribes Crisis Definiton - a LIHEAP eligible household that has a shutoff notice on
electricity or is running low of propane. We would get a hold of the vendors to get
this situated as soon as possible.
North Dakota Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians The household ran out of propane, fuel oil, dealer won't deliver.
Eviction notice from housing due to non-payment for electric. Load interrupters.
Shut office notice from electric company. Must have exhausted their benefits
Oklahoma Absentee Shawnee Tribe A Crisis is when a household receives a shut-ff notice or has an empty tank and they have exhausted regular benefits $300 
Oklahoma Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Town A crisis exists when a household is without heating/cooling services; at risk of having the services disconnected within 72 hours of
application. Has a notice of refusal to provide fuel when current supply will be depleated within 72hours.
Oklahoma Cherokee Nation Any energy related emergency which could result in the loss of a LIHEAP eligible household heating/cooling capabilities or an appliance
deficiency which directly effects energy conservation. Emergencies are defined as burn-out, natural disasters, shut-off notices, utility deposits,
severe need of heating/cooling applicances,, fans, blankets, etc.
Oklahoma Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes Crisis is when services are disconnected and there is no heat or air conditioning in the home especially with households with elders,
disabled and young children. This includes but not limited to electric, heat and air, gas, wood, propane, fuel/oil, kerosene, etc. 
Oklahoma Chickasaw Nation Crisis is defined as elderly, disabled, veterans and households where an infant resides or any eligible household member that will be
adversely affected by the termination of its source of heating or cooling. The tribe will provide for immediate payment of a heating or cooling bill
for the affected household. Crisis situation is further defined as an eligible household distressed by unemployment, medical bills or special
conditions, as defined under assurance number five or threatened with termination of heating or cooling. A person who has utility services
discontinued may face the risk of their plumbing freezing or catching fire, which could lead to homelessness.
Oklahoma Choctaw Nation A crisis is identified as any eligible household wherein resides elderly or disabled person(s), infant(s), children under age 5, or any eligible
household wherein the health of a household member will be adversely affected by termination of its source of home heating or cooling. In a
crisis, the Tribe provides for immediate payment of a heating or cooling bill for the affected household. A crisis is further defined as eligible
households distressed by unemployment, medical bills, or any "special condition" as defined in the Plan under Assurance Number 5, who have
received utility bill termination notices.
Oklahoma Citizen Potawatomi Nation Utility is pending disconnect or has been disconnected or propane level is below 10% AND any one of the following applies:
-For Winter, temperatures are expected to be at or are below freezing within the next 7 day weather forecast OR
-For summer, temperature heat index is expected be be at or exceed 100 degrees within the next 7 day weather forecast, OR
-Utility is medically necessary; OR
-Rental agreement requires utilities be on in order to maintain rental, or
-Household includes at least one of the 'special populations' (elder, disabled, minor age 5 & Under, or veteran)
Oklahoma Comanche Nation of Oklahoma A crisis situation will be considered when applicant has a "Disconnect Notice" for electric/gas; Less than 5% in propane tank. Or when
their "Pay as You Go" account has less than $50. This amount must be verified by the electric company. 
Oklahoma Delaware Nation Crisis benefits are for those families with young children (6 years or younger), elderly (60 years or older) or disabled individuals who are
at immediate risk of having utility services disconnected, have been disconnected, dangerously low on fuel, without heating or cooling due to
equipment failure, or impacted by a natural disaster.
Oklahoma Delaware Tribe of Indians An eligible tribal member must bring a shut-off/disconnect notice with them when they come in to fill out an application or verification
that services are currently off. The majority of eligible applicants are Delaware Tribe of Indians, tribal members and even though are aware of the
program usually wait until a disconnect notice is received. Typically, the Director is familiar with their circumstances.
Oklahoma Eastern Shawnee A crisis is when a household receives a shut-off notice, has an empty tank, or has exhausted regular benefits. $300 
Oklahoma Fort Sill Apache Tribe Crisis assistance is described as a household that has exhausted their regular benefits and are in need of additional assistance due to some
form of emergency.
Oklahoma Kaw Nation Crisis Assistance may be provided to an eligible household when circumstances present an immenent threat to the health and safety of the
household. A household with no heat/air conditioning, cut-off notice, less than 10% propane left in tank, or less than half a rick of wood would be
considered a crisis.
Oklahoma Kialegee Tribal Town Life or health endangerment from lack of energy services in the home for elderly, disabled or children. Heating and cooling must be
medically necessary.
Oklahoma Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma Household must provide a current cut-off notice due to loss of employment, medical emergency or sudden loss of household member. $600 
Oklahoma Kiowa Tribe Applicant should present a "disconnect" notice for utility service, when applying for crisis assistance. Priority shall be given to the elderly,
disabled, and/or households with infants or children under the age of (5) years residing in the home. Household that may face an extreme health
risk/crisis for someone residing in their household that may have asthma, a newborn infant, extreme heat or cold, must use oxygen, has a severe
heart condition, etc. Crisis assistance will only be given once per year, but not for both seasons. Applicants cannot have utilized the Department
of Health and Human Service (DHS) in their county of residence or another local tribe, for LIHEAP assistance in the current fiscal year (October
1st through September 31st of the following year). All other eligibility requirements for LIHEAP shall apply.
Oklahoma Miami Tribe of Oklahoma A crisis is defined by weather-related and supply shortage emergencies and other household energy-related emergencies.
An Energy Crisis is determined eligible when a member of the applicant's household includes a member of the following vulnerable
populations: 1)Elder over 60, 2)Child under 16, 3)Person with a disability
AND the vulnerable population member in the household is in risk of endangerment to their health and/or well being if energy assistance
is not provided.
Non-emergency crisis includes crisis that are not considered life-threatening such as terminated from employment, education, income
management, a member or veteran of US Armed Forces or in an addiction recovery program or counseling.
An approved applicant must receive relief within 48 hours.
Oklahoma Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma Household must have a shut off notice or natural gas / propane tank must be below 20%. Applicants must demonatrate that they have
received a termination or shut off notice from their utility company or provide proof their propane tank is below 20%. Priority is given to elderly,
disabled and families with small children under the age of 6. 
Oklahoma Muscogee (Creek) Nation Crisis is defined as having one or more of the following:
- An active cut-off notice (within 72 hours)
- Option to restore service (within 5 calendar days of cut off)
- Prepay account crisis will be determined once a household reaches $20 or less credit
- Refusal notice to deliver additional propane and/or signed LIHEAP Crisis Propane Statement
- Refusal notice to deliver additional wood and/or signed LIHEAP Crisis Wood Statement
May be used in conjunction with regular LIHEAP payment
Oklahoma Osage Nation 1. Possible health threat to a vulnerable applicants and households
2. Non-working heating or cooling equipment
3. Principal Chief of the Osage Nation declared by Executive Order in extreme temperatures
4. President has declared the service area a natural disaster
Oklahoma Otoe - Missouria Tribe of Indians Crisis is a non life threatening home energy situation due to heating/cooling source. Income eligible households must have a cut-off/
disconnect notice or household must have less than 25% propane for heating or households with utilities inclusive with rent costs must have a
written statement of threat of eviction due to unpaid of rent that includes utilities for heating/cooling source. Staff will resolve energy crisis within
48 hours after eligible household applies with completed application.
Oklahoma Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma Situations beyond applicants control.
• Life threatening situations. 
• Loss of wages with shut off notice.
• vehicle or utility equiptment break down or repairs, 
• rapid raise in utilities
• medical emergencies
Oklahoma Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma A crisis can be determined as a decisive or critical moment in regard to a client's health and/or life. The following constitutes a crisis: loss
of wages due to cutbacks or layoffs in the workforce, becoming disabled due to illness or accident, sickness, or even death of a family member,
which causes financial burden to the household.
Oklahoma Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma The definition of a crisis is when a client receives a 24 hour cut off notice on their electric, gas bill, or a client with an empty propane tank.
Oklahoma Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma A crisis is a result of valid precipitating factor, a household must have received a 72-hour turn-off notice, have had service already turned
off, have received a notice of refusal to provide additional fuel when current supply will be depleted within 72-hours, need funds for a new
connection, or have a verified life-threatening crisis situation.
Oklahoma Sac and Fox Nation of Oklahoma Crisis Assistance may be provided to households who are at imminent risk of utility disconnection, dangerously low on fuel, or impacted
by natural disasters and pandemics.
Oklahoma Seminole Nation of Oklahoma When the applicant's utility energy services are in cutt-off status or have been disconnected.
Oklahoma Seneca Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma Households must have a shut off notice or already have had utilties shut off to qualify as a crisis situation or have a propane tank that is
below 20% full.
Oklahoma Shawnee Tribe Households must have a shut off notice or already have had utilties shut off to qualify as a crisis situation or have a propane tank that is
below 20% full. Renters with heating costs included in their rent must have received an eviction notice. Households must have exhausted all other
resources for assistance.
Oklahoma Thlopthlocco Tribal Town Crisis is defined as elderly, disabled, veterans and households where an infant resides, or any eligible household member that will be
adversely affected by the termination of its source of heating or cooling. The tribe will provide for immediate payment of a heating or cooling bill
for the affected household.
Job loss, homelessness, imminent eviction. 
Shut off notice is required.
Oklahoma Tonkawa Tribe of Oklahoma A crisis situation is identified as, no source of income, medical emergency, death of a family member that would be the sole provider of
the family, a shut off notice, in a home wherein resides elderly or disabled person(s), infants (s)children under the age of 5 or any eligible
household wherein the health of a household member would be adversely affected by termination of its source of cooling or heat. any other
situation deemed a "crisis" by the tribal business committee.
Oklahoma United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians The United Keetoowah Band Health and Human Services determines Crisis Assistance on a case by case basis. Crisis situations are
defined as a client/applicant having exhausted all regular benefits and meet one of the family dynamics: Elderly (age 55 and older), Disabled,
Household with young children (age 10 and younger), or a Household with a high energy burden and excessive low income. A shut off notice
must be provided for Electric/Natural Gas. For Propane assistance, the household must have 15% or less in their Propane tank and Propane is
necessary for Heating (Winter only).
Oklahoma Wichita and Affiliated Tribes A crisis exists when the household faces a termination of utility services or exhaustion on supply or fuel and does not have available
resources to meet this immediate need. A crisis may also exist due to extreme cold or heat which constitutes a threat to the health of a member of
the household, or when a household’s means of heating requires repair or replacement. At times of extreme cold or heat the tribe may waive the
need to have a shutoff or empty fuel tank. 
COVID-19 provision(03/24/2020): All households that are financially affected by this worldwide pandemic will be considered eligible to
apply. All income received will be calculated by federal guidelines. All income received within the last two weeks for the entire household will be
used to determine eligibility amount for those households, only after providing a letter from employer stating that individual has been laid off.
Only after two weeks after the letter from the employer will the household be considered eligible. Priority is still given to all lower income
families and clients that are elderly, disabled members in home, and those with small children. 
Effective 06/01/2022: Due to increased heat stress, for households that lack air conditioning and are not able to safely cool their homes, the
crisis component will allow the purchase of air conditioning units for households with priority targeting vulnerable households that will most
likely be homebound or feel the temperature change the greatest, such as seniors, young kids, disabled individuals, and those on ventilators or
certain medications such as for diabetes.
Oklahoma Wyandotte Nation Services disconnected or about to be disconnected by shut off or cut off notice from energy company. If propane tank is in immediate
danger of becoming empty. 
Oregon Confederated Tribes of Coos_Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians A crisis exists when a Tribal household faces an energy burden which depletes or threatens to deplete financial resources, or which poses a
health and/or safety threat to the well being of the Tribal household; for example medical machines that are dependant on energy. This can include
a shut off notice, are almost out of fuel, or an emergency such as a natural disaster or weather event (relating to cold or hot weather), flood, earth
quake, tornado, hurricane, or ice storm. This includes equipment that is currently not working or is in need of repair.
Oregon Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians A crisis exists when a household(s) health and/or well-being would be endangered, whether it be a need for medical equipment, or
dangerous levels of moisture that could cause mold in the home, if assistance is not provided to continue heating/energy services. When a
disconnect or shut off of services shows imminent (i.e. 24 notice of disconnect or a door hanger.) 
Oregon Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon An energy crisis exists when a household faces an energy burden which depletes or threatens to deplete financial resources. This would be
a sudden/unexpected event beyond their control resulting in an inabilty to pay heating or cooling costs such as a sudden loss of a job or benefits or
domestic violence. An energy crisis also exists which poses a potential health threat and/or safety threat to the well-being of the household
including weather-related causing interruption of service and supply shortage emergencies and extreme heat or cold. Benefit levels for
households in crisis are based on the need to reduce or eliminate the crisis. A crisis exists if they are out of fuel/energy or at imminent risk of
being so. Imminent is within 48 hours.
Oregon Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Needing energy assistance due to a sudden or unexpected event which will lead to an unstable or dangerous condition affecting the
household. Circumstances can be stressful when a household has a disruption in the daily routine. However it must be 90 days since prior
assistance and they must has made 1 payment of their own that equals 5% of the bill balance.
Oregon Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians A crisis can exist when a household faces an energy burden which depletes financial resources, or poses a potential health and/or safety threat to the well-being of the household. A crisis also exists when a source of heat (heater/ oil burner, pellet stove, wood stove) or a source of cooling (heat pump, central air conditioners) is/are not working.  $850 
Oregon Klamath Tribes A crisis exists when a household faces an energy burden which depletes or threatens to deplete financial resources, or which poses a potential health and/or safety threat to the well-being of the household.  $750 
Rhode Island Narragansett Indian Tribe Eligible households with the elderly, minor children and/or disabled members who have had a heating utility source disconnected or are in
jeporady of having their heating utility source disconnected due to the inability to pay for needed services. After completion of the applications, these households will be provided the services to resolve their energy crisis situation.
South Carolina Catawba Indian Nation A heating or cooling emergency where an individual in the tribal household is experiencing a illness where as the home being too hot or too cold would pu the individual at life threatening risk.  $600 
South Dakota Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe If a household is at 5% propane, fuel oil & a shut off notice for electricity, wood clients with 1/2 load this gives the vendor time to get to them in a timely manner. Crisis situations currently the CRST LIHEAP Program runs are program in conjunctin with the regular LIHEAP Program. To be considered eligible for crisis funding applicants must have a completed LIHEAP application in and must eligibility standards. The CRST LIHEAP Program defines energy crisis in accordance with Section 2603(3) of the statute, "The term "energy crisis" means weather-related and supply shortage emergencies and other household energy-related emergencies." We defined life threatening situatijons as those involving people that are elderly, ill care for children under the age of 6 years or people that depend on medical equipment for survival. Extreme durations of sub-zero temperatures an blizzards during winter and excessive heat in the summer or combinations of these examples are sufficient to be deemed crisis situations. $1,200 
South Dakota Oglala Sioux Tribe A certain amount of the LIHEAP funds allocated to each Tribe may be used to assist households that are in an energy crisis situation. In
order to be considered for energy crisis assistance, a household must have received a shut-off notice from their electrical or natural gas energy supplier or have an empty propane or other gas tank. Also, the household must have exhausted all other regular energy benefits available to them.
South Dakota Rosebud Sioux Tribe 1. No heat in home due to primary heat source or electricity being disconnected
2. No heat in home due to furnace not operating
3. Household does not have alternate or temporary heat source
4. Temperature is or will be less than 50 degrees within the 18 hour timeframe
South Dakota Yankton Sioux When a regular crisis occurs we must respond within 48 hours, it is considered a regular crisis when any qualifed household either runs out of propane/fuel oil or has the electriricity disconnected. $500 
Utah Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah A crisis exists when a household has a 48-hour shut-off notice or has less than 10% in their tank for delivered fuels. The client must have
experienced a sudden or unexpected event beyond their control resulting in an inability to pay household energy costs. Crisis applications must be
acted upon within 48 hours.
Utah Ute Tribe Applicant provides a shut-off notice that service will be disconnected. Weather related and supply shortage emergencies and other household energy related emergencies. $1,500 
Washington Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation A household must have received a past due notice, a signed vendor payment agreement, disconnection notice, or have less than a 10 day
fuel supply of wood, propane, oil, wood pellets, furnace or other primary heating system must be inoperable, sustantially dysfunctional, or unsafe.
Washington Hoh Indian Tribe A household which has had its electric utility services terminated or a houshold with a disconnect notice is in crisis. $400 
Washington Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe The tribes definition to determine a crisis is a client who does not have a LIHEAP application currently being processed for the annual
allotment, and have a shut off notice; requested CRISIS assistance from at least two (2) other outside agencies and not have the ability to pay for heating within 24 hours.
Washington Kalispel Tribe of Indians The Kalispel Tribe uses the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981, Section 2603 definition of "energy crisis" meaning weather-related and supply shortage emergencies and other household energy-related emergencies. $950 
Washington Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe LEKT LIHEAP will resolve energy crisis within 48 hours if the household meets all the eligibility requirements and have received a shut-off notice, have had their power shut off or have a near empty tank in order to receive crisis assistance. $700 
Washington Lummi Indian Business Council Crisis is when a Lummi Elder (62 or older), someone who is disabled and receiving SSI, or a single parent with children six years old or younger, has received a shut-off notice for electric, gas, propane or oil,and has no other resources available to heat their home. We also require verification of medical need for electrical (for oxygen machine, for example) which is also considered a crisis situation and constitutes eligibility for emergency funds. $500 
Washington Makah Indian Tribe Crisis is defined as needing immediate heating assistance; the applicant/household shall provide the LIHEAP program with verbal and
followed by written notification or disconnection of utilities; or is without heat, propane, pellets, or firewood for heating purposes and has not
other source of heat. Crisis assistance shall be provided to an eligible household within 48 hours
Washington Muckleshoot Indian Tribe A crisis for this provision will be a shut off notice/urgent notice/final notice, with all alternative sources exhausted. Crisis funds will be used to provide assistance to any qualified applicants in this situation regardless of source of heat. $200 
Washington Nooksack Indian Tribe When funding becomes low we operate on a crisis basis for energy assistance. Clients will need to provide a shut off notice and meet the
eligibility requirements.
Washington Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe The assistance will include immediate payment of existing arrearages to prevent shut off of energy services notices, avoidance of electrical
shut-offs and furnace and other heating source repairs and replacements. and other heating source repairs.
Washington Quileute Indian Tribe A CRISIS situation is defined as unsual circumstances, beyond the families control and beyond the ability of nearby neighbors or relatives to assist, that threatens a household with imminent loss of their primary heathing source and furthermore, no secondary source is available. Our area in the Northern coast of Washing State experiences long, cold and extremely wet winters, with high winds and frequent storms off of the ocean. Heating assistance is a life safety issue for families, especially those with young children or elderly in the household. We also have many householes in transition needing assistance such as payment or deposit to allow hoo up of new connections. For a household to be considered in CRISIS, the household are not required to utalize the original assistance first however, are required to submit a shut off notice along with the application and other required documents. Regularly, the applications are processed within one business day and make immediate contact with the vendor. Once a commitment is made, payment processing is competled withing ten business days. This does not impact client's services, as vendors accept a written assurnace from the program in lieu of payment $650 
Washington Quinault Indian Nation A crisis is defined as an eligible participant that has received notice of energy service including propane and electricity disconnection.
Any household with disabled, those over 60 and under 5 years of age are processed prior to all other crisis intervention applicants, and all
will be addressed within 48 hours.
If the applicant has already received heating benefits then this would be considered crisis funds.
If regular distributions have yet to be disbursed due to the crisis occurring before the application period, the client is still eligible for these
crisis funds but this will be deducted from their regular distribution, thus allowing the client to apply for crisis intervention again later in the year.
Washington Samish Indian Nation A criisis is defined as the household having no fuel or being without power. When a household receive a shut-off notice; has less than a ten (10) day supply of oil, wood or propane gas; A household has a substantially dysfunctional or unsafe heating system or cooling sytem. $5,000 
Washington Small Tribes Organization of Western Washington Clients must have received a pending shut-off notice. $300 
Washington South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency Crisis- A crisis case can be made for one of the following situations:
1. the family is unable to pay for both a family member’s medical needs and the family’s heating bill, or
2. there is a small child or small children living in the home with no heat.
Washington Spokane Tribe LIHEAP Emeregency: Applicant must provide shut off notice or other notice from energy company explaining that services will be disconnected. In regards to assistance with wood/pellets/gas, etc, appliant must provide detailed request explaining circustances. If applicant falls within definiation of catergorically eligible: LIHEAP Program will assist applicants with needs per program policy. Program will assist applicants within 48 hours as outlined with ACF $1,200 
Washington Suquamish Indian Tribe of the Port of Madison Reservation The Suquamish Tribe recognizes the following as a crisis: a disconnection notice, notice of termination from a budget or average payment plan, less than a 10-day supply of oil, wood, or propane, insufficient funds to reorder heating supplies, or a substantially dysfunctional or unsafe heating system. Also, households including the aged, diabled, vulnerable adults or young children are considered highest priority $700 
Washington Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Client must have shut-off notice, been shut-off or no fuel. $1,280 
Washington Yakama Indian Nation A crisis exists when a household faces and energy burden which depletes or threatens to deplete financial resources, or which poses a health and/or safety threat to the wellbeing of the household. A crisis is evidenced by a disconnection notice. $320 
Wyoming Eastern Shoshone Tribe If the weather forecast is sub-freezing temperatures, and the household's main heating source is broken and needs repaired. Or heating source has been disconnected, is to be discounted or has been exhausted. Assistance for crisis is handled on a case-by-case basis, with a maximum benefit of $1,000. $1,000 
Wyoming Northern Arapaho Tribe Clients with an income approved guidelines have a shut off propane level is 25% or less. Priority is given to clients with small children, elderly, handicapped, or disabled. $500