The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on October 27, announced the release of $1.854 billion in first quarter LIHEAP block grant funds under the FY 2011 Continuing Resolution (CR). This short-term CR was signed by President Obama on September 30 and provides for the continued operation of government programs until December 3, 2010.
While the House Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Subcommittee provided for $5.1 billion for LIHEAP funding, the Senate Appropriations Committee recommended $3.3 billion for LIHEAP ($2.709 billion for the regular state block grant and $590 million for the LIHEAP emergency contingency funding. The Office of Management and Budget ultimately provided first quarter LIHEAP allocations based on the lower Senate number for the block grant, in order to avoid restricting Congressional funding prerogatives.
Under the CR, states can continue to set their eligibility levels up to the greater of 150 percent of poverty or 75 percent of state median income.
View a chart of state LIHEAP funding allocations under the short-term CR.
Source: HHS