Assurance 16: Tribes

Link to: Assurance 16: States and Territories

[Last edited: 02/23/2024]

Note: In 1994, a new provision, Assurance 16, was added to the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program statute. It provides LIHEAP grantees the option of spending no more than five percent of their LIHEAP funds on services that encourage and enable households to reduce their home energy needs and thereby the need for energy assistance, including needs assessment, counseling, and assistance with energy vendors.



% Funds


Alabama Ma-Chis Lower Creek Indian Tribe 0 Provide free literature regarding energy saving techniques.
Alabama Mowa Band of Choctaw 0  
Alabama Poarch Band of Creek Indians 0  
Alabama United Cherokee Ani'Yun'Wiya Nation 1  
Alaska Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association 0 We have not had a formal program in the past. This service has been provided by the State of Alaska.
Alaska Aniak Traditional Council 0  
Alaska Association of Village Council Presidents 0  
Alaska Bristol Bay 0 BBNA did not apply for Assurance 16 in 2022, although we partner with local agencies encouraging reducing home energy burden.
Alaska Chuathbakuk Traditional Council 0  
Alaska Cook Inlet Tribal Council 0 Informational flyers to reduce home energy costs are sent out at the beginning of the fiscal year and mid-year.
Alaska Kenaitze Indian Tribe 5 Assistance can be provided in various ways from vendor advocacy for extensions or plans to extend or discontinue a disconnect. Energy
reduction handounts that may include the appliance consumption estimate for electrical appliance / usage and other helpful supplies such as outlet covers, weather protector for outlet, LED light's, outlet plug's, surge protector, flashlights, nighlights, or promotional items for the energy fairs.
Provide information and/or application for other community resources specific to reduction in home energy needs such as Alaska Housing,
Alaska Community Development Corporation, State of Alaska General Relief, and or Kenaitze/Salamatof Tribaly Designated Housing Authority
Alaska Orutsararmiut Native Council 0 We do not provide at this time.
Alaska Seldovia Village Tribe 0 No LIHEAP funds are expended on this activity.
Alaska Sitka Tribe of Alaska 0 Clients applying for LIHEAP who are eligible or potentially eligible for assistance from other programs will be required to concurrently apply for that assistance, unless unable for good reason.
Alaska Tanana Dena'Nena'Henash 1 Tanana Chiefs Conference Housing Program educates households on how they can reduce the cost of energy needs when weatherization
work is being performed on their homes. Tanana Chiefs Conference has on staff a Rural Energy Coordinator who works closely with tribes on
how to reduce energy cost and counsels households on reducing their energy burdens for the entire community and with internal coordination of
services the LIHEAP program has been able to provide low energy cost items such as energy efficient light bulbs to be available during our
annual Tanana Chiefs Conference Convention. Staff have also put out a newsletter in 2021 in The TCC Council on Energy Tips for its tribal members.
Alaska Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority 0.5 The Financial Cents Program serve LIHEAP clients via Zoom classes to better understand and educate them on how to save money by conserving energy and budgeting with a Financial Literacy class.
Alaska Yakutat Tlingit Tribe 0 We will provide to mailout households a flyer on tips to reduce their home energy needs. We then send out an additional flyer on home energy use with the award letter.
Arizona Cocopah Indian Tribe 5 Our LIHEAP program uses the funds to assist our Tribal membership with their energy burden. We also pass out flyers about how to lower the cost of energy, when the air filters need to be changed and when it is okay to use appliances during the non-peak hours. We utilize the
LIHEAP clearinghouse web site and our State LIHEAP program.
Arizona Colorado River Indian Tribes 0  
Arizona Gila River Indian Community 0 Informational booths to outreach to the District Communities on energy conservation and Program availability and resources.
Arizona Navajo Nation 2 Service Providers offer energy reduction education through various methods such as brochures and handouts. During the application process, households are encouraged to reduce their home energy, in-house tutorial videos are presented in waiting areas, and/or application drives.
Assurance 16 is also utilized for in-kind purchases like blankets, fans and energy kits. Energy kits are distributed to LIHEAP applicants during application intake. The kits include pamphlets/books and various household energy saving items that encourage and enable households to reduce their home energy needs.
Arizona Pasqua Yaqui Tribe 0  
Arizona Quechan Indian Tribe 0  
Arizona Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community 0 Applicants will attend a two-hour educational class that will address, budget, financial management, and information on how to reduce energy costs. The class will be a requirement for receiving LIHEAP assistance.
The in person classes will resume on November 1, 2022.
Energy savings brochures are provided by the local utility company and are handed out to each client during the initial intake assessment
at the Central Intake Center. In addition, a community wide newsletter will be sent out by mail to target households with high energy burdens.< br> The newsletter will contain information on accessing current funding available.
Income eligibility identifies the amount awarded to each applicant depending on the factors that pertain to the applicants. The awarded will not exceed the budgeted amounts as identified in the matrix.
Arizona San Carlos Apache Tribe 5 Duplicate brochures from other agencies; we educate clients by providing brochures during face-to-face interviews on how to save energy; brochures are also available in our lobby for public to view. We ordered from a vendor we met at the LIHEAP conference on how to save energy for children coloring books with crayons and other educational items we encourage parent/guardians during the LIHEAP interview to teach their children and families about conserving energy.
Arizona White Mountain Apache Tribe 0  
California Berry Creek Rancheria - Tyme Maidu Tribe 0 Grant recipient provides information on energy cost savings that is posted in the Tribal Office. Grantee refers households to the PG&E website and other local utility providers for energy cost savings suggestions.
California Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians 0 The LIHEAP Coordinator keeps track of energy assitance programs that Tribal Members might be eligible or other programs such as assistance with Solar Panels.
California Bishop Paiute Tribe 0  
California Enterprise Rancheria 0  
California Hoopa Valley Tribe 0  
California Hopland Band of Pomo Indians 0 LIHEAP Coordinator stays informed about energy assistance programs (Solar, etc.) and informs Tribal Members.
California Karuk Tribe 0 Helping clients to obtain energy efficient products and services to maximize energy-use, thus lowering their burden with energy costs.
California Mooretown Rancheria 0  
California Northern California Indian Development Council 5 Provide season energy tips on a quarterly basis to fit the season.
Provide monthly energy efficiency suggestions on a monthly basis.
Provide information to LIHEAP Coordinators regarding programs offered by the various vendors and companies, via web and email, including programs such as CARE, Medical Base line and REACH.
Reminder emails to have tribal member to recertify for any programs that they may currently receive through their energy company.
Provide Weatherization information/referrals for tribe to share with tribal members.
California Pinoleville Pomo Nation 0  
California Pit River Tribe 0  
California Quartz Valley Indian Reservation 0 QVIR sends out information on energy saving ideas to help keep the house heated using less energy, such as thermal curtains.
California Redding Rancheria 0  
California Riverside-San Bernardino Indian Co. Health, Inc 0  
California Round Valley Indian Tribes 0  
California Sherwood Valley Band of Pomo Indians 0 We provide tips and reminders in our monthly tribal newsletter.
California Southern Indian Health Council, Inc. 0  
California Yurok Tribe 0  
Idaho Coeur d'Alene Tribe 2 The Social Services Department has informed eligible clients that we work in conjuction with the community programs and the Coeur d'Alene Tribal Housing, adveritse in the locals papers
Idaho Nez Perce Tribe 5 Applicants recieve a enrgy savings tip sheet with education on how to conserve and save energy in their home. Avista Utilities, one of the
main vendors provided education/training to clients how to conserve energy and inserts hand outs on energy saving tips with every monthly bill as well attends our tribal annual housing fair.
Idaho Shoshone Bannock Tribes 1 With Assurance 16 funding we are hosting a set of weatherization classes and energy informationals. With these classes we would like see
our client interested in weatherizing their home learn how to DIY weatherization to their home. Also help co-host resource fairs with other
programs that can provide them with information about resources around the area. Then teach clients about financial literacy and tips to help save
money and be better consumers. 
With this we also put out information on energy savings in our annual elder christmas basket giveaway. Where we provide them with items that they can use to keep themselves warm during the winter time.
Help host a resource fair to distribute information about our program what we do and other similar programs have to offer.
Kansas United Tribes of Kansas and SE Nebraska, Inc. 0 We offer weather stripping for doors, and we also offer to cover leaky windows with plastic. Also we tell people if the sun is out to open blinds or curtains during the day to help heat the home
Maine Mi’kmaq Nation 0 Monthly newsletters containing information on energy saving and low-to-no-cost heat-saving methods are mailed to the community.
Alternative resources are utlized to assist clients in finding alternative weatherization assistance, including the local CAP agency, and methods.
Booklets are distributed by the program with low-to-no-cost heat saving solutions at the annu Micmac Health Fair.
Maine Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians 0  
Maine Passamaquoddy Tribe - Indian Township 0  
Maine Passamaquoddy Tribe - Pleasant Point 0 Salaries and benefit costs for any staff providing services "that encourage and enable households to reduce their home energy needs and thereby the need for energy assistance is allowable." Additionally, direct costs associated with providing these services, including supplies, equipment, postage, utilities, rental office space, and travel costs incurred for official business are also allowable.
Maine Penobscot Indian Nation 0  
Massachusetts Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Tribal Council 5 We refer tribal members to local agencies that offer energy efficiency workshops and coordinate energy assessments on home to evaluate what needs to be done to lower our clients’ energy costs. Some agencies offer free labor and or materials to our clients to assist them with repairs and or more efficient equipment
Michigan Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians 4 GTB provides weatherization workshops to help identify points of energy inefficiency. LIHEAP provides kits to address weatherization, including supplies of caulking, window plastic, water heater blankets, etc. The GTB also includes services to assist the clients in paying the electric bill, budgeting for energy bills, and offering additional assistance to learn in cutting the homes energy use.
Michigan Inter-Tribal Council of MI, Inc. 0  
Michigan Keweenaw Bay Indian Community 0  
Michigan Little River Band of Ottawa Indians 0  
Michigan Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians 5 LRBOI utilizes LIHEAP funds to reduce energy burdens through the weatherization program. LRBOI provides household budget breakdowns, guidance in accessing utility programs such as a budget plan. Department provides energy conservation tips and information in Currents
Michigan Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians 0 Although there are no monetary fee's associated with this section, assistance is provided through outreach and education by the Direct Assistance staff. Energy efficiency awareness information is distributed to all ACFS reception areas and outreach is provided through various social media outlets such as the Tribal Newspaper, ACFS Facebook Page and the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians official internet site.
Mississippi Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians 0 distributed information materials to the elderly, disabled and with young children. plus distribute under the door sealer, and LED lights to the eligible clients.
Montana Assinioboine and Sioux Tribes (Fort Peck) 0  
Montana Blackfeet Tribal Business Council 1 The Tribe will use up to 1% of such funds in accordance with Assurance 16 to provide services that encourage and enable households to reduce their home energy by providing energy classes to clients.
Montana Chippewa Cree Tribe 0  
Montana Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes 0  
Montana Fort Belknap Indian Community 0 LIEAP funds will be utilized to assist consumers in weatherizing their homes, repair their appliances and therefore reduce their energy
Montana Northern Cheyenne Tribe 0 We make posters on program computers and print them and distribute in the communities
Encourage the households to conserve energy by keeping their doors closed and keep their thermostats at medium when it is not really cold.
New Jersey Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation 0  
New Mexico Jicarilla Apache Nation 0 Energy saving tips in the form of pamphlets are distributed along with emergency power outage kits
New Mexico Nambe Pueblo 0  
New Mexico Pueblo of Jemez 2.5 The Jemez LIHEAP conducts several annual events that may include the following:
- Weatherization/Energy Conservation Seminar
- Financial Education Classes
- Energy Efficiency and or Financial Education Class to local elementary schools.
- Distribution of supplies promoting household energy conservation and efficiency
New Mexico Pueblo of Laguna Utility Authority 0 Brochures, handouts and other materials are available and provided to applicants. The POLUA uses its own resources for energy education and conservation information.
New Mexico Pueblo of Zuni 2 Available resources such as informational flyers on tips for reducing energy costs, informal financial literacy counseling during one-on-one phone interviews are provided to applicants. Other activities include but not limited to: financial literacy workshop participation, self-weatherization kit distribution. Energy suppliers also provide resources on conservation methods to create energy efficient homes.
New York Seneca Nation of Indians 0  
New York St. Regis Mohawk Tribe 0  
North Carolina Eastern Band of Cherokee 0  
North Carolina Lumbee Nation 2 The Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina provides energy efficiency outreach and counseling to applicants and eligible households in an effort to educate, encourage and enable households to reduce its home energy consumption and thereby the need for energy assistance.
North Dakota Spirit Lake Tribe 1 The Spirit Lake tribe will use Assurance 16 funds for the following activities:
1. Case management
2. Facilitation of households’ negotiations for budget payment
3. Advocate with fuel supplier on behalf of households.
4. Referrals
The case management process will help identify households that are at risk if in a crisis situation. The LIHEAP intake specialist will gather information about the social & economic conditions of all members of the household so that a plan of action can be developed. The plan will be the tool developed to assist these households to become self-sufficient. The participant and the intake specialist will set goals to enhance the clients educational and job performance.
Case management will promote family self-sufficiency, and long-term stability. The LIHEAP staff will conduct client intake interviews to identify circumstances such as unemployment, under-employment, drug/alcohol abuse, lack of child care, transportation, unaffordable housing, and chronic health issues the prevent clients from paying bills and having access to basic necessities.
The case management will conduct assessments, develop action plans make referrals to local resources such as General assistance, TANF, Commodities, Employment & training, etc.
The LIHEAP coordinator has also spent Assurance 16 funds, on activities that prevent or reduce crisis. The tribe used these funds to help households make payment arrangement with their utility supplier to prevent disconnection.
Protection form Electric and Natural Gas disconnections LIHEAP income eligible household will not be disconnected if they make satisfactory payment arrangements.
Another innovative way of handling & preventing crisis situations is the LIHEAP coordinator has assisted 100 families this past program year with facilitating payment arrangement for families who are receiving monthly General Assistance payment by setting up deductions to come out of their General assistance for utility bills and preventing disconnection
North Dakota Standing Rock Sioux 5 There is an attachment to the application that the intake worker goes over with the applicant on how to help reduce home energy costs at the time of the application. It will give examples of what the client can do to obtain results for reducing high energy costs
North Dakota Three Affiliated Tribes 0  
North Dakota Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians 0  
Oklahoma Absentee 0  
Oklahoma Alabama-Quassarte 0  
Oklahoma Cherokee Nation 0  
Oklahoma Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes 0  
Oklahoma Chickasaw Nation 0  
Oklahoma Choctaw Nation 0 Choctaw Nation LIHEAP will consistently stress energy conservation through counseling applicants on the telephone, and distributing printed information, handouts, and promotional items at public meetings with the objective of encouraging and enabling household to save energy and reduce their home energy needs, and by publicizing articles and advisories in the Tribal newspaper on home energy saving tips, and methods to avoid heat exhaustion and hypothermia. No more than 5% LIHEAP funds will be utilized for this activity.
Oklahoma Citizen Potawatomi Nation 5 Provide energy reduction tips, pamphlets, and devices that can minimize energy consumption. Offer utility payment incentives for attending
the education classes. Provide Testimony from other households what they tried and what worked for them.
Oklahoma Comanche Nation of Oklahoma 0  
Oklahoma Delaware Nation 0 The Delaware Nation LIHEAP funding received is utlilized for payments to energy vendors and heating or cooling devices for direct services only However, information regarding conserving and reducing energy needs is posted in the tribal newsletter, social medial page and website
Oklahoma Delaware Tribe of Indians 0  
Oklahoma Eastern Shawnee 0  
Oklahoma Fort Sill Apache Tribe 0  
Oklahoma Kaw Nation 3 Kaw Nation will provide verbal and written energy assistance education. We are currently working to provide energy saving bags which include LED lightbulbs, door sweeps, socket insulators, educational reading materials, etc
Oklahoma Kialegee Tribal Town 0 LIHEAP funding is not used to weatherize the home. However, if the energy burden is high, local companies are called to do an energy audit, but LIHEAP funds are not used for the audit
Oklahoma Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma 4 providing fire safety, and energy saving information as well as winter and summer indoor/outdoor safety information.
Oklahoma Kiowa Tribe 0  
Oklahoma Miami Tribe of Oklahoma 0 The Miami Tribe of Oklahoma provides handouts to LIHEAP applicants suggesting ways to reduce energy use and cost.
Oklahoma Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma 0  
Oklahoma Muscogee (Creek) Nation 0  
Oklahoma Osage Nation 1 Part of the application process includes energy saving tips, literature and energy resources that are available Case Manager will act as an advocate on behalf of the client when there is a misunderstanding with emergency vendor
Oklahoma Otoe - Missouria Tribe of Indians 0  
Oklahoma Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma 5 Advocacy and counseling will be available to each applicant at face-to-face interview or telephone confirmation. Applicants will be given weatherization information and/or door hangers with weatherization tips.
Oklahoma Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma 0  
Oklahoma Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma 0  
Oklahoma Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma 0  
Oklahoma Sac and Fox Nation of Oklahoma 0 We purchase energy education materials for disbursement to clients and client advocation with energy providers.
Oklahoma Seminole Nation of Oklahoma 0  
Oklahoma Seneca Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma 5  
Oklahoma Shawnee Tribe 0  
Oklahoma Thlopthlocco Tribal Town 0  
Oklahoma Tonkawa Tribe of Oklahoma 0  
Oklahoma United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians 5 Energy efficiency handouts are provided in English as well in Keetoowah language. The UKB provides their handout/brochures at the yearly tribal celebration in October. This celebration reaches hundreds of our LIHEAP households. The UKB HHS program also works with the Housing Department and our Environmental department to provide education to our members regarding reducing energy costs. LIHEAP funding has been utilized to purchase caulking and foam supplies to fill any gaps, plastic to cover windows, and energy efficient door gap fillers. UKB HHS works closely with our Housing Department to assess and address any issues which may arise regarding our members’ homes and energy inefficiency.
Oklahoma Wichita and Affiliated Tribes 0  
Oklahoma Wyandotte Nation 0  
Oregon Confederated Tribes of Coos_Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians 0  
Oregon Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians 0 There are no funds used to provide services to households. However, energy education and referrals are given to clients at the time of intake.
Oregon Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon 0 At intake a brochure will be provided and explained to eligible households describing basic conservation techniques and information.
Brochures will give phone numbers, web site addresses, and will indicate that power companies can be contacted to trouble shoot a basic energy problem if a household has a sudden rise in energy bills.
As part of the weatherization program a needs assessment is performed. If weatherization is needed then substantial improvements can be made (weatherization is capped at 10% of our allocation).
Oregon Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs 5 If a consumer has issue/concerns they need assistance with referrals are made to assist as well as counseling. LIHEAP also partners with other departments and provide low-cost weatherization tools to bring down energy costs. Education of minor weatherization supplies also enables households home energy needs.
Oregon Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians 0 We explain the twelve equal payment plans with energy companies. We have a budgeting program, or refer to a community budgeting with UCAN. We have a jobs program and other Tribal services we may recommend
Oregon Klamath Tribes 0  
Rhode Island Narragansett Indian Tribe 0  
South Carolina Catawba Indian Nation 0 In Kind home inspections done on homes where the bills are significantly higher than the surrounding homes.
South Dakota Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe 0  
South Dakota Oglala Sioux Tribe 5 LIHEAP outreach provides energy saving education with pamphlets, brochures, information on how to reduce high energy burdens. As well as basic weatherization education to help better prepare homeowners for crisis situations. Developing vendor agreements that help benefit fixed-income households. Workshops and seminars to promote energy saving tips, automatic payment options, and tracking the number of households affected and impacted by this activity and outreach efforts taken.
South Dakota Rosebud Sioux Tribe 5 The LIHEAP Program employs an Energy Conservation Specialist who provides home visits and information on how to better conserve energy. LIHEAP produces public service announcements on our local radio stations, flyers, and brochures.
South Dakota Yankton Sioux 0  
Utah Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah 5 The tribe does not have the weatherization program under the LIHEAP program. If the applicant(s) ask for weatherization assistance, we will refer the applicant(s) to the weatherization program in their area.
Program staff will educate and encourage applicants to take advantage of the equal payment plans offered by the utility companies. This will help them in developing a budget and being able to make it work for them.
Program staff also provide resource information regarding energy efficiency and ways to reduce their home energy needs.
Utah Ute Tribe 0  
Washington Confederate Tribes of Colville 0  
Washington Yakama Indian Nation 0 We will inform client during intake on how to reduce their home energy consumption.
Washington Hoh Indian Tribe 0  
Washington Jamestown S'Klallam 5 Printed energy saving materials are provided. Applicants may also contact the LIHEAP coordinator on how to access services through the tribe or other local agencies to learn how to reduce their home energy needs.
Washington Kalispel Tribe of Indians 0 The Kalispel Tribe receives a minimal amount of funding and uses the funding for energy assistance only at this time.
Washington Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe 0 The Social Services Department works with individuals to reduce their energy costs by providing informational booklets and other materials (previously purchased with carry-over LIHEAP funds from previous years and other non-LIHEAP funds).
Washington Lummi Indian Business Council 0 We only use LIHEAP funds to pay directly for energy costs. The LIBC Planning and Housing Departments coordinate energy-savings efforts such as insulation and installation of efficient heating systems, using other funding sources.
Washington Makah Indian Tribe 5 Applicants are counseled and assisted by the LIHEAP Coordinator to explore ways to keep paying their PUD bills even if we need to set up a payment plan with the utilities company to help keep them from losing their lights and avoid having to pay extra fees to get their power restored.
Handouts are given on energy conservation. The Makah LIHEAP Coordinator also provides assistance with energy vendors as necessary.
We also help seniors and disabled to fill out their discount paperwork that gives them 20% off their PUD bills each year.
LIHEAP Coordinator provides an in-home visit to using the assessment tool to identify needs that may be assisted from the Makah LIHEAP Weatherization program funds.
Washington Muckleshoot Indian Tribe 0  
Washington Nooksack Indian Tribe 0 Brochures and flyers are shared and displayed in our waiting area from outside agencies like Opportunity Council.
Washington Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe 0 The Tribe at this time does not want to use the grant to enable households to reduce their energy needs.
Clients residing in Tribal Housing Authority housing areas have home energy reduction services available to them through the Tribal Housing Authority.
Washington Quileute Indian Tribe 5 Staff attend community events and distribute energy conservation information and products including informative brochures, coloring books for children, weather stripping and insulative plastic for windows.
Washington Quinault Indian Nation 0  
Washington Samish Indian Nation 0 Conservation education is provided to applicants during program enrollment and through out the year on our webiste. We also provide energy saving tips in our newsletter.
Washington Small Tribes Organization of Western Washington 5 STOWW provides a list of helpful energy tips on the back of our statement letter, sent to each client. We distribute educational pamphlets, weatherization products or energy kits each fiscal cycle.
Washington South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency 0  
Washington Spokane Tribe 0  
Washington Suquamish Indian Tribe of the Port of Madison Reservation 0  
Washington Swinomish Indian Tribal Community 0  
Washington Yakama Indian Nation 0 We will inform clients during intake on how to reduce their home energy consumption.
Wyoming Eastern Shoshone Tribe 5 Provide training to potential LIEAP clients to educated on basic weatherization techniques and conserve energy.
Wyoming Northern Arapaho Tribe 0  

Source: FY 2025 Model Plans